Polarion Abyss Dual "S"


Feb 13, 2007
Thanks for the continuing information Patriot! Appears that others have taken interest in this great deal as well and will have their own copies of the Abyss (Abysses???) to use and test! Great!:grin2:

You got it Karl. "Abysses" haha, I love it! :)

" Patriot " I know it is a minor thing but - do you have a picture of the soft case, or did you upgrade to the hard case? Looking forward to the video - always top notch!
Hi Sandy, I ended up with the soft case, which I really kind of like, since I'm not jumping out of aircraft with it..lol. It's compact, easy to transport and lightweight. The style is a soft, padded, camera case which is black and rectangular. It also has a nice metallic "Polarion" name plate it, so it's not completely generic. Once the charging apparatus is untied from its nice compact bundle, it can be a bit awkward to feed it back into the case with the light. Since the light would be rubbing on the charger I just remove it for short outings or pull a large, wool, lens sock over the light before putting it back in with the charger. I suppose a thin, closed cell foam panel could be added at a double deck divider as a self supplied option.

There are two small front pockets and two slightly roomier, end pockets on the case but they're too small for extra batteries or charger. They'll be fine for stowing a couple of filters, extra o-rings, and lens cloth but that's about it. There's also a flat zippered panel on the back side of the case and a zippered mesh panel on the inside of the flap lit but again, they really can't be used for anything associated with this light other than paperwork, o-rings, lube or filters.

If they change something, it would be to make the two end pockets laterally deep enough to house an extra battery pack. The only thing I changed was to add a second 1/4" piece of panel padding to the bottom of the case. The other sides are thickened up by the pockets already but if I drop the case with light on the concrete, I want a bit of extra protection there. About the only way this light could be damaged through the soft case would be an extreme impact on the bezel, so that what I'm protecting against.

Outside of the case, a protruding impacter, like a pointed rock could crack the front lens or tailcap polymer but I think that would be mighty rare. I've learned one thing though lately, if it's possible it will happen to me. I don't know if it's just the fortune of all my recent gear testing or not but "Murphy" has been a constant companion. Last night while taking beam videos I felt a hot sensation in my pocket. Thinking that an extra AAA light accidentally activated in my pocket I started to feel through my cargo shorts to find that the 9V battery I had tossed in my right front had heated up to about 150 degrees. It was so hot that I dropped it on the ground out of reflex. Baffled for an explanation as to why it was shorting out, I dug back into my pockets several times trying to solve the mystery but several times verified that nothing was there. Eventually and with difficulty, the tip of one finger felt what seemed like a folded tab of paper in the corner of the pocket. I pulled it out to find an old, foil, chewing gum wrapper about a 1/4 the size of a postage stamp. :shakehead The 9V was only in my pocket from the vehicle to the video site, or less than five minutes. Ironically, the 9V had been in my fire starting kit and I temporarily borrowed it as a back-up in just in case there was an issue with the brand new battery that I put into my rangefinder the night before. I was looking out for Murphy and he "got" me anyway! :laughing:
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Feb 13, 2007

Enjoyed your video of the Abyss next to the PH-50. The Abyss form factor looks the best to me...

Nice video of you & your pops & uncle doing the long range shooting. Watched all three!

Polarion has a winner with the Abyss in or out of the water. They keep getting it right, is it Ken's influence :tinfoil:

Thanks Lips! Honestly, I had a sore throat when I made that video, plus it was the end of a long day right before bed time. Had several mistakes and forgot to say other things..lol. That how it goes sometimes. Here's a link that offers 720P or 1080....


Glad you liked the shooting video as well. Another goofy one since I was forced into a terrible shooting position with extreme neck tension. :shakehead The video work always adds the element of sidetrack and oversight but overall the experience is challenging and fun.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 11, 2006
Yeah I was burned way too many times by Murphy. DEFINITELY not my friend!!! Great video review, I especially love your firearm review and the "Wilderness Owl Adventure" videos!!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 20, 2007
Patriot : Thanks for the great explanation of the soft case - probably go with that if I give in.
Murphy follows a lot of us I'm afraid! My Zebralight came on in my pants pocket while standing in line in the bank - got hot as heck!
Great video - looking forward to watching outside shots. :thumbsup:


Newly Enlightened
May 7, 2011
Well now I am a little upset after seeing the deal Ken has. I got a 20% law enforcement discount and now just for being a member on here you get a 25% discount. I am happy for you guys that got the better deal but I would think the law enforcement discount would be a little better.

Patriot...Any time frame on the beam shots maybe vs PH50? I cant wait to see the difference.:thumbsup:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 19, 2004
Ahem, "just for being a member"? I can understand you feeling slighted however....and, I have only the greatest respect for our military and law enforcement professionals. Karl


Newly Enlightened
May 7, 2011
Sorry Karl..maybe that came out sounding the wrong way..

