HDS Rotary Custom Programming Set Up


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 9, 2011
HDS Manual

Template Below (use it if you want, copy/paste, etc.)
Turn On: (A,B,C,D, Disabled(Last Used))

A: (Rotary, 1-24, SOS, Emergency Strobe, Tactical Strobe)(__ lumens)
B: (Rotary, 1-24, SOS, Emergency Strobe, Tactical Strobe)(__ lumens)
C: (Rotary, 1-24, SOS, Emergency Strobe, Tactical Strobe)(__ lumens)
D: (Rotary, 1-24, SOS, Emergency Strobe, Tactical Strobe)(__ lumens)

Options Enabled: (Turn On Preset, Button Lock, Automatic Turn Off, Locator Flash, Momentary, Burst, Customization)


**Default Programming**

Turn On: B

A: 24 (Max, 200 lumens)
B: Rotary
C: 16 (13 lumens)
D: Emergency Strobe

Options Enabled: Turn On Preset, Burst*

*NOTE: The first runs of the rotary had burst disabled from the factory, but new versions have burst enabled from the factory.
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Turn On: B

A: 24 (Max, 200 lumens)
B: Rotary
C: Emergency Strobe
D: Tactical Strobe

Options Enabled: Turn On Preset, Button Lock, Burst
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Turn On: B

A: 24 (Max - 200 lumen)
B: Rotary
C: 16 (13 lumen)
D: Tactical Strobe

Options Enabled: Turn On Preset, Momentary, Burst
Turn On: B

A: 24 (Max)
B: Rotary
C: Emergency Strobe
D: Tactical Strobe

Options Enabled: Turn On Preset, Momentary, Burst

My turn on preset is always on B which is the rotary function. My rotary is always set to max output when at the ready. When I need low light levels I just rotate the rotary back to the lowest level before switching on the light. Preset A was set to max level 24 so I could always do a quick burst from any levels in the rotary levels to get to momentary max for subject identification at longer distances.
Here is how I have my Rotary set(for now):
Function A - Tactical Strobe
Function B - Rotary
Function C - Rotary
Function D - Max 200
Preset - disabled
Button Lock - disabled
Automatic Turn Off - enabled
Locator Flash - enabled(I had this enabled on my Ra/HDS 170, but I found it would kill my 170 burst. I would only get a few seconds of burst, not my complete ten seconds, so I disabled it. I am giving it a test run on my Rotary, see what happens).
Momentary - enabled
Burst - enabled
Customization - disabled
Function A - Rotary
Function B - Strobe
Function C - SOS
Function D - Signal flash
Button Lock - enabled
Automatic Turn Off - enabled
Momentary - enabled
Burst - disabled
Customization - enabled
Phazer-set to stun
Alarm- on high
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Turn On: B

A: 24 (200 lm.)
B: Rotary
C: 16 (13 lm.)
D: Tactical Strobe

Options Enabled: Automatic Turn Off, Locator Flash, Momentary, Burst, Customization, Global Thermonuclear War

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Function A - Rotary
Function B - Strobe
Function C - SOS
Function D - Signal flash
Button Lock - enabled
Automatic Turn Off - enabled
Momentary - enabled
Burst - disabled
Customization - enabled
Phazer-set to stun
Alarm- on high

Interesting set-up, blub (especially the funny bits!)! Out of curiosity, why do you have your light set to come on in strobe from a single click? (Mode B)

edit: nevermind...I assume too much.

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Turn On B

A: 24 Max
B: Rotary
C: 13
D: Emergency Strobe

Options Enabled: Turn On Preset, Momentary, Burst
Turn On: B

A: Rotary
B: 20
C: 16
D: Emergency Strobe

Options Enabled: Turn On Preset, Button Lock, Momentary, Burst

I know I may be odd that I don't turn on to the Rotary setting but past experience with my clicky shows that a medium-hi setting as the default is almost perfect for me. With the clicky I got used to holding the light against my thigh when actuating a low-low setting so as night to ruin my night vision. This doesn't come up nearly as often as I first imagined. With the Rotary I can just rotate it to low, press the light to my thigh and turn it on and then switch to 'A'. Most of the time the rotary is set to the highest position.
Turn On: D

A: 24 (Max)
B: Tactical Strobe
C: SOS Strobe
D: Rotary

Options Enabled: Turn On Preset D, Burst On, Momentary On
Interesting set-up, blub (especially the funny bits!)! Out of curiosity, why do you have your light set to come on in strobe from a single click? (Mode B)

edit: nevermind...I assume too much.


Maybe the preset is disabled, and you just leave it at A, or he changed the preset to A.
Yeah...I just assumed he had it enabled...possibly not.

Maybe he can enlighten us or use the template. When I get my rotary back I may have a look at some of these, I see a lot of momentary enabled (mine wasn't). Do you guys use momentary that much?
Do you guys use momentary that much?

I do! I use the momentary for quick burst to check my surroundings or if I just need a quick burst of light to find something. That is the main reason I will not carry a multi-mode light that cycles through the modes by means of the clicky. I can't stand when a light changes modes without me wanting it to.

Though for some reason I seem to be using momentary less with the Rotary than I have with any other light I have owned... not sure why though?? I guess I will have to start paying attention more when I am using the light to figure out a reason.
Maybe he can enlighten us or use the template. When I get my rotary back I may have a look at some of these, I see a lot of momentary enabled (mine wasn't). Do you guys use momentary that much?

I don't know if I use it a lot, but I like having it enabled, and now with the Rotary it is even more useful.
I am trying to decide what to set my Function C as, I don't need two Rotary controls, but I see no reason to set a light level when I can adjust to whatever is needed. I don't want SOS, or Emergency Strobe at this time, so I'll keep it Rotary for now.
Unless someone can convince me otherwise. :)
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