Coronavirus - II

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Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
The death rate lingers weeks behind the case rates. In most cases it's 2-4 weeks after the case was discovered. So to blame a spike of deaths on Memorial Day is premature. Those numbers will show up in mid to late June. It'll probably be July 4 when the riots and protest numbers show up on the death clock.

I do see a lot of people relaxing now as if the thing is gone. It's not, nor is it going to be any time soon. But now that things are opening back up we should enjoy the chance to return to a bit closer to normal while excersizing continued prudence.
Wash you hands, stay 6' apart, don't touch you face. It is still that simple. If you prefer to wear a face covering, go for it. Afterall you can right now.

I joked one day about being booted out of a store for wearing a mask while buying Valentine's candy for Mrs Fixer, then later for not wearing one while shopping for a Mothers Day gift. I look forward to the day I get booted out for wearing a mask again.
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Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
I'd honestly trade the zombie Apocalypse over what's happening right now. Face-mask plus face-shield, combined with a baseball bat, spear, or sword. Ironically I ordered an actual sword (not some wall-hanger) a couple of months before I even heard about the Coronavirus. Japanese style, two-handed, 24-inch very manageable blade. Would love to put it to use on the Undead. Thing is.... a zombie is big, slow, and noticeable. Much easier to deal with than a microscopic horror you can't see. Easier to track too. Let me deal with something I can literally fight back against. Just saying....

But okay, not trying to go off topic into the realm of the supernatural. As far as the protests go, will only say that the pandemic is now likely to hang around far longer than perhaps it would have; if all the protests had stayed confined to Minneapolis MN. Not one NYPD officer was involved, protests in NY. Not one London constable was involved, protests in London. I don't get that.
In The Walking Dead, everyone was/is infected, yet not everyone died from it. Perhaps it will be the same with covid-19. The virus will die/become no longer viable, once everyone is infected, or there is a vaccine, and everyone (who has not yet created antibodies) is inoculated. One can argue that herds of people congregating together, will quicken the pace of everyone getting infected, and that is a good thing. Personally, I am not taking that position, but at this point won't argue forcefully against it.

Regarding protests in areas outside of Minneapolis, MN. I don't get the riots, and looting. IMO that defeats the purpose of "The Cause". Living in the NYC Metropolitan area, I follow NY Governor's daily briefing, and am happy to report, that he has stressed the fact, that the looting and rioting was NOT done by the protesters. He has gone to great lengths, to separate the two groups: looters/criminals, and peaceful protesters. I am glad to see that the politicians are making a distinction that will, hopefully teach the children, and youth of today, the lessons that weren't taught to me during the 60's and 70's era riots.

I like to say that I am not prejudiced, but I am. Its been ingrained in me. While a youth, during the riots, it was continually pointed out that the blacks were destroying their own neighborhood. I wasn't taught that there were essentially good and criminal blacks, but rather, how stupid, and violent they are.

Considering, that I was raised in a blue collar, white, (Irish, Italian, Polish, German) neighborhood, I don't recall having a black friend, or even knowing a black person. I don't know if there was a black family in our town. Therefore never being exposed to a decent black person, and only hearing of the negative connotations placed on them, I have become inherently prejudiced against them, or at least distrustful.

I can be easily disarmed by a warm smile though. :)

I remember a time when a really large, tall and muscular, black man came to my office unannounced. I was startled, and it must have shown on my face, because he just gave me a warm smile, and we were good. I imagine, that he learned to accept the fact that being black and huge, that it is best to smile, to reduce tensions from the outset.

I have a friend, performer, a large muscular black man, who at the time was with a professional traveling troop, and was scheduled to perform at "The Papermill Playhouse" in NJ. He needed to get a haircut and a shave. He went to a local barber, and took a seat and waited his turn. Each time another "white man" came in, he got pushed further back in line, until there was no one else left, except him and the barber.

I think it was the early 80's that my in-laws went to Delaware, to check out the area, because my father-in-law's job was expanding to there, and wanted him to consider moving. He was stunned to see that as they walked along the sidewalk, that black people walking in the other direction, would step out into the street, to give them wide birth, to allow them to pass.

