HDS Systems EDC # 20

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Aug 1, 2012
Also works great with an 18650 in the old HDS 2x123 tube. Will blow on 6 Volts, but 4.2 Volts is perfect. Still hoping to find out they did not reduce that ability on the heads sold with the 2xAA tubes. They labelled them as 3 Volt lights, but it would be extra cost to have a unique circuit for those, and Novatac was not into extra cost, if you know what I mean. The current HDS heads handle from 2xAA to 4.2 Volt LiIon on the same circuit, so... fingers crossed. But that may have been launched just after Henry left them, so even he may not know for sure.
Also anxious to find out :)
I admit I tried a 16340 for a very short time in my Classic, and I only let it for a very short time, but to me it seemed the low levels were fine (maybe the lowest was higher than usual, but mine is modded with a more modern emitter than the Seoul so the lowest low is already pretty high), but the max level was almost direct drive (max amp the cell can give to the emitter). I'm not sure though, cause the Osram led I have in my Novatac classic is rated for 800mA max, and I saw some tint shift in max when using the 16340, so I stopped...so maybe it's just putting a bit more than that, and a standard led like an XP-L or a XP-G2 would have been fine ? I didn't push the experiment further.
There was also a 6V edition of the Novatac, (Storm? I don't remember), these should definitely have had modified electronic

Edit : I stand corrected, same electronic !
The classic Novatac are China made, so is the Storm...maybe in China they found someone to tweak with the circuit ?
Or maybe they simply cheapened out, and the max output was simply not regulated anymore ? Cause clearly between an US made Novatac and a Chinese made, there's a world of difference^^
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Newly Enlightened
Oct 11, 2010
Also, people are more comfortable paying 1k for a light knowing what the old run sells for. If they make more of these, the second hand price will decline, making people less likely to be comfortable dropping 1k.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 16, 2014
Georgia, USA
40k on a Friday seems pretty fast selling to me. The demand is there, the funds for some of us in such short notice are not. I'm still young and working towards that hefty disposable income. I'm close, just not quite there yet.
If it's slow selling, 10 or 20 extra stock while placing a large order makes sense, no? I mean, or don't, it just makes no sense to me.
Ti Lights are quite popular last I checked.
Tools, yes. Some of us need that extra durability, some of us work in brutal environments.
Just some thoughts.

This demand has built up for years. He wouldn't sell 40k every Friday. But I do agree there's still going to be some demand. The Ti Clickies are still somewhat in demand, an ISO pops up every few months and when ones goes up for sale it usually goes within days. But even at that you have to agree the Ti Rotaries would be a very slow selling item in the long run, so it would be unreasonable to expect a small business to stock it. That's a lot of capital sitting on a shelf.

I don't disagree with the rest of your point though, at least on the surface. The machinists minimum is already met so added a few "stock" items to the order wouldn't be a crazy idea, they'd probably sell within weeks of delivery. And pushing for another special run at a later date would also maybe work, maybe a once-a-year thing? Let the demand build for a year then do a group run?

Whatever works out man, I truly do hope you get one. But realistically, I wouldn't hope for continued stock of this item.


Aug 1, 2012
@Hondo, Lithium or anyone who might know...

Yup this is a Seoul P4. Pretty nice emitters, they were using the die of the Cree XR-E buth with different phosphor (?) and different dome, nicer tint and beam.

I saw a 140 clicky 219a recently but missed out on it. i have not experienced 219a yet.

How would you be able to get an older light converted to a rotary? I know that you can do the current lights but not if it has the older threads, right?
Only the ACME threaded lights can be converted to rotary. Nichia 219a HDS that went out early 2014 if I recall correctly, were not meeting the 90 CRI requirement for HDS to call them High CRI so were called "neutral" or something like that...they were sold pretty cheap (for HDS) 140 lumens for something like $150 or $160 at the beginning...I saw one selling for $190 recently I think, that must be the one you're talking about. Edit : just seen that it was a 140 high CRI with XP-G. Was a good investment it seems ;)

These were a cheaper alternative to the "regular" 170 neutral who had a Nichia 219B (and ring in the beam before the emitter rediesign), when the supply of the "low end" Osram Golden dragon 140 (which were sold for $99 then something like $119 ?) was gone.

I have an end 2013/early 2014 high CRI 140 with Nichia 219a, it was ordered as a rotary high CRI 120 with XP-G but arrived as a 140 with Nichia. I think these were fairly rare and had hand picked emitters that could actually do 90 CRI, I think since it was ordered through a dealer Henry honored the high CRI part, but there was so much emitter loss he called the later models "neutral" only :D

Then HDS used some Nichia 219B 4500°K for a 170 run, and then came the 200 4000°K with different emitters that could actually do high CRI, and then all the different emitters we have now, thanks to Hogo !

