Newly Enlightened
While having almost finishing sourcing parts, for 2 mods:
Considering a 14500 would rate 3,7V on load (what is your experience on that point, is this 3,7V realistic?):
- A 3D which will host bulbs thanks to JM-PhD-D1 / Kiu socket solution
- A 2D which will host a P7 / D2flex+HipCC solution
Considering a 14500 would rate 3,7V on load (what is your experience on that point, is this 3,7V realistic?):
- In a 9AA->3D standard holder (batteries in serie) that would go for 33,3V (so under the 40V limit of the JM-PhD-D1)
- In a 6AA->2D standard holder (batteries in serie) that would go for 22,2V (so under the 24V limit of the D2Flex + HipCC combo)
- The 2.8A of the P7
- Up to the 7A of 66430 bulbs (I mostly plan to use 5761 (~5A), but 1185, 1164 (both 3/4A), and 64430 bulbs will be also tested)
- 3s3p for the 3D
- 2s3p in the 2D
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