In 1979, I took a tour of Macon, Georgia, with a friend, and he pointed out that there were still bath-rooms labeled, Men, Women, and Blacks.

I spent an hour with an elderly Polish immigrant a couple of years, ago. He told me that he didn't experience prejudice until he came here to America. He got a job, down South, as a welder. He worked the morning and was fired at lunch time, because he bought a soda pop for a black man, out of the white man's pop machine.

All this to say, that it must get pretty tiring/trying, to so often, just because of the color of your skin, have to prove that you are a good guy, before people will relax around you.

So do I "get" the protesting in areas around the world? Yes I do.


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
Anyone having issues buying razor blades? Me I have around 440 blades. I get them for like 9 bucks per hundred blades. There the old ones they used it the 50s


Aug 27, 2006
Anecdotally, I see mask usage dropping 50% or more where I'm at.

Outside, here in NYC, I'd say mask wearing is higher than I've ever seen it before. Everyone around has one, and most are wearing them properly. Sadly, some elderly neighbors scared to death of going outside. One stepped out for 20 minutes yesterday and just sat there on a short retaining wall, wearing a mask, trying to enjoy the bright Summer's day. Then went back inside.


Aug 27, 2006
I heard someone on the news say that the streets of New York looked like a scene from Gotham. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when they were showing a peaceful protest in front of a building that they didn't know how it caught on fire. Interesting times we are living in. If a news anchor or a politician says a place is safe, run. Things are only going to get worse as more people burn through their savings, then their food supplies, then become homeless and broke. Too many lost jobs and businesses for a quick recovery. Think about people's desperation close to that of the Great Depression, but with fewer people with basic needed skills and a lot less people who know how to grow their own food and hunt. Some without those skills or the means to take care of themselves will consider taking it from others. In a survival or panic situation, the first thing people lose is a sense of humor, next is their common sense, then their ability to care about others (they become selfish/self-centered), then they lose their sanity. If you're wondering where we're at, turn on the t.v., listen to a politician, and ask yourself if what they said seems sane to you.

I truly hope things turn around quickly and common sense and rationality return, but I'm not holding my breath. Have to prepare for the worst, hope for the best, put family first in times of crisis, and pray.

I will say that people in my neighborhood have maintained their civility, for the most part. There have been a few knuckleheads who have tried pulling the same selfish BS that they do when things are normal. Being 6' 2" 315 pounds and looking like the Psycho from the film "Full Metal Jacket," comes in handy when encountering such individuals.

The local supermarket is well-stocked. Lines aren't an issue, if you go in the morning. Sometimes certain things are not on the shelves. But ironically the only things you can't get are liquid anti-bacterial soap (though you will find the solid bars easily enough), and ironically; yeast. Everything else, sometimes they have it, sometimes not. I think that's one thing helping with the current situation in NY. Other than those two items, you can still usually get what you need.

Common sense? That's been dead in NYC for decades upon decades. Doubt that's coming back. No, not being sarcastic. Have lived here since 1979. It's long dead and buried.

Good thing is, I doubt we'll be seeing rioting in the streets here anytime soon. (With the pandemic as the cause for such.) Some are struggling for money. But our "genius" governor has re-opened much of the state. Mainly only the western and eastern borders (lengthwise) that still have big restrictions as far as businesses being allowed to re-open.
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Aug 27, 2006
That would be a nice appearance to have in many circumstances :laughing:

My looks have been intimidating folks, without even trying, since I was a teenager. It was fun back then, at first. After awhile, gets annoying. But not going to lie, it has come in handy in certain circumstances. Thankfully, I do have self-defense training under my belt in case someone wants to take a situation too far.