What I meant by it is that someone can just come and join this site and automatically get the 25% deal whereas someone that has put their life on the line(military) or someone who does it everyday(law enforcement) gets a worse discount. I am happy that Ken even gave me a discount and it is appreciated but I just feel that the fact the military/law enforcement is less than what I could have got if I had mentioned this site is a little insulting. I only say this because I was in the military for 4 years with one of those years spent fighting in Iraq and am now LE. It is what it is. I dont want to derail this thread so I will leave it at that. I am sure Ken will work with me when I give him a call. No biggie.

As for the light, I plan on totally putting this thing to use on the job in a real world environment and I will report back here with my thoughts. From 2010-Current has had the highest LE deaths in the history of time so anything I can improve tactically, I will do to better my odds of survival.
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Sep 25, 2004
I always find it interesting when law enforcement believes it deserves better treatment than fire fighters or public works people who maintain law enforcement vehicles and their buildings - thereby helping make it possible for them to do the job they are well paid to do.

Now Patriot...where are those beamshots??? Are you resting on your laurels?:D


Feb 13, 2007
Sorry Karl..maybe that came out sounding the wrong way..

What I meant by it is that someone can just come and join this site and automatically get the 25% deal whereas someone that has put their life on the line(military) or someone who does it everyday(law enforcement) gets a worse discount. I am happy that Ken even gave me a discount and it is appreciated but I just feel that the fact the military/law enforcement is less than what I could have got if I had mentioned this site is a little insulting. I only say this because I was in the military for 4 years with one of those years spent fighting in Iraq and am now LE. It is what it is. I dont want to derail this thread so I will leave it at that. I am sure Ken will work with me when I give him a call. No biggie.

Think of it this way armysoldier, times change and the product went on sale. Prices and deals are in a constant state of flux. If I buy a new vehicle and it goes on sale next month, that's just the way the world spins. 20% off is a screaming deal but perhaps Ken is launching off a campaign in order to mix things up a bit perhaps due to the slow economy. I respect law enforcement, work with them daily and I find that most of our servants are humble and non-demanding. Only a few ever elevate themselves to an entitlement frame of mind but when it happens I find it incredibly tiring. I'll usually find a way to stop working with them and assign someone else to the task. I'm not saying that you're doing that but it does sort of seem like you could be overlooking the obvious with regards to product pricing fluctuations and discount variation. Ken is a very fair man but stating it as respectfully as I can, I personally don't see that you're owed anything.

With regards to the video, all the footage is taken. I just have to start the laborious work of editing and uploading. The desktop work is pretty easy going because it's all in one location and no logistics take place. In the field, there's usually a lot more video footage, narration mistakes, babbling, fragmented sentences, drooling, technical or setting errors, and anything else that I can possibly screw up. I have to fix all of that to a point of reasonable quality for publication which means a 3-4 hours with my over-taxed PC. I'm starting and upgrade mission which started with my camera, software, and the computer is next on the list. Once that's done I'll be pumping out videos in 1/3 the time. Either Monday evening or Tuesday morning I should have that video up. Then still pictures / beamshots will be soon after. :) Also, no problem with the inquires, I've also asked for pictures from other CPF'ers probably more times than you guys have...lol.
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Parker VH

Oct 22, 2008
Patriot I'm chompin at the bit to see your new video. Your first one on the overall features of the Abyss was very well done. I already have a PH50 but this light tempts me also. I'd really like to have the smooth reflector as I want maximum throw as usual :) I emailed Ken so I'll see if I can get that reflector and at what cost if I decide to order one.
Keep up the great work.


Newly Enlightened
May 7, 2011
I always find it interesting when law enforcement believes it deserves better treatment than fire fighters or public works people who maintain law enforcement vehicles and their buildings - thereby helping make it possible for them to do the job they are well paid to do.

Now Patriot...where are those beamshots??? Are you resting on your laurels?:D

Please show me anywhere in my statements where I said that was how I felt about them. I did not mention them but feel the same way towards them as well as AMR(AMR probably some of the hardest working guys I know). As far as the "well paid" part, I will not even get into that argument with you but I can tell you first hand that we earn every last penny we make. I can go work at Walmart and get better health benefits than the last PD I worked for just to give you an idea. Seeing and doing everything we do definitely takes its toll on you mentally and physically. That is why alot of people do not want to do the job we do. If you have any questions about things you believe, please feel free to send me a message and we can discuss it in there. I will tell you the truth about anything you want to know and enlighten you to things you probably never imagined. lol I really think you guys are misunderstanding what I said.


I am probably one of the most laid back guys you will meet. I am not one of those power hungry "Oh look at me, I have a badge" kind of guys. I treat everyone fairly and with respect, as long as they give it to me obviously. I understand things go on sale but 99% of legitimate businesses will take care of their customers when something like this happens (a day or two after I bought it), and by no means am I saying Ken won't do that. Besides being LE, I am also a member of this site and think it is "fair" to get the 25% like every other member got. So yes, in the most respectful way, I do feel that I should get what everyone else got. That is all I meant from the beginning and people blew it way out of proportion, turning this into an argument when it shouldn't have been.

