True confessions of a flashaholic


Oct 31, 2007
Willamette Valley, OR
1. I keep every single extra LiIon I own at only ~50% charge, in the fridge.
2. I only dispose of rechargeable cells after their capacity has deteriorated to below ~25% or so.
3. Not only do I track all of my flashlight expenditures in Excel (sorted by year), but I maintain 'cost basis' numbers for all my flashlight setups.
4. I hate paying shipping fees so much that I would rather drive to Oveready and pay cash.
5. If my flashlight expenditures go above $350 in any one year, I either sell something or wait until the next year before making additional purchases.
6. I always own more hosts than dropins.
7. The most expensive light I own, I use the least. :confused:
8. I have a stash of 4 SureFire P30 incan dropins (useful for 2xAA _or_ 1xCR123) that I'm saving for the apocalypse.

Your flashlight confessions? :)
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Apr 10, 2006
Interesting thread here !

No matter how many batteries I have,
I "almost always" try to accomplish my tasks
using a minimal light level for the job.

As if I don't want to be Foolishly Wasteful
with my Lumens !

Even when using my ample supply
of wonderful Eneloop rechargeable batteries !

If my flashlight has Low - Medium - High,
then you can bet I only use Low and Medium !

And using Medium is like Splurging to me !

Even OUTDOORS, I prefer NOT be to
(potentially) the center of attention !

Anyone ELSE out in CPF land
with similar lighting habits ? ? ?
Mar 12, 2010
Pacific N.W.
"Hi, my name is Chance ......... I'm a Flashaholic."

I keep every factory box that my lights come in.
I use black permanent marker to touch up the little biffs on my FourSevens lights.
I get nervous when non-flashaholics are holding my lights.
I keep batteries in all my lights. I never know when I'll have the urge to play with one.
I bought my sons their own quality lights, not so they'd always be prepared, just so they wouldn't play with mine.
I cought my beautiful wife using a custom light to vacuum under the bed. She now has her own Linger Special. I named it the Dust Bunny Killer.
I search the sales thread daily for discontinued FourSevens lights that I know I'll never use. I just want them!
I created an Excel spreadsheet because I can't remember the proper batteries for each light. No :poof: for me.
It has a colum for every aspect of each light. Manufacturer, Model, L.E.D., Output, Voltage Range, Rechargeables & Modes.

I have to go now. I need to play with some of my lights.

~ Chance
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 20, 2014
Why the 50% charge?

Storing a rechargeable lithium cell at 50% has shown a large decrease in deterioration from time.

A cell will deteriorate faster if stored @ 100%.

The best "out in the wild" proof of this is next time you buy an iPhone / iPad / Mac - note the battery is usually 40-50%.

This is also in the owners manual.

I also highly advise against storing any cell in the refrigerator.

I'd wager the the risk of damaging the cell from something like condensation greatly outweighs any potential benefit of keeping it "fresh".
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Newly Enlightened
Jul 25, 2015
Irvine, CA
I have been meaning to put together an Excel spreadsheet to document costs in recent years, but I am afraid of what I will find, although I don't believe I have reached the $350 mark in any one year thus far (I may be getting close this year...)

