What are you allergic to?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 18, 2003
Trinidad and Tobago.
As a child, I suffered with asthma. Growing up, it slowly eased up and was reduced to an occasional bother by the time I got my first bicycle in 1996 and started exercising. Though we've had cats since I can remember, they were never a direct contributor to an attack. House dust was and still is the killer for me. In the younger days, I believed exercise was a trigger but, not any more. Late teens, early 20's I discovered that sulphur dioxide brought on attacks. Now, the asthma mostly bothers me when I have a cold and my system is weak. Other than that, I can't even remember where the ventolin is. LOL

I have normal allergies too and for my whole life, I'm sure I've sneezed at leat once ever day! It's weird but, most of the times when I sneeze, it's an odd number, usually 3, sometimes 1, even 5 times and if I'm in a mess, I'll sneeze up to 7 times in one go. Anynow, though exercise doesn't bring on an asthma attack anymore, I do get 'sick' because of my allergies. After a long, exhausting ride, I usually come home with a fever and start sneezing like crazy shortly after. If I don't get enough rest, the sneezing will continue into the next day and beyond and may develop into a cold.

I work night shift and sometimes I can't sleep till the afternoon of the morning I go home. That's usually another cause for me get feeverish and sneezy. Blah.

It's possible that I'm allergic to shelled sea food like crab and shrimp. I hate the smell of shrimp while cooking (headache) and have avoided it for years and years. There was one time I ate a sea food crep (sp?) which had shrimp in it. My stomach ached as if I was starving for days! Other times I've eaten shrimp by accident with no effects... Crabs are just to dam creapy to eat! They look too much like spiders! :aaa:

Blah, blah,blah. Your turn now. What are you allergic to?


Edit: When we moved to a new house almost three years ago, my skin scratched me constantly for a few weeks. After the itching stopped, we figured it must have been caused by the water there. (maybe because it was passing through an unclean tank.) I was the only one itching.

There are some brands of toilet paper which irritates my backside when used. Cheaply made paper tissue(napkins, toilet paper, paper towels, whatever I can get my hands on,) causes me to sneeze.

Stick deodorants! Right guard, brute, whichever brand as long as it is the stick type (as opposed to gel) will cause my armpits to itch like crazy and like most allergy itches, it FEELS so GOOD to scratch it. Of course, it then gets blistered and burns with every touch.

As a consequence of my allergies, I've alwayse had a 'nose cloth' with me in the younger days. I still do now but, they're called rags. (It's almost a part of my body). Anyhow, recently, it's become very difficult to buy a rag which doesn't irritate my skin or make me sneeze. Every one I buy has millions of little bits which constantly fall of and irritates me. Even after a dozen washes, it still happens. They are all made from a blend of cotton and some crap.

Not too long ago, there was a 5 month period when I'd get 'hives' almost every day (at least 75% of the days I got an attack.). They would come out in patches all over my body sometimes on the souls of feet which is annoying because it feels like a cotton ball is attached to my foot. Narrowed the trigger to: 1) pepper, 2) AC, 3)water 4) all three of them. Still get hives a few times a month.
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Sep 30, 2004
In Flux
I don't seem to have any troublesome allergies (knock wood), but my wife has a few.

She's allergic to several thin-skinned fruit- she can't eat raw apples, peaches, pears, plums, etc. She's also allergic to many raw nuts- especially walnuts. Any of thes items will cause her throat to swell.

Fortunately, on the rare occasion that this has happened, Benadryl was able to relieve the symptoms quickly (although she does carry an Epipen- we've never had to use it).

We've tried peeling the fruit, and buying certified organic without improvement. If I even kiss her after eating an apple- her lips will tingle (and not in the good way :naughty: )

Also, she can eat these items (except the nuts) as long as they're well cooked- applesauce and peach cobbler are fine. :shrug:
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James S

Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 27, 2002
on an island surrounded by reality
I"m not alergic to much thank goodness. Codeine makes me projectile vomit in a way that would make a frat boy on a friday night after a big party proud :) This is not a totally uncommon affliction they tell me.

And I can't sleep on a down comforter or on a down pillow at all as my eyes start to swell and itch horribly.

But no food allergies.

I think you're experience with sea food is more likely mild food poisening than an allergic reaction. People that are allergic to certain seafood it's usually a pretty dramatic and requires medical attention to get you breathing again. Doesn't just give you a tummy ache.


Newly Enlightened
Jan 1, 2005

I went for an allergy test and the one that came up was dust! I get runny nose, watery eyes, my skin everywhere itches badly and in severe cases, asthma too.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 17, 2001
dayton oh
cigarette smoke and mold.
doc said i might be somewhat allegic to seafood but i have never had a reaction.
i tend to put a hurting on a buffet with shrimp and crablegs.
dust can sometimes be an issue but the smoke is a sure trigger.