(also around that time was a 27 run of (mostly clickies) XP-G 3700°K high CRI 140, and a very small run of 4 or 5 rotaries with XP-G2 3000°K high CRI 140)
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 20, 2007
you can go meet up with them and definitely get some good Irish whiskey....but Hogo said you're buying cause of the nightmare you put him and Henry through:p

On a side note, I tried playing around with all my new lights today (2700k, 3000k, 3500k, 3900k, 4000k 219c, along with my 2 existing 4000k 219b/5000k 219c)

They are all great!
I would say 2700k and 3000k would be the least used because they are truly warm, but i could see using them at times. Probably the 3000k more than 2700k, but 2700k has it's place too.

3500k is more a neutral warm and is very nice. not too warm, not too neutral.

3900k is similar to the 3500k, but slightly lighter/cooler. It obviously has a bigger hotspot and spill/ floodier. Not sure of actual range difference though. It is actually a really nice Neutral/warm light. I am very pleased with it and could see regular use from it. Will have to do more comparison with it compared to the 3500k. I feel like tint color is close enough one wouldn't need both. however beam profile is a bit different, so both could be justified.

4000k 219b is still my absolute favorite out of the ones i have. It has the lowest moonlight of all of these, great tint and color rendering. It appears to render colors better than the 4000k 219c.

4000k 219c is also very nice and a bit whiter than the 219b but 219b in my opinion keeps thing more true with color.

5000k 219c is probably my 2nd favorite out of the bunch. Even though it is just about pure white and has a brighter moonlight, i really like it and it also does great at rendering colors well.

So as far as neutral goes, 4000k 219b and 5000k 219c are my favorite
on the warmer side, i'm not sure yet but i think 3500k would be my ideal choice. however when in the mood for more incan like 3000k would be better and 2700k would be like an incan dimmed down on the dimmer switch possibly (probably even warmer than that. maybe more like the old tubes used for electronics possibly. IDK

and once again, so far they are all great in their own right. I have a feeling it's going to take some time to figure out if they will have find a permanent place here or need to find someone else to live with. theorectically i do not need 8+(ones on order) 2.17/2.18 HDS's. ok, one of those 8 is several yrs older, but you get my point.

Thanks for the write up..especially the 3900. :thumbsup:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2006
I'm a long way from Arizona but I'd be stopping by HDS for a steak dinner after my little role in creating this riot.
What do you reckon Hogo?

Well, I'll be stopping HDS on Monday, but no steaks. Just work.

Hogo and Henry have just become vegetarians.


Probably one of the best pics i've taken

I saw a 140 clicky 219a recently but missed out on it. i have not experienced 219a yet.

How would you be able to get an older light converted to a rotary? I know that you can do the current lights but not if it has the older threads, right?

The emitters he already had were for the aluminum, emitters he scored this week are for the titanium.

I did the same as you, just hope I got my order in early enough.

I'm curious how many F89's he already had for todays big bonanza.

Either I had enough or not enough. I should know later today.

I thought Henry sold tools, not collectors items?
Oveready sells Titanium lights and it hasn't stopped me from putting it through the ringer, that's why I purchased it.
I don't understand why Ti HDS wouldn't remain in stock. A premium light for those who want to collect, I've never understood that... And those who need that added durability, we do exist.
It only adds to the HDS line, Ti Lights are pretty sought after on the forum, why not continually offer them? Makes little sense to me.
I get there is added stress but the demand is clearly there. You would probably see double the demand if the timing were right for many on here.

A poem by Hogo...
I don't disagree.
But it's not up to me.
Let's give it some time, and we shall see.

OK. In all seriousness, yes, I do think it would make a good standard offering, but I don't think that will happen for awhile. I know it doesn't look like it, but the lights change. The parts in the lights change and even the insides of the machined tubes change. I'm sitting on 1000+ empty heads that I can't do anything with right now. This morning, I have to do some "machining" on some parts for the tails that no one will ever see.

It's going to take some time and Henry and I working together to figure out a good system that will work and keep scrap and obsolete parts to a minimum.

OMG +A MILLION!!!! this waiting for years and years to get one then ok there happing need 1000 in a week or two destroyed me! Just not enough time to come up with the funds for some of us. 

I do hear you, and I have an idea to try to help with this. I just don't know if Henry will do it, so I don't like to bring it up yet here.

Sorry to interupt the frenzy with a question.
While messing with the programming, I've found I can set the variable part od the dial on my Tactical to a fixed level, so I can have just 3 levels on the whole of the dial. I know I can get back to a variable setting with a Reset, but is tere a way of just programming it back?

Found it! It's between Max and Strobe.

Carry on, pretend I'm not here.

Everybody quiet. Did you hear that? I thought I heard Peter. Must have been my imagination.

Ti, at 3x the price, will always be a very very very slow seller. I don't think Henry wants to stock expensive parts for such a rarely purchased light..and I for one don't blame him. I could see another special run in the future, that may be worth fighting for, but I really doubt he's going to stock this item.

Besides, like you said, he makes tools not collectables. The aluminum is the perfect tool.

The last Clicky run was like 60 lights and took 6 months to sell if I remember correctly. They sold for $650. Most went out within the first month, then the others hung around for a bit.

