<$100 Rechargeable Household Light Recommendations?


Newly Enlightened
Apr 4, 2004
Wilmington, DE
I want to get a rechargeable for my inlaws who live out in the boonies -- something with a cradle that will always be ready to rip when things go bump in the night. They're non-enthusiasts, so I don't want to get something where they'd have to remove batteries to recharge them, etc... I was thinking the Inova T4 but it's been a while since I looked into this and I'm wondering what other options have come along (and I'd really rather spend less than $80 rather than upwards of $100...).

A couple of times in the last month or so, magchargers have been on a "Friday sale" on Amazon for $75, w/free shipping available.
Try getting them a 4D Mag Led for 23 Bucks at Home Depot. Runs for 48 hours or more on a set of alks. Rechargble is going to be expensive no matter how you strike it plus most people prefer to be able to take a light outside of their home without having to worry about how to recharge the light should the output diminish. Much easier to use a battery operated light that can easily be used on standard batts like alks. Just food for thought or should I say light for night ahh whatever you do get a light and start the cycle of madness like us regular CPFer's. Happy Holidays.
By the way if they are out in the boonies a 4D Mag Led serves also as a weapon too.
It's a thought but the germ of this idea came from comments they'd made that they can never find a flashlight in the house that's not going dead. Of course, the super long run time for the 4D mag led is a big plus (and all these "dead" flashlights are the el cheapo incan types), but I suspect whatever I get them isn't going to leave the house ever, so the portability factor isn't that big an issue.
The Inova T4 is the obvious choice in a LED light. Another options is we're helping LEDWAVE liquidate their ZR-8 xenon rechargeable for only $60 - usually they sell for $100-120.
+1 on the Inova T4. 100-lumens and roughly 2-hours of runtime, good stuff!
Just gave my mother-in-law a lithium powered light for a similar need. The lithiums won't loose capacity for a LOOONG time, and for the little she will actually use it, they won't need to be replaced anytime soon. I gave her two extra batteries since I got them for about one dollar each - I did not want her to buy any for $9 a pair at the supermarket.

It does not fit your "rechargable" criteria, but would be there when needed, and could be much less than $100
The Inova T4 is an excellent choice. However, if you're not an LED junkie, then Wolf-Eyes offers the best bang for the buck. Look at their Sniper, Explorer and the 9M series, all well under 100 USD (some are even under 50) and extremely bright and well built.
I vote that you get the Inova T4. There is a used one in the flashlights for sale section. Plus, the guy selling it is a way cool guy. :whistle: