High temps are wearing me out early!

Marty Weiner

Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2002
Same Area Code As Death Valley
I don't usually get cabin fever until August or September but the high temperatures are getting to me.

It's been over 110 for about 2-3 weeks and, according to the weather guys/girls, it will not go below 110 for at least 2 more weeks. When you go into a retail store, they hand you a bottle of water to take with you. Things are getting serious.

Last Saturday, it was over 120 with the humidity at 51 per cent. Luckily my little Saturn has great A/C and my home has a super-efficient HVAC system but you can only stay inside so long.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 9, 2004
South Texas
Same here. I've embraced the "siesta". When I have to work outdoors, I start at about 0600, stop at 1100 and, if I can work up the momentum, start back about 1700.

ThermoTabs (brandname) help. Sodium, potassium and other stuff.


Oct 19, 2003
In a handbasket
I use a product called Thermotabs (salt & potassium tablets) on really hot days, along with water of course. It seems to help stave off that "wet dishrag" feeling that I get when it's too hot. Thermotabs are OTC but often kept behind the pharmacy counter.

Marty Weiner

Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2002
Same Area Code As Death Valley
PhotonWrangler said:
I use a product called Thermotabs (salt & potassium tablets) on really hot days, along with water of course. It seems to help stave off that "wet dishrag" feeling that I get when it's too hot. Thermotabs are OTC but often kept behind the pharmacy counter.

Way too much sodium for me (about 200 mg per tablet). I have hypertension and it's controlled. I don't want to mess with it.

I keep hydrated and feel fine physically. It's the effect of stepping outside into the "pizza oven" that blows my mind.


Jan 29, 2004
Washington State
Add me to the list...103 degrees and holding steady.

How cool has it been getting at night for you guys? We're getting lows around 80...never cools off at all.

Oh well. At least it's my last summer in this kind of heat. :party:


Nov 22, 2003
Flushing, NY
I was going to start a thread on this exact same subject. I never liked warm weather much but lately I've grown to hate it with a purple passion.
Summers are getting harder and harder for me to get through the last few years. Now I pretty much only go out after the sun goes down but even then it's not comfortable. Anything much over about 50°F makes me sweat with any kind of moderate physical activity. While we're not having the 110+ temperatures mentioned in the first post, NYC is famous for its humidity. 85°F coupled with 90% humidity is just as bad as 110°F from a physical standpoint. Add in the sun shining on you plus the heat being magnified by things like black asphalt streets and it gets unbearable. On days when it gets into the 90s or beyond forget it. BTW, you can't always go by the "official" high since it's taken in Central Park where things are a good bit cooler. Monday my indoor/outdoor thermometer went up to 106°F and Tuesday it hit 108°F. The "official" highs were 94°F and 95°F, respectively.

I find that despite air conditioning I feel very lethargic in the summers. It takes me a week to do what would take me one day in cooler weather. No wonder the economy in places like Mexico is slow. We're just a month or so into the really hot weather but I feel worn out by it already. I hate to think that we probably have another 10 to 12 weeks of this. My only consolation is that global warming may trigger a new ice age. In my mind it couldn't happen soon enough.

Other things I hate about summer are the smellier air and the insects.
Winter please come back!

I personally don't understand how people can even exist in places where it never gets cold. At least winter resets my body's equilibrium. Without the break from warm weather, I would probably be dead in short order. I'd just as soon do away with summers entirely if it were up to me.

How cool has it been getting at night for you guys? We're getting lows around 80...never cools off at all.
Usually not much under 80, even on days when the highs are only in the 80s. Occasionally it'll get down around 70° but rarely lower. The A/C is pretty much running day and night to cope with the humidity and the temperatures. I went out on my bike last night when it dropped to 73° thinking it would be relatively pleasant. Turns out the humidity was high so I was sweating like a pig anyway.
It might as well have been 90.


Oct 19, 2003
In a handbasket
Marty Weiner said:
Way too much sodium for me (about 200 mg per tablet). I have hypertension and it's controlled. I don't want to mess with it.

I keep hydrated and feel fine physically. It's the effect of stepping outside into the "pizza oven" that blows my mind.

Sorry Marty, I should have qualified that. My regimen is not very compatible with hypertension. I have the opposite - hypotension, so salt is my friend.

Yeah, the "pizza oven" - I can relate! Especially when stepping out of an air conditioned building into a blacktop parking lot, radiating all of that additional heat from the asphalt. Phew!


*Flashaholic* ,
Dec 13, 2002
Hawthorne, NV
When I get home from work, my garage/shop is in the mid 90's and my home is 2 miles from the pacific ocean! The only time I can get any work done out there is weekend mornings, and that is with a major fan and sweat band, and no shirt. (My Roth act. :green: )

It's going to be a hot summer! The last one was about 10 years ago and fans were sold out at Kmart and Target for weeks!



Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 6, 2004
la bonne vie en Amérique
It's pretty oppressive in New Orleans. I was in the Quarter on Royal yesterday and it was almost deserted. I could have shot a shotgun down the street and not hit anyone -- that's odd. It was almost like walking around twelve hours before a storm is supposed to hit -- after everyone's evaced -- weird.

No one here is talking about any relief. We're just hunkering down 'til October. If it lightens up before that -- that'll be great but nobody here really thinks in those terms...

James S

Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 27, 2002
on an island surrounded by reality
yea, it's pretty miserable. It's only in the 90's here, but the humidity is also in the 90's, so sweating is pretty much a pointless exercise...

I just got down from an hour in the attic though, trying to fix the damnable exhaust fan up there. So i can relate to the "pizza oven"

If I"m working and sweating that much, just water doesn't cut it. I will get seriously sick if I dont drink a gatorade and then a bunch of water. I could probably take the other thing you mentioned too, but the little bit of sugar in them is Ok with me too at that point.


Oct 27, 2005
What I find that helps a lot is to sip ice water, it is like an internal airconditioner, keeping your core temps down.
Any more than 3 liters a day and you risk flushing your electrolytes, causing very bad problems. Salt helps, but a normal diet wont need any more. Drink cold water moderately instead of lots of warm water.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 19, 2006
I'm hiding inside in the AC too, it's 105 outside here. Supposed to stay this warm through the weekend and well into next week. Considering I'm not very comfy at temps above 65, this plain sucks.

Those of you without air conditioning, my heart goes out to you!



Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 15, 2001
Not that Mass is a cess pool of heat compared to the southern part of the country but I miss my northern Vermont upbringing during the summer. 75-80 daytime highs is the norm, 85 is considered hot and some years never see 90. Likewise except for perhaps two or three days during the summer, every night is at least below 70 with the mid 50s being the average. I have seen the high 30s for lows during July and August. Of course this "ideal" weather only lasts for about a 90 day stretch so ya gotta find someplace else to live for the other 270!

I always thought that perhaps for the US, except for the heavier rain in the winter, maybe upper west coast regions might be nice from northern California to Washington. Generally from what I read, moderate summers and relatively speaking, mild winters.


Aug 12, 2000
Federal Way WA. USA
It's in the low 100s here too...and I'm from southeast Alaska; and am quite comfortable with temperatures in the mid-60s.
Thankfully there is AC in this home.

Whenever I need to go outside, it's like going into a blast furnace. :sick2:
And I have to go outside to take out the garbage and check the mail.

My almost daily store run now takes place between 7:30am and 8:00am; instead of close to 12:00pm like it was in Seattle.