A Kudos to Surefire's warranty and customer service.

Since you can buy 4x the number of "Chinese lights" for the price of 1 Surefire, I'm not too concerned about parts being available years from now. If I was, I'd just buy 2 lights, and still save 50% over the price of a single Surefire. More likely, I'll just buy an upgraded version of the light every couple of years, to get more output and features.

Is a 10 year old Surefire still any good? Sure, shrug, but I'd rather use something more recent.

What he said. ;) :D
That's a Surefire way to get a time out.☺

Ha ha, of course it is. It is the first and only rule on here.

Thou shalt not say any of the obvious things wrong with any American company.
No, calling kestrel a SF fanboy in a less then polite way.
I realize you probably didn't mean it that way,
but that's how I read it, just saying maybe reword idk or hold course.
Gentlemen, please don't feed the trolls, it just encourages them.

This is why I take a sabbatical from CPF every few months. I come here for serious discussions about flashlights, but this stuff just becomes annoying.
Why not? Calm down Surefire fan boy. I don't have to have used their customer service to comment on the cost, quality of product, value or any of the things people discuss.

And as usual the accusation of "trolling" gets levied at all those who point out the bloody obvious, like the ridiculous cost vs value.

I don't have to have used their customer service to comment on the cost, quality of product, value or any of the things people discuss.

And these topics are related to a manufacturer's customer service (purpose of this thread) in what way?

Don't worry about providing an appropriate answer......I'm not going to come back to this thread to read it.
And these topics are related to a manufacturer's customer service (purpose of this thread) in what way?

Customer service isn't free. You're paying for it, though higher prices. Either the quality has to be high, to make sure that little customer service is needed. Or alternatively, the company just spends more on warranty repairs and inquiries.

So, yes, it really is relevant.

That said, I don't think Surefire's far higher prices all have to do with quality or service. A lot of it is just inefficiency, and higher labour costs, and perhaps just plain profit. Oh, and let's not forget a team of lawyers.

Don't worry about providing an appropriate answer......I'm not going to come back to this thread to read it.

In that case, it seems like you're way more off-topic than anyone else. Troll?
like the ridiculous cost vs value.

Seems relative. If you don't like it don't spend your money there.

I couldn't imagine spending a dollar of my money on what I believe to be Chinese made junk.. yet what good would it ever do to share an opinion of that nature in a forum thread talking about said companies?

People act like SF fanboys are in a class of their own.. when every brand has a solid following here just the same. The only difference is people still feel the need to tell you how SF isn't worth the money. I guess it's an integral part of the community but at this point I find it funny. It's like being the guy who owns the Corvette on the block and your neighbors hating you instead of just saying, "cool nice car, glad you enjoy it".
Seems relative. If you don't like it don't spend your money there.

I couldn't imagine spending a dollar of my money on what I believe to be Chinese made junk.. yet what good would it ever do to share an opinion of that nature in a forum thread talking about said companies?

People act like SF fanboys are in a class of their own.. when every brand has a solid following here just the same. The only difference is people still feel the need to tell you how SF isn't worth the money. I guess it's an integral part of the community but at this point I find it funny. It's like being the guy who owns the Corvette on the block and your neighbors hating you instead of just saying, "cool nice car, glad you enjoy it".

Well said.
So two weeks ago I sent a package of three Surefire lights to Surefire for repair:
1. My Surefire Black E1B, had small particles all over the reflector(way different than when I received it new)...looked almost as if it had been dropped and cracked the lens but there was no evidence of a crack to be seen and I have no recollection of dropping it.
2. My A2Aviator. The incandescent bulb only worked intermittently-The LEDs always worked, but when the voltage dropped below 6.0 volts, the incandescent would not light up. I felt the tailcap switch was faulty, as when I bypassed it with a paperclip it worked consistently.
3. Surefire L2 Digital Lumamax. The LED turned white & crystalline in appearance.

How did Surefire respond? In 2 weeks, all lights were returned. In the package were new Surefire batteries for each light.
1. My E1B was returned with a new EB1 Head with higher Lumen rating than the old E1B.
2. They put new batteries in and could not get the light to malfunction.
3. The LED was replaced and the light worked as good as new.

All in all I felt Surefire did a good job. I will hold off final judgement until I see if the A2 acts up again. The E1B with the new head is awesome, the TIR really focuses a tight beam, and the tint is neutral and pleasant. The L2 has been restored to like new. All in all good customer service, fast turnaround and free lithium batteries too!
So they actually opened up the L2 head and resoldered a new LED in place? Was it another Luxeon LED? If so, that's awesome.

Great that they gave you a brand new EB1 head, too!
Sent my E1B in for a repair. Washed the light in my work pants... Water got inside the head. I took the head apart thinking it was a user serviceable part. Turns out it ain't...

SF returned it with a new EB1 head!

Yep, I'm a confirmed SF fan. :)
I've only ever used it once besides the rapid response.. I've told this story many times but I dropped an LX2 from a balcony of an apartment into a little garbage bin pit.. all in all about 2 and a half stories. The light still worked but the bezel was slightly caved in and the lens was half busted out.

Sent SF an email explaining what happened with a picture. Figured they might want to confirm my story being as it happened while I was on duty. At the minimum ask for proof of my working in law enforcement. Nah, they simply issued a return label and swapped me a new LX2.

In a different way of looking at it.. it's like I bought two LX2s for half price each.
So they actually opened up the L2 head and resoldered a new LED in place? Was it another Luxeon LED? If so, that's awesome.

Great that they gave you a brand new EB1 head, too!

Yes they did(I expected a head swap, but I received my original one back with a new Lux(I thought they would use a different LED since the Lux's tended to run so hot it shortened their lifespan). I was very pleased to get it back. The new EB1 actually works better for me than my original so all in all I am a happy customer (even though I am sure some will call me a Surefire "Fanboy"). The proof is in the end result. Even though I have many lights, when I am in a "life on the line" circumstance I will always have a Surefire with me.
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They were kind enough to send me a new bezel for my old 6P that had the (basically) non-replaceable lens. And a tailcap just because it was old and kinda sticky feeling.
I had at least five hard daily years on this thing, I never dreamed it would last so well, or that Surefire would cover such wear for free.
I got nothing but praise.
The service I got from SF exceeded my expectations when the pocket clip which snapped off from a 10 year old light was replaced and sent back to me within 10 days but where the Company fails miserably, for whatever reason, is in providing high output lights with extended runtimes...