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
My looks have been intimidating folks, without even trying, since I was a teenager. It was fun back then, at first. After awhile, gets annoying. But not going to lie, it has come in handy in certain circumstances. Thankfully, I do have self-defense training under my belt in case someone wants to take a situation too far.
love to be that big you got like 160 pounds on me and damn near a foot in height no one is short as me it sucks to be so short lol


Aug 27, 2006
love to be that big you got like 160 pounds on me and damn near a foot in height no one is short as me it sucks to be so short lol

Nearest thing that resembles a gym in my area is a Planet Fitness.
Obviously closed for months due to covid-19.
Thankfully I can still work out at home.
Got plenty of weights that don't take up too much space.
Apartment complex stairs help too.
No one takes the stairs. Absolutely no one.
Even when going down from the 2nd floor to the lobby.

Hooked on Fenix

Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2007
While our nation is trying to heal, I hope we can learn how to treat each other with respect. We need to use our words, not weapons, and build bridges instead of burning them. Some things in this world are just wrong. There is no justification for it no matter who you are. But we should never attribute the sins of one to everyone in that group. That is discrimination or racism. You cannot fight racism while discriminating against an entire group of people. It's counterproductive.

I hope that was vague enough and to the point.


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
Nearest thing that resembles a gym in my area is a Planet Fitness.
Obviously closed for months due to covid-19.
Thankfully I can still work out at home.
Got plenty of weights that don't take up too much space.
Apartment complex stairs help too.
No one takes the stairs. Absolutely no one.
Even when going down from the 2nd floor to the lobby.
i hated steps since i was doing construction in atl we was doing the hvac install if i recall it was on the roof and like 30 stories up id get to inpatinet waiting for the elavater so id walk up. im hoping im recalling the details of all this but it was at least 2 decades ago. but i still hate staries


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
ps i think the building is called one altantic center. its scary how bad my memory is lately.


Aug 27, 2006
i hated steps since i was doing construction in atl we was doing the hvac install if i recall it was on the roof and like 30 stories up id get to inpatinet waiting for the elavater so id walk up. im hoping im recalling the details of all this but it was at least 2 decades ago. but i still hate staries

Would rather do my cardio on an exercise bike. Planet Fitness is good for that. They have some excellent exercise bikes at the one I'll hopefully be able to go back to, soon. The stairs are a decent-at-best substitute. Sometimes you have to make do with what you've got.

My memory is weird. Either I have a hard time recalling events at all. Or I can recall them down to the details, perfectly. We get a bit older, memory starts getting a bit fuzzy. Sadly, that's normal.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Mrs Fixer works with a lady who got the corona virus and is now in a 14 day quarentine. The lady did all the right steps to avoid getting it from public places but seems to have gotten it from her husband who showed symptoms the day before she did. Mrs Fixer wasn't around the lady thank goodness as they work in separate parts of a building.


Jun 23, 2003
central time
Coming from someone w/ experience in blood donation industry, that's why we have donor question forms and an all volunteer donor bank.


For example, take a test with 99.5% sensitivity and 99.5% specificity. If this test is used in a setting where 0.2% of people have HIV (for example, among the general population in the UK), the probability of a negative result being correct is 99.998%.

If the same test is used in a setting with a much higher HIV prevalence of 25% (for example, in the most heavily affected regions of southern Africa), the probability of a negative result being correct is marginally lower, at 99.832%.

I looked into this in more detail (asked the expert). Donated blood is also subjected to tests that can detect the presence of virus(es) in the blood. This is an important note because this is BEFORE the antibodies are created.

So be confident that there is a clean blood supply if you need it. But please donate if you are able.

Most don't know it, but blood does not 'keep' forever. Generally speaking, it expires and is thrown out.


Jun 23, 2003
central time
Whole blood's good for 42 days iirc? So a constant need...

I'd have to come back with specifics, but blood can be carved up into components. You can get plasma, packed red cells, and some other things. Even when 'thrown out' I _think_ it's used for some other purposes... want to say growth media, but don't quote me on that. (EDIT: sheep blood usually used for growth plates)

It's technically possible to freeze blood so it will keep for a long time. However, this raises the cost enormously and damages the cells. In short, you do NOT want frozen/thawn blood if at all possible. It also takes longer to get the blood ready to use.

It's possible to give 2 units. They take most of what they need and put the leftover back into you.

I did my part and made 2 nice little O neg donors so I'm all good!
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