I have many lights that I have almost no use for at all, but I keep them around, with batteries in them, because, you know, just in case.
I am constantly trying to think of things to search on CPF in order to learn more about, or see if it's already out there (e.g. carbon fiber flashlights).
I will butt into conversations not by saying things, but by shining my light around as if looking for something, even if it's not that dark (yes, I know, immature).
Whenever I see someone else using a neat flashlight that I don't recognize, I have to inquire what kind it is and how many lumens it's got.
If a flashlight that I've got on me at the time has more lumens, I will promptly produce it to show it off.
If I have only one flashlight on me at any time, I feel as if I don't have enough light producing capability. Two or more makes me much more comfortable.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 27, 2013
On The Black Pearl
Sold guns, in order to make room in the safe for flashlights.
Asked Ferrari if they would consider using McGizmo lights
Put out pilot light on water heater just to be able to use a new flashlight in order to relight it.
Prayed for a hurricane
Wanting a car to smash into a nearby utility pole. (of course not injuring people!)
Referencing The Walking Dead as a excuse as to why so many batteries and flashlights
Getting a DVR just for pausing TV shows and Movies to try and figure out what kinda of light they are using
Going out to dinner or a event in the dark, just to rationalize carrying 3 lights
Keeping a budget flame thrower, hand fryer by the door just for incase a neighbor needs to borrow a light
The Kids have nicer light collection than the average person
Hoping the cable or AC repair guy has a junky light so you can nonchalantly light up the whole attic
Hoping the cop that pulls you over is into lights. Just hoping they will notice the 10 lights in your car so you can strike up a light conversation.
Checking every LEO's duty belt to see what kind of light they are packin.
If you have had a co-worker pull you to the side to show you what a real light is. Only for it to be a Fake C8 with Ultri Fric batteries
Had someone gift you the Dorcy Mega 10 light pack for Holidays, because they know your into lights.
Been at a event, and seen someone searching with a weak light, then you flame them over with your light in order to help them search better. Hoping they say, WHOLEY COW< what kinda light is that!
Had to explain what that GLOWING thing is on you.
When you tried on jeans, you made sure your favorite EDC fits the pocket clip and pocket depth properly prior to purchasing jeans.
Co worker has asked your light buying advice several times in many discussions, only for them to show up and show off their Ebay 30,000 lumen C8.
Had to explain to a fellow hunter the differences in Real Lumen vs Chinese Lumen
Dug laptop battery packs out of the trash can or dumpsters at work
Keep a multi meter in your work desk.
Set aside a whole weekend, just to assemble lights or do mods.
Paid for tracking or overnight shipping on a $5 part!
Had 3 CPF windows open, 2 just for referencing, and then ended up posting in wrong thread.
Reading 3 or 4 threads at once, and again getting posts mixed up.
Had a light or parts show up that were ordered a month ago you totally forgot what they were for.
Hiding lights when certain friends or family comes over, just so they don't think you have totally lost your mind
Over herd co-workers talking about runtimes, and assumed it was a flashlight, only to find out it was jogging and was disappointed
Know what ACME threads are and how to spot them in seconds

This list seems like it could never end. lol


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 31, 2015
White Mountains, NH, USA
Hello, my name is Mike. I'm a flashaholic. I can stop anytime, but I just don't want to stop.

Recently, all my flashlights are custom made.

Why do they bother putting other than turbo modes on lights?

When the Sun comes up, it gets darker.

My lights are tools. They're all black. No fancy gold finishes to keep polished.

I never pick up a flashlight without securing the lanyard to my wrist.

My lights are never displayed. They live in their holsters inside a wooden box. (my wife likes to dust).

My lights can see farther than I can.

I must confess to having a disorganized, rudimentary spreadsheet, which I must immediately improve upon, but without a cost column (scared).

I keep my batteries (high Amp drain IMR's) fully charged because everyday it gets dark around sunset.


Newly Enlightened
Jul 31, 2015
Nth East NSW.
I do some things you guys do.

Keep all my batteries fully charged.

Kids have better lights than 99.99% of population.

Spent the money I had set aside for re-leather my car seats...on lights.

When I step outside at night I take 3 lights,just because I can.

Just before it is dark I tell the kids "It's almost torch time"

Always have a lanyard attached,and use it....I really don't want to drop my lights.I freak when I bump them.

Love my new S1,but secretly love my M11R Ti Dream better.(Not so secret now)

I am constantly wishing my dog will bark.So I have an excuse to grab a torch and investigate.

I really hope some lowlife comes up my driveway with ill I can spot them full in the face with my M2X UT. (TAKE THAT MUTHA!!)


Newly Enlightened
Sep 7, 2007
I too keep all my batteries charged at 100%.

If my wife is gone for the weekend, I'll go the entire weekend without turning on a light in the house. I'll use my headlamps and flashlight to get around.

i have flashlights stashed in the bathroom by the shower in case power goes off while I'm taking a shower.(it's happened!)

i carry a two extra lights and three headlamps in my work bag in addition to my pocket carry light.

I've got 6 or 7 lights on my nightstand.