40k on a Friday seems pretty fast selling to me. The demand is there, the funds for some of us in such short notice are not. I'm still young and working towards that hefty disposable income. I'm close, just not quite there yet.
If it's slow selling, 10 or 20 extra stock while placing a large order makes sense, no? I mean, or don't, it just makes no sense to me.
Ti Lights are quite popular last I checked.
Tools, yes. Some of us need that extra durability, some of us work in brutal environments.
Just some thoughts.

The short notice was not so good... that's why I'll be working on Henry to keep it open for a month, or raise the number a bit and keep it open until those go... maybe make it 50, so when the next 10 sell he can close it. I don't make the call the though... I just pester him until he gives in. I learned that from my ex.

Is this Naval Brass that has been discussed softer than 7075? Is it closer to copper or 7075? All of my copper lights take a lot of damage from drops and falls.

It will be a lot heavier and softer than the aluminum lights. The hard anodizing on the aluminum is very hard. The reason we would be going with naval brass is because it is harder than straight brass.... but if you drop the heavy beast, you will probably ding it. Will be tougher than straight copper.

Yes but this was a nine year wait for some people so as soon as it became available flashlight fanatics jumped. I would think if they were readily available every week and less rare they would not sell as quick. Just my thoughts.

Yes. I tried to create a "stir" in order to show Henry that there was a fairly good demand on this. I know he was surprised as he called me at about 12:30 while I was on the road. He sounded both happy with a touch of WTF. I believe the last run of Clicky lights just "appeared" on the HDS website with no countdown to launch.

Henry's and my business models do vary, and we are meshing them as best as possible. If I had my way, I would make about 60 or 70 of these titanium lights, cut off ordering on August 1, then when the lights ship, put the extra titanium ones on the website with an added $200 premium. It would keep them available, immediately raise the resale value, and would still keep them as a limited run... When they are gone, they are gone.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 31, 2012
Stamford, CT
With my previous two HDS light orders (past 60 days) I received a confirmation email from Henry on the second or third day after the payment was sent. Any reason to assume the confirmation email will be sent sooner than Tuesday or Wednesday of next week?


Jan 5, 2017
Upstate NY
A Plug for Hogo in appreciation for his diligence:
I want to reiterate that Hogo is offering 20% off on those remaining stingray holsters to those who purchased a Ti HDS. The the scary-bad-*** white cobra holster is offered as well.

Stingray skin factoids:
Stingray skin is many times more durable than cowhide and is very water resistant.
Many early civilizations believed that possessing the skin of a stingray would bring strength and power.
Stingray skins were found in the Tombs of Egyptian Pharaohs on armor and decorative items.
Stingray skins were also used in Japan where samurais would use the skins for armor and for the handles of their swords.

So...I took him up on the dark green with flap...so there is only three up in his web store along with the White Cobra. (Hey, after shelling out $1000+ I figured the holster should be special as well). Looking forward to getting it in hand.
And to the guy or gal who gets that White Cobra...I'd like to meet your tailor!


Jan 18, 2014
A poem by Hogo...
I don't disagree.
But it's not up to me.
Let's give it some time, and we shall see.

The parts in the lights change and even the insides of the machined tubes change. I'm sitting on 1000+ empty heads that I can't do anything with right now.

So poetic!

That puts things into perspective and I can understand the hesitation towards holding stock. The Ti run may just be out of my reach for the foreseeable future.

Either way, thank you for your continuous efforts and hard work. It doesn't go unnoticed!
Thank you immensely for that last group by, I appreciate you creating availability to those who wanted specific emitters.
Massive thanks to Henry as well!
This 2700K is just amazing, incandescent clone with variable brightness.... So sweet!
I gave my last HDS to a good friend but this one won't be going anywhere!


Newly Enlightened
Sep 3, 2016
When is the cut off time for the new LIMITED runs? I just placed an order for a 3 o'clock rotary aluminum. I'm hoping it doesn't get canceled.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 27, 2017
Dirty Dirty South
There isn't a cut off time for aluminum lights. The question revolves around availability. Hogo says he will have more information later today but the website may not be up to date right now.


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 8, 2009
north carolina
so if im on the fence taking the plunge on a titanium, should it be best to wait and see what LED options are actually still available now, or has that window of oportunity already gone *poof*?


Sep 25, 2011
So...I took him up on the dark green with flap!

We must of been on his site at the same time as I have just asked for the unusual coloured one lol. I was going to ask him for tiny basket weave again but he will probably kill me. Then remembered seeing this stingray one on his Facebook page so thought I would give his hands a rest especially as the last tiny basket weave was a three HDS pouch.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 31, 2012
Stamford, CT
so if im on the fence taking the plunge on a titanium, should it be best to wait and see what LED options are actually still available now, or has that window of oportunity already gone *poof*?

You could order what you want and get it, the order, time stamped, noting your place in line for the emitter you want. HDS will contact you if they do not have your desired LED in stock and at that point you can either choose a different LED or cancel your order.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 16, 2014
Georgia, USA
You only live once, it's good to enjoy life occasionally with an early xmas present to yourself.. ;)

6 months lead-time, and it may not close and start counting until the end of July. So I'm personally considering mine a Valentine's Day gift to myself. Which is appropriate since I know I'm gonna love it! :D
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