EV charging cables cut by copper "recyclers"


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
I'm still the mind set that someday 90percent of you all will want a ev! Don't want you to have to buy it. I want it to be so good you will want to buy and trust me tte day will come..a ev engine is justway less comlex then a ice engine .


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 19, 2005
I don't understand the need to vilify petroleum. Why is it necessary to reduce its use? Nothing inherently bad about it. It's abundant, cheap, and there's growing evidence it renews over time. It's here for us to use.
It is not the petroleum itself, it is fight for power, petroleum is what gives wealth, to certain group, another group is using it to take away, devalue their wealth and thus power. the same thing with traditional family values, and myriads of other things, "greens" do not care about environment, nor human rights, the want power, NWO is no myth, fight for it is happening right now. They are the ones who screams CT loudest, and claim they are good guys fighting evil capitalists that destroy planet, yet what these saviors do destroys it much much more, as well as destabilizing social order. In such fights they use millions of useful idiots, gretta, Hollywood libs, tree huggers, sjw, EV fanatics....etc.


Newly Enlightened
Mar 14, 2015
I find it funny you think "advertising" is a good feature of gasoline. It simply tells you how much you're slammed by using it, any time, night or day. Same as electricity, which can be made from our nuclear plant in the sky. There every day. You guys haven't done the math yet.
It's a price tag on a sign that allows me to compare prices. Nothing more. Something you can't even do with charging stations. Brand is pretty much irrelevant to me.

FYI, the sun is not there every day. It can be unreliable. Some days are cloudy or rainy and depending on your location, trees and buildings can block it. You need direct, sustained exposure for it to work. And when your day is over so is the suns. If you think solar will ever provide enough reliable power to charge an EV, you're even more delusional than I thought.
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Apr 16, 2023
San Francisco
You really should not believe anything he says, In other locked threads, (which were locked due to his open political propaganda) , he claimed he build/retrofitted a dozen of EV. I did not believe it for a second, his stories change all the time. He is on my ignore list for months now.
Now he is after microplastic, lol, not getting anywhere with ev crap so he picks new enemy. The most dangerous pollutant that prevents mankind to thrive are toxic people, fight them anyway you can, ignore them, cancel them, do not associate with them do not hire them, expose them..... etc. If you let them they will pollute your mind, I have a feeling more cancers is caused by them than any microplastic, the stress they cause, invites inflammation, inflammation is main cause of any cancer
Micro plastics are caused by petrochemicals. I bring them up because someone is spreading crap that the world cleans itself. Maybe in a thousand years. Here is some of my EV exploits. None as good as the lowly Nissan Leaf but it was all you could do at the time. http://www.evalbum.com/418


Apr 16, 2023
San Francisco
You really should not believe anything he says, In other locked threads, (which were locked due to his open political propaganda) , he claimed he build/retrofitted a dozen of EV. I did not believe it for a second, his stories change all the time. He is on my ignore list for months now.
Now he is after microplastic, lol, not getting anywhere with ev crap so he picks new enemy. The most dangerous pollutant that prevents mankind to thrive are toxic people, fight them anyway you can, ignore them, cancel them, do not associate with them do not hire them, expose them..... etc. If you let them they will pollute your mind, I have a feeling more cancers is caused by them than any microplastic, the stress they cause, invites inflammation, inflammation is main cause of any cancer
What a load of crap.


Apr 16, 2023
San Francisco

It's a price tag on a sign that allows me to compare prices. Nothing more. Something you can't even do with charging stations. Brand is pretty much irrelevant to me.

