I'm trying to understand how the protection systems work in an 18650 both in discharge and charge. I can't seem to find the answer here.
1. I presume unprotected cells are just 'raw' 3.7V li-ion batteries with no other circuitry?
2. Does a protected cell go open circuit if the voltage drops below a specific level and if so I take it this means that if you have a few in series it will cease to operate - but surely the voltage pops back up above the voltage cut off level once the load drops away? Do you get some sort of rapid toggling effect?:thinking:
3 Does a protected cell go open circuit when it is charged above a certain level?
4. What happend when the protection circuitry blows up - does it normally go O-C or short?
5 If you use a flex driver from task LED is it better to use the built in Vcutoff programming with unprotected cells or just use both protected cells and the flex?
6. Are cells from specific manufacturers made in both protected and unprotected flavours or is it just 'pot luck' whether the cells you buy are or are not? Are the tagged cells usually unprotected while the 'nippled' ones protected?
7. One more question - how do series paralell strings handle being charged eg 14.8v series with 2 srtings in paralell (for around 4Ah)?
Any pointers appreciated,
1. I presume unprotected cells are just 'raw' 3.7V li-ion batteries with no other circuitry?
2. Does a protected cell go open circuit if the voltage drops below a specific level and if so I take it this means that if you have a few in series it will cease to operate - but surely the voltage pops back up above the voltage cut off level once the load drops away? Do you get some sort of rapid toggling effect?:thinking:
3 Does a protected cell go open circuit when it is charged above a certain level?
4. What happend when the protection circuitry blows up - does it normally go O-C or short?
5 If you use a flex driver from task LED is it better to use the built in Vcutoff programming with unprotected cells or just use both protected cells and the flex?
6. Are cells from specific manufacturers made in both protected and unprotected flavours or is it just 'pot luck' whether the cells you buy are or are not? Are the tagged cells usually unprotected while the 'nippled' ones protected?
7. One more question - how do series paralell strings handle being charged eg 14.8v series with 2 srtings in paralell (for around 4Ah)?
Any pointers appreciated,
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