E1L + F05 saves the day


Nov 14, 2004
Well not really but for as often as I carry a light I've never had many chances to use it to help someone else. So when one does come along I have to share it even if it's a small one.

I am in dental school right now and we have a radiology course this semester. Of course this requires time spent in a darkroom handling very small film packets. As luck would have it the red light that would normally shine directly on where we work is burned out. So on radiology days I always carry my KL1 on an Aleph 1 X 123 body with the F05 (so it's not an E1L but close enough).

So today a few of us are back there developing occlusal and bisecting angle PA radiographs when someone drops something and says the sweetest words to ever touch a flashaholics ears "Does anyone have a flashlight?". Of course he said it in a joking way because seriously, who carries a flashlight around all day? I pull out my light and everyone just turns with this incredulous look on their faces. And it's RED! "What is that?" they say. It seems obvious but I indulge them, "It's a flashlight with a red filter. I try to be ready for any radiologic emergency." I know, it wasn't funny. They seemed amused but he actually found the film he dropped just as I turned the light on so it wasn't any help.

Luckily someone else dropped something and it wouldn't have been found without the aid of my light so I was pleased. A couple of guys wanted a closer look at it and thought it was pretty cool so maybe I planted a seed.

So nothing too exciting but until a better one comes along that all I've got. Until then I'll keep carrying the F05 on radiology days.


Dec 4, 2005
nice, isnt that cool when other people, if only for a minute, understand the flashlight thing.


Dec 30, 2005
I understand completely. I love it when my wife asks me "do you have one of your flashlights handy?" to which I reply, "Of course, which one would you like!?" Every chance I get to prove to her the practicality of my hobby, I figure thats a few more dollars I can get away with spending ;)

Alloy Addict

Mar 8, 2006
Cinti, OH
Cypher said:
<SNIP>I pull out my light and everyone just turns with this incredulous look on their faces. And it's RED! "What is that?" they say. It seems obvious but I indulge them, "It's a flashlight with a red filter. I try to be ready for any radiologic emergency." I know, it wasn't funny.<SNIP>

I thought it was funny!:lolsign: I love it when stuff like that happens. It's like when coworkers give you a hard time about carrying a knife...then they need one. "Where's yours?" I ask in an innocent voice.:whistle:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 10, 2004
At World's End
Or when someone says "Has anybody got a light?" and the whole room turns to look at you.

"Who, me?" :whistle: :D

The little red keychain lights also make good 'safelights' for darkroom use since they are fairly dim as well. Fortunately I don't do film.. my darkroom is Photoshop. :p