List Your Favorite Light You Have Had For More Than 2 Years Than You Use Nightly


Newly Enlightened
Nov 17, 2015
I figured this would be a great topic that would include lights with great durability. I have had many nice lights, but my choice is the Zebralight SC63w. I honestly can't remember what year I bought it, but after many drops and daily use (actually nightly use as an always on nightlight), I can't think of a more useful and durable light in my collection. My 2nd choice is the Zebralight H602w headlamp which is one of my favorite tools. One more light I use a lot, but not every day, and not sure if I have had it at least 2 years, is the Lumintop Tool 2.0 AA.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 21, 2014
Prescott Az
I figured this would be a great topic that would include lights with great durability. I have had many nice lights, but my choice is the Zebralight SC63w. I honestly can't remember what year I bought it, but after many drops and daily use (actually nightly use as an always on nightlight), I can't think of a more useful and durable light in my collection. My 2nd choice is the Zebralight H602w headlamp which is one of my favorite tools. One more light I use a lot, but not every day, and not sure if I have had it at least 2 years, is the Lumintop Tool 2.0 AA.

Interesting topic. One of the ways that I list/categorize my 49 lights is by date of acquisition.

#18. Acebeam X45vn 4 x XHP70.2. 4 x 18650. June 19, 2017, 25,000 lumens. I requested and received the KG Tuning specimen from Vinh.

I just got done using it two and a half hours ago. I usually use at least two lights nightly. On my belt is always a small, medium and large holster. Never are all three empty, sometimes only one holster is empty.

I like to rotate edc lights, and the one that comes up most frequently is: #26. Emisar D4V2 vn, Feb. 22, 2020, quad W2, 4,020 lumens, 429 meters with throw optics. Single 18650. Midway in size between S2 Baton and E4K. After four years, this is the replacement for my super trusty S2 Baton.

There are so many small, medium, large and extra large lights that I love.

My lights.


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 6, 2010
I figured this would be a great topic that would include lights with great durability. I have had many nice lights, but my choice is the Zebralight SC63w. I honestly can't remember what year I bought it, but after many drops and daily use (actually nightly use as an always on nightlight), I can't think of a more useful and durable light in my collection. My 2nd choice is the Zebralight H602w headlamp which is one of my favorite tools. One more light I use a lot, but not every day, and not sure if I have had it at least 2 years, is the Lumintop Tool 2.0 AA.

While I do carry a few different lights on a regular basis depending on my preference for the day, the one I take more than any other is my Surefire C2. It has an XM-L P60 upgrade and 16650 cell from Keeppower but is otherwise stock. Though my Olight M2T and Warrior Mini are starting to get more use.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 14, 2002
1. Malkoff M61N
I don't use it nightly any more, and it's in a MD3 with hi/lo ring right now, but my Malkoff MD2 with original M61N drop-in had thousands of hours of use from >8yrs of being my primary light source on my night shift job before being replaced by a newer and brighter Malkoff.
This light has been dropped on concrete and steel grating many times over the years from doing stuff with the light in my hand without taking time to use its lanyard. The wear around the front edge of the bezel looking almost uniform is due to using a file to smooth out the gouges.

2. Malkoff M60WLF
The >12yr old M60WLF was recently moved to a MD2 host, but started out as my EDC in a bored SF C2-HA, then was switched to the Malkoff VME head on a SF E2D body, where it stayed for quite a few years.
I still use it regularly.

3. Zebralight SC52w
My EDC for about the same amount of time as the M61N was my work light, >8yrs. The edge of its bezel has also seen a file a time or two.
Like the M61N, it was replaced this past winter with a newer model(SC64w HI).

These were 3 of my only 4 handheld lights for most of a decade, before deciding to upgrade everything.

Honorable mention to the Zebralight H52Fw bought around the same time as the SC52w. Not a nightly user, but my hiking/backpacking light that still sees 100% of my use in the woods, unless I bring another light to play with.

Definitely got my money's worth from all 4:thumbsup:


Newly Enlightened
Jan 13, 2021
First "pricey" light that I actually used and tried to EDC but ended up using it as a travel emergency flashlight is a SF ED2 Defender LED (1st gen). I still carry it in a shoulder pouch on my backpack when riding the motorcycle over state lines. I think it's going on around 20 years in use, but currently I'm using the body to test out LF alternatives... will return it to stock if I do any long road trips.

Eagletac Ti Clicky (one version or another) was my EDC for years. I didn't like the stubbyness of the CR123 version, so I switched to the 14500 version and followed the gerenation change (DX3). The DX3 is still my go-to for carry when I'm not doing dirty jobs.

Current EDC is a Streamlight Macrostream USB. I tried carrying two different versions of the 18650 Clickies (currently use the Tactical version for the UI if I need an 18650 EDC), but the Macrostream USB fits the size, simple UI, rechargeablity when without a charger, and ugliness I want when I'm doing dirty jobs. Interestingly enough, I thought I'd hate the light, but it turned out to fit my needs pretty well. It's only been a couple months, but I have no plans on replacing it in the near future unless my work transitions to less labor intensive duties.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
In June 2016 BullsEye Worldwide sold me a PKDL PR-1. The day it arrived I removed the clip and stuck it in my pants pocket. It is still the daily. In September that year BullsEye Worldwide soid me the PL-2 and it rides in the other pocket.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 8, 2016
HDS F89HG. Finally realized the impossibility of finding a light that I like better.


Jul 14, 2016
Eagtac D25C mini, that I did an LED swap to a 4000k Samsung LH351D. Simple interface, smoothest twisty I have ever used, right size to always have in the pocket, the reflector provides adequate throw, the large Samsung LED provides a wide hotspot great for trail walks, and it's high CRI. Perfect complement to my HDS Exec with the same LED.


Jun 27, 2009
Mine are what most might consider "budget" lights, but they have both have worked great for me and have become my favorites.

1) Thrunite TN4A - Bought Jan 2016 and used a lot (mostly for taking the dog out at night before bed).
2) Thrunite T10 II - Bought Feb 2019, and has been my edc flashlight since. Used daily.

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Nov 19, 2017
Malkoff MDC 16650 daily, but at night HDS Tactical Rotary with one of those recently limited LED runs, has a nice big hot spot and 5000 tint I believe. I also use the Elzetta Bravo with the first AVS head running a 16650 fairly often.

Hooked on Fenix

Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2007
Nitecore TIP CRI second generation (no parasitic circuit that kills battery on lockout within 24 hours and no complicated U.I. like the last version).