The longest throwing LED flashlight in the world (part 3)

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 19, 2005
N Central Texas
Don't forget to add me to your list Saabluster!:thumbsup:

I requested on post # 174 3 days ago...

I know your busy.. .so thought I"d give a reminder! :eek:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2006
Garland Tx
How's the latest innovations coming along with the next batch?
Having some issues with the hardcoat on the lenses. It is not bonding correctly. I thought I had figured it out but when I tried to do a larger batch they all failed. I am waiting on a new product that should have a higher bond strength and simplify the process somewhat(UV cure as opposed to two part epoxy). Otherwise all is well. I have several lights(yours included) ready and waiting for the new lenses.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2006
Garland Tx
just wondering how long is the usually wait time to get a light. So i know when i need to get enough money by :grin2:
I'll tell you what I keep saying to my wife. Don't worry honey after I make this one last change production will start to pick up. Historically the turnaround is in months.:tired: That said I really do think things will start to pick up around here. Really. But as I have seen over the past year there is always something waiting around the corner to mess up my perfectly laid plans.

For instance just the other day I decided that the molds used to make the lenses were getting too old to use. I also needed to get some more mold making material. I am always looking to upgrade so I searched carefully to see if maybe I could find one that would have better properties and more life span. I found one that looked the ticket and bought it. The new stuff takes less than half the catalyst. This means that being 1 gram off is now a much greater percentage away from where it should be. Now combine this with the fact that my third gram scale has started to lose accuracy( just like the two that proceeded it) and my other gram scale does not have the needed resolution for this new stuff.
On the first mold I did relatively well getting the mixture right. But I noticed that since the new mold material was softer it would need something to help hold the mold's shape. I put it on top of the old mold with the bottom of the new mold mated with the cupped side of the old mold. We mixed a batch of plastic to make a lens and set this in the pressure chamber to cure. When I pulled it out I had a massively misshapen mold as the bottom of the new mold formed a seal with the other mold and the pressure had forced it down into the cup. After separating the two nothing seemed amiss but when we made one more lens I noticed the the shape was not quite right. Since the mold was new when that happened and still had a little but of curing left it cured slightly misshapen.
The second mold had too much catalyst and started to harden too fast and trapped bubbles. When I then made a part, which goes into a pressure chamber, the bubble collapsed and formed a lump on the part.
So I reset everything for yet another new mold and mixed up another batch. This time I apparently had too little as when I went to demold the the surface quality was poor. Turns out it needed more time to cure due to the reduced catalyst but I did not know this at the time.
So I am now on my forth one and it is curing now. I am going to let this one cure all weekend just to be sure.

Also a week ago my lab oven stopped working.:hairpull: These are very pricey pieces of equipment and it is hard to get work done when it is used for almost every process I do making the DEFT. So now I am trying to track down a new oven that will not break the bank.

I think it was the same day, but I accidentally knocked the shop door into my compressor which caused a coupling to break and lose all pressure. I just got that fixed yesterday. But still.:shakehead This is just a little sampling of what life is like around here. There is always something holding me up. Ever the optimist I still think things will be speeding up soon so chin up buddy!:p


Nov 5, 2005
LOL! Aren't you glad he asked about the wait time! There is so much that goes on behind the scenes that no one will ever realize. I still remember the allergic reaction requiring your spaceman suit with the fart evacuator.

Then there's all the personal/family life events that have a whole other pull on your work focus. It's amazing that any of us get anything done. :)


Newly Enlightened
Nov 5, 2007
Westminster, CA
Its fine no rush. I just wanted to get an idea of when and its good that its not soon haha so i make sure i save enough money to pay :broke:. Just spend too much on flashlight last month. It sounds like about 6month so thats fine maybe in time for Christmas :candle:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2006
Garland Tx
There is so much that goes on behind the scenes that no one will ever realize.
I find myself saying this very thing almost every day. If people only realized just how hard making these lights really is.

I still remember the allergic reaction requiring your spaceman suit with the fart evacuator.
:crazy: I'm never going to live that down am I?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2006
Garland Tx



Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 16, 2007
Rhode Island
"Wall of light" is the first thing that comes to mind. Is that the sst-90 in there? I wonder how long it will be before someone here comes up with a 10amp driver.

EDIT: maybe "Ram of light" is more appropriate.
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