$10 for MCPCB mounting - really?


Newly Enlightened
Feb 11, 2010
Toronto, Canada
I want to order up some Cree MC-E mounted on star boards, and I found that Newark and Arrow both have some, but they cost about $10 more than the bare emitters. Am I reading their prices correctly? Compare that to cutter, who want about $1 more for mounting on a star board, and if you buy more than 6 of them you basically get the star board for next to nothing.

I just want confirmation that my eyes aren't playing tricks on me.

When ordering from cutter, is the emitter actually mounted to the MCPCB, or do they just send you the emitter and MCPCB separately? I assumed it's mounted, but maybe that's where the price difference comes from.
Hi, if you want a few, I have four. They are kit MC-E neutral KE5 kit. 5ck if that helps.

I bought them in the past few months, but ended up using a different LED in the project, so they are still new in the bag.

I also have 2 unmounted.

They came from the Cree distributor in S CA.

I will make you a good deal on them.

This sort of thing is pretty common. Places like Arrow, Digikey, Newark, etc. sell mostly prototype parts to large corporations. If your prototype budget for building something by hand is a couple grand, you're not generally going to quibble over spending slightly more when buying parts in quantities of less than 10 units. The fact that you can order from them is something of an accident - hobbyists are not their target audience.
If your prototype budget for building something by hand is a couple grand, you're not generally going to quibble over spending slightly more when buying parts in quantities of less than 10 units.

Well, looking at Newark for example - the difference between mounted K02 and bare K01 is about $7.21 at volumes below 10 units (21.28 vs. 14.07), or a 51% premium. At higher volumes, the difference is $3.88 for volumes above 500 units (15.30 vs. 11.42), a 33% premium. I wouldn't really call that slightly more.

I don't really care who you are - an extra 33% is a hefty price to pay for star mounting when it seems other suppliers can offer it (the part and the service) for next to nothing. I suppose that's why I thought I was missing something.