●-●-● Arc LS First Run Cree & Custom heatsink makeover ●-●-●
See this as Part II from this thread.
It was my first real mod.
Tho not that bad THEN, it looks like it can have a make-over for it's first anniversary...
Out with the old, in with the new !
I have since got many more First Runs and have modded them also.
Some I got without any circuits so I had to make my own.
For this I used to buy the Jil-sandwiches and make a custom ring for it.
(donut shaped adapter)
I now use the same ring but upside-down.
Instead of the emitter-boards used by goldserve, I now made a custom heatsink for it which sits in it perfectly.
The emitter sits on this very same sink and ensure excellent heatsinking.
The underside now has a void which houses the thin FluPIC boards
without protruding too much compared to when I had did these the first time.
The sandwich also is less high compared to how these were assembled
last year. I still use FluPIC v2.1 with my custom alternating strobe and
it works excellent...
Now, I need to find my 1.5mm drill to continue....
What emitter shall I use ??
Here is where the circuit (FluPIC) will sit.
See this as Part II from this thread.

It was my first real mod.
Tho not that bad THEN, it looks like it can have a make-over for it's first anniversary...

Out with the old, in with the new !

I have since got many more First Runs and have modded them also.
Some I got without any circuits so I had to make my own.
For this I used to buy the Jil-sandwiches and make a custom ring for it.
(donut shaped adapter)
I now use the same ring but upside-down.
Instead of the emitter-boards used by goldserve, I now made a custom heatsink for it which sits in it perfectly.
The emitter sits on this very same sink and ensure excellent heatsinking.
The underside now has a void which houses the thin FluPIC boards
without protruding too much compared to when I had did these the first time.
The sandwich also is less high compared to how these were assembled
last year. I still use FluPIC v2.1 with my custom alternating strobe and
it works excellent...
Now, I need to find my 1.5mm drill to continue....
What emitter shall I use ??
Here is where the circuit (FluPIC) will sit.
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