●-●-● Arc LS First Run Cree & Custom heatsink makeover ●-●-●


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 26, 2005
●-●-● Arc LS First Run Cree & Custom heatsink makeover ●-●-●

See this as Part II from this thread.

It was my first real mod.
Tho not that bad THEN, it looks like it can have a make-over for it's first anniversary... :party: :buddies:

Out with the old, in with the new ! :bumpit:

I have since got many more First Runs and have modded them also.
Some I got without any circuits so I had to make my own.

For this I used to buy the Jil-sandwiches and make a custom ring for it.
(donut shaped adapter)
I now use the same ring but upside-down.
Instead of the emitter-boards used by goldserve, I now made a custom heatsink for it which sits in it perfectly.
The emitter sits on this very same sink and ensure excellent heatsinking.
The underside now has a void which houses the thin FluPIC boards
without protruding too much compared to when I had did these the first time.

The sandwich also is less high compared to how these were assembled
last year. I still use FluPIC v2.1 with my custom alternating strobe and
it works excellent...

Now, I need to find my 1.5mm drill to continue....
What emitter shall I use ??



Here is where the circuit (FluPIC) will sit.

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Re: ●-●-● Arc LS First Run Custom heatsink makeover ●-●-●

I could not allocate my 1.5mm drill, so I had to settle for the 2mm drill.
Once I had the emitter-board drilled, I attached it to the washer
with AA-Thermal Epoxy.

The 0.55" diameter FluPIC is attached in the hole on the bottom-side
of the sink+board. I used greenLed Teflon wire to make the connections
and AA-thermal epoxy to bond the boards to eachother...

Te reflector used is an McR-18, which was teken down 1.0mm ...
It fit like aglove...

Let the pics speak...






Re: ●-●-● Arc LS First Run Custom heatsink makeover ●-●-●

:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
Re: ●-●-● Arc LS First Run Custom heatsink makeover ●-●-●

Man! Talk about shorstacking a sammie. Nice job, Bombel.
Re: ●-●-● Arc LS First Run Custom heatsink makeover ●-●-●

Yeahman, this thing is as thin as you can get them.
The boards I got from Goldserve (Hi man) well over a year ago and the board itself is 0.6mm and with the components it's 2mm. The emitter-board is about 0.9mm, so the whole "sammie"/sandwich is less then 3mm in height :)
In post #1 you can the the older emitter PCB my copper plate replaces.
Heatsinking works awesome. Gets warmish on burst, but this is good.
My "high" is my medium, and my low I set to the lowest, which is brighter then my Lux on the next higher lever ;)....

Awesome ! I'm already doing another one... hehehe
Cheers !
Re: ●-●-● Arc LS First Run Custom heatsink makeover ●-●-●

bombelman said:
...my low I set to the lowest, which is brighter then my Lux on the next higher lever ;)....
Warms my heart to hear that! :rock:
Re: ●-●-● Arc LS First Run Custom heatsink makeover ●-●-●

I needed some more of these spacers.
These were my design from early 2006 and would hold the FluPIC.
For the last mod, I required something different, which is why the lights have another heatsink AA-epoxied to the washer.

I made a drawing in MS CAD....errrr.... MS Paint... Lols... :laughing:
I then sent it to my good man KOOTER !

It was after a few hours he mailed back and told me my shuff is ont it's way to Rotterdam...

Only about 9 hours from today AM, till later in the Afternoon this took place.

Now that's what I call service !!! :rock: :rock: :rock:

:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:


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Re: ●-●-● Arc LS First Run Custom heatsink makeover ●-●-●

Only just seen this thread, thanks for the kind comments George. :grin2:
Re: ●-●-● Arc LS First Run Custom heatsink makeover ●-●-●

Nice mod. I have a first run without the converter. Looks like I need this mod.
Re: ●-●-● Arc LS First Run Custom heatsink makeover ●-●-●

You sure do... :)
Re: ●-●-● Arc LS First Run Custom heatsink makeover ●-●-●

good work!just noticed "custom alternating strobe"
please explain
Re: ●-●-● Arc LS First Run Custom heatsink makeover ●-●-●

Pumaman said:
good work!just noticed "custom alternating strobe"
please explain
The Custom Alternating Strobe was first introduced in this thread in march 2006.

I had Goldserve program a custom "Alternating" Strobing feature, where the strobe lights, then off, then on, then on (alternating between on and off).
It's similar to the strobes mounted on police and emergency vehicles,
that don't strobe constantly but alternat.. :grin2:

All my latest FluPIC builds (or ordered) from me come with this strobe.
Note that it only works on Firmware v2.1 of the FluPIC, so you don't
get the beacon-mode and other v2.2 bells.
I do like the low-beam of the v2.1, you can see it "strobing" also.
(I'm Oldskool man)

Here's the custom "Alternating"-strobe feature explained in a pic:
(I used 0,8s instead of 1s)...
Re: ●-●-● Arc LS First Run Custom heatsink makeover ●-●-●

Some more pics of how this light looks like today:




And also possible in Bare-Alu:




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Re: ?-?-? Arc LS First Run Cree & Custom heatsink makeover ?-?-?

That bare aluminum tailcap for CR2 is BEAUTIFUL! I am so so so so tempted... :drool:
Re: ?-?-? Arc LS First Run Cree & Custom heatsink makeover ?-?-?

BladeDogg said:
That bare aluminum tailcap for CR2 is BEAUTIFUL! I am so so so so tempted... :drool:
Only 2 of them left in Bare Alu...
You don't want someone else to snag it from you... :ohgeez: