180 lumens from a aaa size light??!!!


Feb 15, 2007
i have seen the light.
my wife and i were playing with a few lights today comparing.
we were debating whether i was going to keep my l2d q5 or l2d rebel100.
she chose the rebel for it's warm tint.

then we compared the ultrafire 602c with a 10440 vs the mte aa seoul.
well the fenix lod q4 was gonna be in there, and on medium it was 5-10 percent brighter than them both, she said "umm... i think the new one is brighter, and throws a little better"

i said that was on medium.
i cycled it to low, then high, she said "oh my god, that ones brighter than the two big lights"

we then had to compare this little aaa lights to the l2d ce q5 and rebel.
we determined they had about the same lumens but the l2d's threw long distance better, and the aaa lit' up the woods with a HUGE wall of light that threw and threw. the only comparision i could make is my rop low with medium stipple reflector. it was awesome. of course not quite as bright as the old 6d rop low, but more in that league than in the aa's and 10440 ultrafire. i was a little nervous holding it in my hand on high cause of the 10440 working as hard as it was (did i mention 3.6 volts in the l0d-you probably knew) but i kept it on a good 30-40 seconds and walked with it in amazement.

i highly recomend this setup to anyone wanting a keychain sleeper.
you will not be disappointed!

this is the light i can't wait to show my friends and my new official addition to my keyring. :party:
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Nice - what AAA rechargeable were you using in the L0D? I can't seem to find a protected Li-ion AAA out there anywhere.
Which 10440 were you using? I popped the 10440 in my LOD-CE Q4, put it on max, and WOW was it bright. It got warm pretty fast and I turned it off. I'm a bit nervous to try it again. :) I may wait to hear more feedback. I have AW 10440's.

Nice - what AAA rechargeable were you using in the L0D? I can't seem to find a protected Li-ion AAA out there anywhere.

I don't think they exist. The circuit would take up to much of the AAA's space and it would reduce it's runtime too much, or so I hear. Maybe one of these days someone will find a way to do it. :)
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Something to put the P4 L0D to shame, wow. I'm hoping for a non-holiday version of the Q4. Just so happens that I have an extra Ultrafire 10440. jasonsmaglites, sounds like you finally found that powerhouse AAA light. Thanks for the impressions (WadeF as well!).
i'm using ultrafire 10440s, not aaa.
i bought this thing to be a wow powerhouse.
it's fine on aaa, but we're talking 5% brighter than the next best thing.
on 10440s, it's 2x or 3x brighter, lol.
I thought on 10440 the L0Ds lost the low and medium modes, is this not true, or is the Q4 version a different animal? Also how long have you had it on high with the 10440? Just wondering how safe it will be to use 10440's, and for how long, when I get my L0D Q5 that I ordered yesterday.

Thanks for the confirmation that ti won't burn out immediately on 10440's.
I thought on 10440 the L0Ds lost the low and medium modes, is this not true, or is the Q4 version a different animal? Also how long have you had it on high with the 10440? Just wondering how safe it will be to use 10440's, and for how long, when I get my L0D Q5 that I ordered yesterday.

Thanks for the confirmation that ti won't burn out immediately on 10440's.

The LOD Cree lights work fine on 10440's, retaining all modes. You mean a LOD Q4, right? They don't make a Q5 version because the Vf is too high.

The Rebel versions of the LOD are not safely used with a 10440, as their Vf is much lower.
I thought on 10440 the L0Ds lost the low and medium modes, is this not true, or is the Q4 version a different animal? Also how long have you had it on high with the 10440? Just wondering how safe it will be to use 10440's, and for how long, when I get my L0D Q5 that I ordered yesterday.

Thanks for the confirmation that ti won't burn out immediately on 10440's.

LOD's work fine with 10440, they use a PWM circuit (which is different than the L1D circuit). There are lots of threads where people have had good reliability with LOD and 10440. The 2 primary concerns, from what I've read, are that 1) the unit heats up very quickly and 2) the 10440 is discharging at over 2C rate, which is rough on the cell.

I love my LOD CE, wish I woulda held out for a few months for the Q4. I love the new red color.

That said, although I don't have an L2D CE Q5, my L1D CE (P4) is clearly brighter than my LOD CE (P4?) when 14500 vs 10440. I'm surprised it did so well in comparison with a P2D Q5. It definately is more of a flood, perhaps that was part of the effect.
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Opps, yes, the Red L0D Q4. Cool, so all modes work. As for the heat I guess I will go by feel and as for the 2C, well if the cell goes bad I can replace it easier then replacing the light. Thanks for the confirmation.
I thought on 10440 the L0Ds lost the low and medium modes, is this not true, or is the Q4 version a different animal? Also how long have you had it on high with the 10440? Just wondering how safe it will be to use 10440's, and for how long, when I get my L0D Q5 that I ordered yesterday.

As others have said above, all modes will work. BUT, the modes will also be brighter. With a 10440, medium will be a bit brighter than the high mode was with a AAA, and low will be comparable to the medium setting with a AAA. And of course high mode will be :faint:.

Run time on high will be in the neighborhood of 10 minutes, which is a 6C discharge rate on the 10440. Another :faint:!!
Wow, only 10 minutes. That must be blindingly bright. Wow. 6C discharge rate... Wow, I wonder how much that hurts the battery? Will it just shorten the life of the battery a little or a lot, or possible rapid expansion of battery casing, i.e. explosion?
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]From batteryuniversity.com (Would seem to imply that at 6C you may only get about 50 cycles??? But we would be doing a 1C charge instead of 6C charge, so maybe it would be 100 cycles? Anyone know?))

Longevity of high-power lithium-ion

Generally speaking, batteries live longer if treated in a gentle manner. High charge voltages, excessive charge rate and extreme load conditions will have a negative effect and shorten the battery life. This also applies to high current rate lithium-ion batteries.

Not only is it better to charge lithium-ion battery at a slower charge rate, high discharge rates also contribute the extra wear and tear. Figure 3 shows the cycle life as a function of charge and discharge rates. Observe the good laboratory performance if the battery is charged and discharged at 1C. (A 0.5C charge and discharge would further improve this rating.)
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Figure 3: Longevity of lithium-ion as a function of charge and discharge rates.

A moderate charge and discharge puts less stress on the battery, resulting in a longer cycle life.
Forget the freakin' flashlight. Where did you find a woman who will play with your flashlights with you !!???

You lucky SOB:eek:
Don't drool but I seem to remember seeing a light that produced 180 lumens (might not be white as the Orb Raw does in red but these days who knows) that was the size of a AAA battery.
As others have said above, all modes will work. BUT, the modes will also be brighter. With a 10440, medium will be a bit brighter than the high mode was with a AAA, and low will be comparable to the medium setting with a AAA. And of course high mode will be :faint:.

Run time on high will be in the neighborhood of 10 minutes, which is a 6C discharge rate on the 10440. Another :faint:!!

I'm not sure how you derive the 6C figure for the LOD CE. The current draw from a 10440 on high is about 1.1A.


The 10440's from AW are rated at 320mAH. The "trustfire" cells are rated at 500mAH. I don't believe them, so even if we use AW's #, it's less than a 3.5C discharge rate.

Also, you can check the runtime data and estimates lumens here:

http://lights.chevrofreak.com/runtimes/Fenix L0D CE/10440/