Newly Enlightened
Jul 31, 2015
Nth East NSW.
Hoping the cop that pulls you over is into lights. Just hoping they will notice the 10 lights in your car so you can strike up a light conversation.
Checking every LEO's duty belt to see what kind of light they are packin. l

Just had to quote these.

Still laughing as I stared at a cop a couple of days ago.Lucky I wasn't arrested actually!

Oh,and I run my lights flat out.Moonlight and low/medium are NOT in my vocabulary.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 8, 2007

rethinking & Taking the Fifth on this one // ;)
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Jun 11, 2014
My wife thinks I'm obsessed, she might have a point.
I also keep my batteries fully charged, It's charge day today.
I EDC two or three lights on my person and another six or so in my work bag.
Unfortunately the people I work with are not only not interested in my lights, they think that an AA ican mini mag is perfectly adequate
When my wife wants to go for a walk in the evening I stall as long as I can so I can use my lights.
My son's have an EDC, main light and a headlamp.
I have a light tail standing on low when I shower in case the power goes out.


Dec 16, 2007
I'm a grown man but when I'm at a party and it gets dark and the kids bring out those snap and glow cyalume type bracelets and necklaces I still have to put some on and run around in the dark with them... What can I say? I like glowy things!

PS: Yes I did this tonight. I'm still wearing the glowy bracelets. Haha
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 20, 2014
I'm a grown man but when I'm at a party and it gets dark and the kids bring out those snap and glow cyalume type bracelets and necklaces I still have to put some on and run around in the dark with them... What can I say? I like glowy things!

PS: Yes I did this tonight. I'm still wearing the glowy bracelets. Haha get togethers sometimes I just take them off the kids put them on and tell them to go get another the end of the night I usually have about 20.....



Newly Enlightened
May 2, 2015
A true confession...
I keep many different flashlights of the same make, model and spec., not because I need them, but because I must have them. I am a collector first and a user second, I guess.
Whenever I see a certain light for sale, I must grab it, or at least haggle for it. Whenever I browse eBay and see something of my fancy, I bid on it. Sometimes I bid high, but hope I don't win. However it is nice to browse upon ones collection and know I have X flashlights of model Y, and if I need them they are available. Although it is hard to imagine a situation when I would need all the 40+ lights in my collection...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 20, 2014
I secretly look forward to the next power outage. When the lights flicker, I hold my breath... hoping... waiting. Nah, not that time! Drat!

I'm not bad enough to consider CAUSING a power outage. I hope.

With a previous girlfriend, we would occasionally hit the main power breaker and simulate a power outage. I miss that one.

I look for chances to give away flashlights.

I educate my friends and family where possible about getting a better light.

People bring their lights to me asking if I can fix them or make them better.

Once I had a party. A girl looked at my shelf of budget lights and asked how many I had. I thought carefully and said 8. She looked puzzled and said "but you have more than that." They don't make fun of me anymore for having possibly up to 18 lights on me.

I was standing around in the afternoon sun with LEO and MIL. I casually turned on a light, hotspot visible in the sun. They went for their lights, but mine was the only one visible. My lights are brighter than LEO/MIL. :)

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 24, 2013
Edmonton, Alberta
Looking forward to cold, long dark days of winter.
Do I win☺
If not, I guess we'll see you at the ice festival.
Lights, ice sculptures an bonfires wooohooo...this year ought to be fun. 🆒🔦⛄🔥☺👍✌


Aug 27, 2006
1. I keep every single extra LiIon I own at only ~50% charge, in the fridge.
2. I only dispose of rechargeable cells after their capacity has deteriorated to below ~25% or so.
3. Not only do I track all of my flashlight expenditures in Excel (sorted by year), but I maintain 'cost basis' numbers for all my flashlight setups.
4. I hate paying shipping fees so much that I would rather drive to Oveready and pay cash.
5. If my flashlight expenditures go above $350 in any one year, I either sell something or wait until the next year before making additional purchases.
6. I always own more hosts than dropins.
7. The most expensive light I own, I use the least. :confused:
8. I have a stash of 4 SureFire P30 incan dropins (useful for 2xAA _or_ 1xCR123) that I'm saving for the apocalypse.

Your flashlight confessions? :)

Yeah.... I'm guilty of #7 too. :(