FYI, the sun is not there every day. It can be unreliable. Some days are cloudy or rainy and depending on your location, trees and buildings can block it. You need direct, sustained exposure for it to work. And when your day is over so is the suns. If you think solar will ever provide enough reliable power to charge an EV, you're even more delusional than I thought.
That's why you store from sunny times and use later, by storing in batteries. The ones in your car or house batteries.This example is a way of explaining it in flashlight terms. I have a solar light.($10 )A sort of automatic flashlight over my garage. Not grid tied. It faces West Southwest. It has gone years illuminating the front of my house providing light for passersby and deterrent for thieves. Cost ten bucks. It runs on solar energy. Never failed no matter how many people walked by. This technology can be scaled to any size, from micro watts to gigawatts. Device, solar panel, and battery. A sort of of perpetual motion for real, which doesn't break the laws of physics. Using this principle the engineering students at Eindhoven have built a succession of solar vehicles of which, in conjunction with full sun have achieved a 1,200 mile range. This record breaking 5 passenger car with a trunk can be seen here along with it's predecessors and an RV and off-road vehicle. solarteameindhoven.nl
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Apr 16, 2023
San Francisco
What? If it costs the equivalent of gas doesn't that go against your argument about the maths of electrics being "easier on the pocketbook"?

To make electric vehicles anywhere close to being viable, you would really need a 220V- 240V fast charger installed at your home. That doesn't come cheap and isn't practical for the vast number of people who live in apts. and town homes. Nor does it solve the problem of charging on the road. For some limited, local use like commuting or getting around in a golf cart, it could work. But, I'll stick with my big dual exhaust V8 pick-up for now.
That's the penalty for taking a trip and being dependent on someone else like Exxon for your energy. I have had a Tesla for a couple of years and haven't needed a Supercharger yet as all my work isn't more than a hundred and thirty-five miles one way.
I have a14-50(220/240vac) socket in my garage and a 7.2kw EVSE that Tesla sells for $220.00. This is a level 2 charger. Let me explain EV charging. Level 1 is charging from the same place you charge your cellphone or run a space heater. 1.8kw. Level 2(what you call a fast charger)is up to 20 kw but most top out at 8kw. My Tesla portable tops out around 7.2kw that's a 4 - 8 hour charge depending on depth of discharge. Level 3 is a Supercharger or equivalent. 5 minutes to an hour depending on your equipment. 350kw max. I could say shut up untill you know what you're talking about, but that's rude. BTW there is no reason to install an expensive charger in your house. The plug in portable ones work just fine.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 8, 2007
It is only a matter of time before they tax solar, they already do that with rainwater in some states.

Maybe only if you're connected to the grid.
I'm not some EV flake, but I do a fair amount of solar charging.

There is no way you could try to tax me,,
not only that, I have deducted in the last several years 28% of my equipment I use at my house, when I owe tax.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 8, 2007

My panels are not on my roof.
Even if they tried to do this; how would one determine the amount of tax?
how much sunlight per year, how often it's used, efficiency, total panel wattage, voltage..
my gear is completely manual

you see, it could become really silly & I'm not worried about it.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 19, 2005
Where are they? in your basement? lol.

there are hundreds of ways they would estimate the tax. From numbers of panels on your property, to decreased amount of electricity you use, based on el. company record, or just fixed price based on your property size, zip code...ect.

Dude, i know you trying to sound smart and all, but people who think they are smarter than anyone, in vast majority of cases are quite the opposite.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 8, 2007
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 19, 2005

Lawmakers should be focusing on heavy electricity usage for EV and taxing that accordingly ..... for roads/grid maintenance etc
Absolutely, but they always do the opposite, like when they should focus on those who commits crimes with guns, but instead they go after all those who do not with bans and restrictions. they should go after those who rob stores, but they decriminalize shoplifting, and prosecute those who try to stop thieves, then when stores close due to loses, they sue them. They let violent criminals walk, and throw books at those who defend themselves and others, against those criminals they let out with no bail the day before.
Do you actually think they will be reasonable in this instance?
In todays politics, think of the worst, the most unreasonable thing politicians can do, and they will do worse.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 19, 2005
It already costs $20-$40 to "full up" on fast charger. if it makes financial sense same people who own and maintain gas stations will be doing same with chargers. parking garages/lots can do that too. If it is done same way building laundry rooms operate. Large buildings do not buy washers and dryers, company installs and maintains them for free and they share some profit with building landlord/management as a payment to be allowed to do business on their property. Same as coffee machines / water coolers in offices, tenants do not buy machines, they buy supply and pay service fee

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