Oct 19, 2003
In a handbasket
Bullets. I'm very allergic to them! I break out in circular welts. :laughing:

Actually I'm allergic to one particular type of perfume out there, but I don't know what kind it is. I just know that on the two occasions that I've run across someone wearing it, I've gone into bronchospasm immediately. Therefore whenever I walk past the cosmetics counter of a department store, I hold my breath until I'm safely out of range of the scents.

Also learned the hard way that I'm allergic to MSG, but only in large quantities. Went to a small family-run asian restaurant one night and the cook loaded the food with lots of MSG, and after about 15 minutes of eating, I suddenly had symptoms resembling a heart attack. Afterwards I found out that this is a common reaction in people who are allergic to the stuff.

Fortunately I'm not allergic to too much else.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 5, 2003
The crazy guy next door
I never used to be alergic to anything until a couple years ago. Now I'm highly allergic to pollen. Every spring I basically stop breathing for 3 months. :rolleyes: Oh great, it's coming again...


Jun 4, 2004
NW suburbs, Chicago
I got it bad
Highly allergic to: nuts, dairy, shellfish, eggs
Slightly allergic to: soy
Very slightly allergic to: wheat and corn
And then the environmental stuff. (pretty much all of them)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 4, 2004
Los Gatos, CA
OK, just so you all don't feel so bad, my best friend is very allergic and it's easier to tell you what she's not allergic to than what she is. Regarding food only here is what she can eat.
  1. Any plain dairy (milk, cheese, butter, sour cream, cream cheese etc)
  2. plain or vanilla yogurt
  3. plain chicken, turkey, pork or beef
  4. broccoli
  5. spinach
  6. lettuce
  7. Any plain wheat product (bread, pasta, cream of wheat)
  8. Garlic
  9. Margarine
  10. Salt
  11. Plain Chocolate
  12. Maple syrup
  13. mushrooms
  14. grapes

That's it! No fruit, no nuts, no potato's, no rice, no tomato's, spices etc. She would go into anaphylactic shock and her throat would close. Pretty scary. Also excersice induced if she doesn't get a reaction from something she ate, then it could hit her on the dance floor. Pretty serious.
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Nov 7, 2005
The Evergreen State
Sodium Nitrite. Sends me into long horrible migraines.

Sodium Nitrate (not to be confused with Sodium Nitrate) is the preservative used in hot dogs, lunch meat, ham, sausage, etc.

I don't think I'm missing much nutritionally by avoiding that stuff, but I sure used to love chilidogs!


Oct 3, 2005
As for me, im allergic to cats and I have hayfever - which just about anything can start that up for me, such as dust, perfumes/cologne, cigarette smoke, cut grass, wet grass, wet asphalt/cement, winter winds, pollen, ect.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 14, 2005
Gothenburg, Sweden
Cashew nuts.
Makes my throat swell so I can't breath. I won't try that again, that's for sure!

Apart from that I'm ok. I did notice a rash around my wrist when I wore a clock, but I haven't had any problems with nickel after that.

Oh, I almost forgot! Bullshit and lies makes me go red and angry as well. :)

James S

Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 27, 2002
on an island surrounded by reality
regarding MSG, I dont think thats technically an allergic response, but it might be. I have a bad reaction to that in high quantities as well. Had lunch at a little chinese joint here with my wife one saturday, and when we got home an hour later we both had such migraines that we couldn't stand up much longer. went to bed for 18 hours and got up the next day feeling only slightly off. Boy, that was horrible, never went back to eat there again :green:


Oct 19, 2003
In a handbasket
Skyclad01 said:
As for me, im allergic to cats and I have hayfever - which just about anything can start that up for me, such as dust, perfumes/cologne, cigarette smoke, cut grass, wet grass, wet asphalt/cement, winter winds, pollen, ect.

I used to have trouble with grass, but after putting a decent quality air filter in the bedroom at night, it seemed to get MUCH better.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 15, 2001
Houston, Texas
This is a weird one, sometimes when I drink beer and am drinking on a second or third can, I get a sneezing episode that lasts for about 3-5 minutes. Any beer will do it.

Then it goes away.

Is that an allergy?


Jan 29, 2004
I am allergic to penicilin.
I did not know it until about 12 years ago. A Doctor gave me a shot of penicilin for an infection and it dang near killed me. I remember feeling faint just a few moments after the shot and then falling backwards where 2 nurses caught me. I woke up on a table and I could hear the Doc yelling at a nurse to call the ambulance. One nurse was taking my pulse and she yelled out 18 BPM. Then the worst part was all the nurses gathered around and started crying. I figured I was really going to die. I told them to say goodbye to my wife and that I loved her. I woke up next in the hospital and needless to say here I am :) .
I will admit that it scared the ****ens out of me because it all happened so fast. I remember thinking about everything I was leaving unfinished.
My Dad was also allergic to penicilian and so is my middle child. Runs in the family I guess.

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