MJP Extreme III programming custom levels


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 8, 2006
I was unable to easily find the MJP Exteme III /LF2 Programming instructions ,so I thought I would post for future reference.

Programming P1 and P2 levels it will continue to set all custom levels.

The Programming function mode is activated by
6 SW
s. The programming function mode allows changing the settings of 6 of the basic functions, in this order.
Standard mode P1 brightness level Standard mode P2 brightness level Strobe mode P1 brightness level and interval Strobe mode P2 brightness level and interval SOS mode P1 brightness level SOS mode P2 brightness level.

The programming function progresses in a linear fashion
. That is, when you first activate it, it will be at the brightness level setting stage for standard mode P1. After setting and saving the P1 brightness level, it will automatically advance to the P2 brightness level setting stage. After setting and saving P2 brightness level, it will automatically advance to the P1 strobe adjustment and so on until finally, you have set SOS mode P2 6
brighness level (the last setting in programming function mode), then, when you have set and saved it, it will revert to the mode you were in before you initially went into programming function mode.

[Note: Once you have set and saved the parameters of the function you want to change,
if you are not going to change any others, you can just turn the light off.
For example, if you just want to change the brightness level of standard mode P2, once you have set and saved it, you can just turn the light off. There is no need to step through the remaining function setting stages, however the light may retain the mode of the setting stage it was in before you turned it off, just change it back to the desired mode.]

How to proceed through the Programming function sequence

1. In any mode, turn the light to P1.
Perform 6 SW
s, wait at least 1 second. You are now in Programming function mode and ready to set the brightness level of standard mode P1.
3. Setting the brightness level for standard mode P1.

Choose a, b, or c.
(a) If you want to increase the brightness level of P1, turn the head to P2. The brightness will start to increase. When the maximum brightness level is reached, the light will flash once and remain at maximum brightness. At any point the level is what you want to save, turn the head back to P1, wait at least one second, then perform 3 SWs. This will save your setting for standard mode P1, and the UI will advance to the brightness level setting stage for standard mode P2.

(b) If you want to decrease the brightness level of P1, perform 2 SWs, wait at least 1 second, then turn the head to P2. The light will start decreasing in brightness. At minimum brightness, the light will stop dimming. At any point the level is what you want to save, turn the head
back to P1, wait at least 1 second, then perform 3 SWs. This will save your setting for standard mode P1, and the UI will advance to the brightness level setting stage for standard mode P2.

(c) If you are satisfied with the present level of standard mode P1 and do not want to change it, perform 3 SWs. This will save the existing setting, and the UI will advance to the brightness level setting stage for standard mode P2.
4. Setting the brightness level for standard mode P2.
This works just the same as when setting standard mode P1, but remember, because of the linear way in which Programming function mode works, you have to go through each setting from the beginning (in this example, the setting for P1), to arrive at the one you want to change. Also remember, you can effectively skip changing settings by performing 3 SWs, which just saves the existing setting and moves on to the next stage