Now, with all that said, thank you Patriot for taking the time to make these posts and videos on a product that costs so much money. It is helpful for people to make their decision on whether or not to buy a product.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 19, 2004
I bought my Abyss May 9th after reviewing the discount code and speaking with Ken Good so that I entered it correctly. I could stand corrected (though I doubt it) but I believe I was the first to take advantage of the NEW discount offering--in other words, this 25% discount was NOT previously offered for the Abyss. I don't believe any character assassination has been intentional on the part of anyone. I am proud to be a member of the CPF community since 2004 and have been fortunate to have been able to take advantage of other discounts after they became available, one being a Polarion PH 50, again, after the
offer became available. Karl


Newly Enlightened
May 7, 2011
Yeah you are one of the lucky one's that scored that PH50. I wish I was in the flashlight world back then because I would love to have one of those, even more so now because they aren't available anymore, although I don't think this Abyss dual is too far off and offers more features.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 19, 2004
I've got a feeling your Abyss (and mine soon) will not perform at a level markedly below the PH50 other than some throw distance which may be altered with a smooth reflector change out for the stipple. All this pure conjecture on my part at this time. Again, we will have to wait for Patriot's pictures ( and I for receipt of my Abyss). Karl


Newly Enlightened
May 7, 2011
Well I was sitting here messing around with my new surveillance system and got a knock at the door...Yes, I had a nice big package labeled "POLARION" sitting on my door step. My first initial impressions are that this thing is well built. The soft case seems to be good quality and pretty supporting of the light. Now I can say, this thing has some weight to it. I think the actual weight is like 3.9 pounds but it would get heavy holding it for long periods of time so I am glad it has a handle. I do not have the PH50 to compare it to as far as the body goes but this thing is pretty thick around which would be uncomfortable to hold without the handle, at least in my case because I have medium size hands.

I turned it on for just a minute or two just because I couldnt wait and I am very impressed. It is daytime so it is really hard to tell the real brightness of this monster but it hurt my eyes a little just looking at the beam on the wall. I have it charging now because I did not want to mess up the battery(not sure if it will effect the memory or not) but I want to play it safe and let it charge overnight.

I compared it to my Pelican 7060 which I know is no where near a fair comparison but it was the only other light I have that is pretty bright. I thought my Pelican was bright but this thing makes it look like a keychain toy. The Pelican has a more white colored beam/spot and the Polarion has kind of a yellowish beam/spot. I can't wait to try it at night. I am really curious how much of a difference the smooth reflector will make.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 8, 2007
Well I was sitting here messing around with my new surveillance system and got a knock at the door...Yes, I had a nice big package labeled "POLARION" sitting on my door step. My first initial impressions are that this thing is well built. The soft case seems to be good quality and pretty supporting of the light. Now I can say, this thing has some weight to it. I think the actual weight is like 3.9 pounds but it would get heavy holding it for long periods of time so I am glad it has a handle. I do not have the PH50 to compare it to as far as the body goes but this thing is pretty thick around which would be uncomfortable to hold without the handle, at least in my case because I have medium size hands.

I turned it on for just a minute or two just because I couldnt wait and I am very impressed. It is daytime so it is really hard to tell the real brightness of this monster but it hurt my eyes a little just looking at the beam on the wall. I have it charging now because I did not want to mess up the battery(not sure if it will effect the memory or not) but I want to play it safe and let it charge overnight.

I compared it to my Pelican 7060 which I know is no where near a fair comparison but it was the only other light I have that is pretty bright. I thought my Pelican was bright but this thing makes it look like a keychain toy. The Pelican has a more white colored beam/spot and the Polarion has kind of a yellowish beam/spot. I can't wait to try it at night. I am really curious how much of a difference the smooth reflector will make.

How long did it take from time of order to delivery?


Sep 25, 2004
I have it charging now because I did not want to mess up the battery(not sure if it will effect the memory or not) but I want to play it safe and let it charge overnight.

I'm not sure by the way you worded the sentence above if you are talking about the battery developing a memory in a negative sense of the word, but if so, no reason to worry as Lithium Ion batteries for all practical purposes, have no memory affect. If you're not familiar with Lithiums, don't be concerned about not running the battery all the way down or frequently topping it off. It would actually be happier if you don't run it all the way down and do frequently top it off. (Although the Polarion circuitry most likely has a very conservative Low Voltage Cut-off to protect the battery). If you plan any periods of non-use (a couple months or more, you might want to run the battery down to about 15.4Volts (carefully use a Voltmeter across the contacts of the battery). This is considered "storage Voltage" and will prolong the life of the battery.