Who has actually used the "Tactical" aspect of their torch?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 11, 2007
Orlando, FL
A few years back I had a job as a security guard at a shelter for refugees. When doing my rounds during a nightshift I came across 2 men fighting. I tried to calm them down, but they did not speak dutch/english/french or german so I couldn't really communicate with them...
When one of them pulled out a razor (the old folding type) I felt it was time to take action. I decided not to wait for my backup and whacked razorguy over the head with my magcharger. He went down immediately. The other guy was pretty quick to grab the dropped razor and jumped at me. He was too close for me to swing the mag at him, so I jabbed him in the throat with the mags tailcap. Not hard but just enough to have him grasp for air. Worked him to the ground before he could recover and cuffed him with a heavy duty zip-tie. While I was doing that my colleagues arrived, they were just in time to cuff the other one who was starting to wake up from his mag induced nap and hand the 2 individuals over to our friends from the local police.

not really tactical... but the maglite saved my ***.

Are you kidding? That's more or less the definition​ of tactical.