L1 vs. E1L vs. E2L


Newly Enlightened
Jun 30, 2005
New York
Hi guys,
I've got 3 Surefire lights. L1, L4 w/2 stage, and an A2. I've got other lights, but these are my favorites. I EDC the L1 and am very happy with it. I mainly use the L1 during the day, either inside or outside, working on equipment or digging through parts bins in my basement. Being that I am fighting sunlight or room lights to illuminate shadow areas, I don't have much use for the L1's low level. The low beam is useful prowling around the house at night, but I might just as well grab my little Gerber for that use.

So the question is, is there a one stage clicky switch for the L1? Or the other thought is get a E1L and maybe also get a E2L body, I'm not sure I can bring myself to sell the L1 though, so I will have 2 similar lights. Any comments on the L1 vs. E1L vs. E2L. I guess I'm looking for a reason to not 'buy'em all'. Thanks -Nick

ps: I have a Fenix L1P coming, so my thinking may change next week.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 3, 2005
I don't know if a Z57 tailcap will work on an L1. It does not really come up often, because the only real reason for an L1 over an E1L is the 2 levels IMO.

For the best modular approach go with the E2L. Then you can get a Vital Gear FB1 body and make an E1L. Then buy an E series incan head with an MN01 and an MN03 lamp assembly and have an E1E and an E2E as well. About $200 for the whole deal. Four lights. Super light Lego set. You can suit almost any purpose with a 5 second switch. Plus it's just fun.

BTW, the FB1 with the E1E/MN01 is a small very cool pocket light.

Could sell the L1 if you wanted as you probably wouldn't use it much. Nah, on second thought keep it too.
