18650 Batteries - Should i avoid eBay?


Newly Enlightened
Oct 19, 2008
The local supermarket didn't have any in at all so i searched online.. The only ones I found were brands that I didn't recognise and eBay auctions from China.

I have heard bad things about cheap batteries.. should i stay away from ebay ones..

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Re: 18650 Batteries - Decent Make?

Hello Kris,

Welcome to CPF.

You didn't mention whether you wanted protected or unprotected cells. If you don't know the difference, you should do a search around here and come up to speed on that before ordering.

I have had very good results from Sanyo and LG cells. They are unprotected.

CPF member AW offers some protected cells that people have had good luck with, and the Pila and Wolf Eyes brands have also been quite good.

eBay auctions are a bit of a gamble. Sometimes you get a deal, other times you get crap, and often you get something in between.

Re: 18650 Batteries - Decent Make?

It sounds like you're totally new to the lithium batteries. While SilverFox knows more than I probably ever will, let me add a couple things.

The 18650 is a rechargeable lithium, and you're not likely to find it in a normal store. Be sure to read the FAQ on proper handling of them, as they can be dangerous. I would also suggest protected, if your light can fit them. And don't forget a charger.

Re: 18650 Batteries - Decent Make?

I agree with all the advice so far. I am also a newbie to the 18650 and have done my learning here on these forums.

My personal experience is with the Trustfire brand. I had read many reports that they were a good value for the money. I bought eight of them. They all worked very well, till I dropped one of them onto a sharp corner of one of the chargers.

The cell landed smack on the protection circuit. Landing on a sharp corner magnifies the forces in that area. (my understanding is that all protection circuits are fragile like that. It is, after all, a small circuit board with several surface mount chips on it.)

After removing the protection circuit, I now have an unprotected cell that works fine. I received three "free" unprotected Solarforce brand cells with a flashlight, and they seem to work nicely as well. Probably made in the same factory, just a different label....

All of my cells hold a 4.20 volt charge four days after charging. Very low self discharge rate. They started out at 4.22 to 4.24 immediately out of the charger. When used in a three cell flashlight, all three cells discharge at the same rate. This gives me some confidence in the consistency of manufacture.

I have heard very troubling reports for the Ultrafire cells, but I can not verify, just passing on a rumor - value it as such.

So, I don't have any long term feedback, but so far these Trustfires seem pretty good.

Best regards,
Re: 18650 Batteries - Decent Make?

Is there a good source for protected AW 18650's when AW is out of stock?

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