HDS Systems EDC # 18

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 29, 2006
Does anyone have any pics of the 2AA tube? Also, how is the runtime compared to cr123?

With my Legacy 140T (Golden dragon) and some Powerex 2700 mAh freshly charged, I remember I once had a little bit over 2 hours on high. Don't remember the exact numbers, that was more than 3 years ago...

flashlight nut

Mar 14, 2010
New York
You were the one that brought it up, and it was a good idea, so you deserve the credit for the "pure Tactical" function.
Now, if anyone says "HDS doesn't listen" you can jump in and correct them.
You carry 2 HDS's on duty now?
I do think it brings a great new feature. I think I need a Clicky now. Damn. I think a 2AA Clicky. Perhaps a bit long but can double as a kubaton.

It would not have happened without you. Thank you.


Jun 2, 2009
Be honest. It was the EMP thread that did it. LOL!
Hey, if Raytheon goes up, I should be able to see it from my view in the hills. Head North and go West a bit. Got food, rum, water, rum, guns, rum, ammo, rum, and most important, lime for the rum!
Actually I was really tempted by your group buy neutral XPL thread but decided to go with a little higher CRI.

The lime is good for Tangueray and tonic so if I'm not vaporized nor glowing in the dark I'll take you up on that offer. All set for sidearms and ammo. I hope you're prepared for the zombie apocalypse as well. That is what I'm really concerned about.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 5, 2013
Just got my 250 LE back from Henry with the new firmware installed. I couldn't be more happy with the new Pure Momentary feature. Just wanted to remark on a few things. Candle (romantic) mode is now 9 clicks from off. In order to reset the light while in momentary mode the battery must be removed for 60 seconds. Holding the button in while unscrewing the head doesn't work. After about a half of turn the light goes off even while the button is being pressed. If you have the the locator flash activated in the customization menu but toggled off (4 clicks), it will automatically toggle back on after a soft reset. Again, no complaints, just some observations.

Edit: I was wrong. Unscrewing the head while keeping the button pressed does work. Sorry Dan. And regarding the locator flash, when the locator flash is toggled off, the hex click to enter momentary toggles the locator flash on. So, if you don't want the locator flash giving you away in momentary mode, deactivate it in the customization menu.

I am actually thinking about getting the EDC LE 250 as a back up light to my duty light,after hearing about the momentary only feature. Now does that come preset or do you have allow customization on it? Is it the pseudo momentary?

flashlight nut

Mar 14, 2010
New York
I am actually thinking about getting the EDC LE 250 as a back up light to my duty light,after hearing about the momentary only feature. Now does that come preset or do you have allow customization on it? Is it the pseudo momentary?

The new "pure momentary" or "true momentary" mode is different than the pseudo momentary. The pseudo momentary can be activated and deactivated in the customization menu. It mimics momentary in that if you turn the light on by pressing the button for more than 1/3 of a second, the light will shut off when the button is released. The new "pure momentary" mode is entered with 6 quick clicks from off. When in this mode it doesn't matter how quick or slow you press the button. When you release the button the light shuts off. The same UI as a Surefire 6P, EB1 T, L1, LX2, (except no 2 stage output) etc...only with an electronic switch.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 5, 2013
Awesome! Thanks for the reply. My wallet is def going to be lighter after this purchase but it will be my second HDS.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2006
It would not have happened without you. Thank you.

I'm just the middle-man who can't seem to keep off the forum to save his wallet!

Actually I was really tempted by your group buy neutral XPL thread but decided to go with a little higher CRI.

The lime is good for Tangueray and tonic so if I'm not vaporized nor glowing in the dark I'll take you up on that offer. All set for sidearms and ammo. I hope you're prepared for the zombie apocalypse as well. That is what I'm really concerned about.

Zombies. Yes, they are out there... mostly in D.C.
I was in the Japan Hanshin Earthquake, February 17, 1995. Lived right next to expressway that tipped over (that was loud!) Carried bodies to the schools that were being used as make-shift hospitals. Dug some folks out of what was left of their homes. Waited for days for the government to respond. This started my flashaholism in earnest. No power for over a month. No water for about 6 weeks. No gas for about 2 months. Couldn't move around at night as the power lines and phone lines were dangling at neck level. Gaps in the road that went literally a few meters down.
There is NEVER such a thing as "too prepared". I was better off than most, but still woefully unready for such an event. I learned.
Now, bring on the Zombies. I'm ready.
A few hours before the quake, I was playing cards with a friend of mine in my apartment (was really a walk in closet with a toilet), and as he was leaving, he noticed a liter bottle of ginger ale (yes, it was ginger ale. That's my story and I'm sticking to it), with the cap off on the floor. He told me I should put the cap on it, and I said "Why? What's going to happen." I've never said that phrase again. We joked about that later.

One of the things, and there are many that I can very much appreciate in the HDS lights, especially the Rotary. You turn it on the dimmest setting and dial it up to just where you need it, thus saving the battery and your night vision. Big plus in my opinion. You don't always know if and when you will be able to get another battery.

Here is one of the very few pictures of Hogo you will ever see.
That's the 6 lane expressway behind me... lying on its side.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 20, 2014
II was playing cards with a friend of mine in my apartment (was really a walk in closet with a toilet), and as he was leaving, he noticed a liter bottle of ginger ale (yes, it was ginger ale. That's my story and I'm sticking to it), with the cap off on the floor.


OCD OVERDRIVE DID YOU DRINK IT!? PLEASE TELL ME NO! If it was that sterile, clear, no bubbles, Ginder Ale that MIGHT have killed the GERMS. I make a habit if a cap comes off it stays off and the bottle is immediately emptied to reduce the risk of contamination.




Im going to have nightmares now, that cap is driving me nuts. I am not joking anymore. Im going to wash my hands.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2006

OCD OVERDRIVE DID YOU DRINK IT!? PLEASE TELL ME NO! If it was that sterile, clear, no bubbles, Ginder Ale that MIGHT have killed the GERMS. I make a habit if a cap comes off it stays off and the bottle is immediately emptied to reduce the risk of contamination.




Im going to have nightmares now, that cap is driving me nuts. I am not joking anymore.

I was cleaning ginger ale off of everything I owned a few days later when it was good and sticky. Had to wait a few days to clean as was too busy doing other things. At least I still had an apartment to live in.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 20, 2014
Think you earned the THOR title, no argument there. Good Work.

I think you might have mixed the picture up with another though, clearly thats Ray Liotta.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 20, 2014
Welp, there she blows.... off the night stand smack into a metal bedrail..... after the 50th time....

Yippeeee! :rock:

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 4, 2008
If one can get a 2xAA body & 219 head without having to buy extra body to achieve this combination, & I can have a tail standing & programmable into single mode (anything between 80 & 200l) with momentary, it's going to be hard to pass on a miusa setup like this when the alternate bodies come out.

Let it me know if I'm missing something. I know there is either a mode with "pure" momentary with no constant on, or constant on available but the momentary is if you leave it pressed a given amount of time, it stays on then off when released, and only a short press puts it on constant on.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2006
If one can get a 2xAA body & 219 head without having to buy extra body to achieve this combination, & I can have a tail standing & programmable into single mode (anything between 80 & 200l) with momentary, it's going to be hard to pass on a miusa setup like this when the alternate bodies come out.

Let it me know if I'm missing something. I know there is either a mode with "pure" momentary with no constant on, or constant on available but the momentary is if you leave it pressed a given amount of time, it stays on then off when released, and only a short press puts it on constant on.

That would be the new software in the Clicky and LE. The 2AA Clicky tubes will be about 1 more month. Then you can order it that way and not get the 123 tube.


May 4, 2008
Sweet! Looking forward to the AA battery tube.

Looks like another light purchase is in the near future! Gotta start saving....


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 20, 2014
Nice FC!!!

Thanks. :grin2:

I was just thinking how many normal people might read this over the years.... and how absolutely insane it must seem. So for all you normies out there, it's like a right of passage. Like when you're a boy and get your first black eye..... IDK something like that..... We got earthquake heros, ecstatic anticipation of an AA cell format, a scratched light & high five, a mention of EMP vs HDS AND a picture of Ray Liotta in Japan...all in a single page........

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 20, 2014
I bet triple 219b would sell.

Don't think Henry is all about the lumens. I agree though, it would be nice.

That would be sick, but will never happen. Everything I've observed from Henry points towards reliability / durability / longevity above all else.

If it introduces a weakness, I doubt it even enters his thought process unless there is substantial gain and very little loss in durability, hence the Rotary.

Whats funny is Henrys Rotary IMO is MUCH more robust then most other manufacturers toughest switches.
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