1990 Lexus LS400 (9004) solutions for dim headlights?


Newly Enlightened
Feb 14, 2010
I just bought an 1990 Lexus (using 9004 bulbs) for occasional family transportation. My wife and I both don't have great night vision, and the headlights on this car are pretty dim. On the ClubLexus forum I was advised to buy an "Eagle Eye" headlight assembly replacement (that's no longer available as far as I can tell), install Sylvania Silverstars (which turn out to be junk according to the conversations here), or install a "plug and play" HID conversion.

I haven't given up on the last option, but I'm reading some stuff here that seems to discourage aftermarket HIDs as well. Is sticking with the stock bulbs really my best option?

I just bought an 1990 Lexus (using 9004 bulbs) for occasional family transportation. My wife and I both don't have great night vision, and the headlights on this car are pretty dim.

Yup. The 9004 system itself is very limited in its ability to provide much beyond "legally compliant" performance. There's a central blob of light, but that's about all there is; the width and fill light are minimal, and there's a ton of light above horizontal that causes glareback in bad weather. Because of these inherent limitations, there's not much you can do with bulb swaps. The best 9004 bulb on the market is the GE Night Hawk or Philips Vision Plus (no preference between those two, but don't get the Night Hawk Sport or any other blue glass "whiter light" bulb). The 9004NH is offered at amazon.com if you can't find it locally. It will make a small difference if your present bulbs are old or blue.

If you are trying for much of a substantial seeing improvement, you have no choice but to put in better headlamp assemblies. The '93-'94 headlamps take a 9003 (H4) bulb instead of the 9004. The H4 produces more light than the 9004, beam focus is better, and bulb upgrades actually accomplish something useful. If you go this route, do not buy aftermarket headlamps, get only real Toyota ones -- either new ($$$) or used in good condition (be picky!). You can probably find used ones via car-part.com; disregard the listings that come up for "new" ones, which are the aftermarket junk (it is all junk, whether it is an original-style replacement or a restyled item).

Once you've got the better headlamps, you'd want to equip them with good bulbs. If you're leaving the wiring unmodified, then you have to stay with standard-wattage bulbs otherwise you'll have problems. The ones to get are the Philips Xtreme Power. The lamps will need to be aimed correctly.

On the ClubLexus forum I was advised to buy an "Eagle Eye" headlight assembly replacement (that's no longer available as far as I can tell), install Sylvania Silverstars (which turn out to be junk according to the conversations here), or install a "plug and play" HID conversion.

Wow...three for three on dumb, ignorant advice. "Eagle Eye" headlights are Chinese trash. Sylvania Silverstars and all other blue-glass "whiter light" bulbs are a scam. And "HID kits" in halogen-bulb headlamps (any kit, any headlamp, any vehicle) do not work safely or effectively, which is why they are illegal; see here It looks as if you've already seen this other thread that gives a clear idea of the level of intellect and clue on ClubLexus.
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Ooops, I already ordered the Eagle Eyes. I couldn't see how an assembly using clear lenses and the H4 bulb couldn't be an improvement over the mottled lenses with the 9004.

You seem to be saying headlight assemblies from other Toyota products might fit the LS400? I'll look into this.

You seem to be saying headlight assemblies from other Toyota products might fit the LS400? I'll look into this.

The LS400 went through a mid-generation facelift (UCF10-II) for the 1993 model year. The LS400 headlamps switched from using 9004 bulbs to 9003. Those revised headlamp assemblies should fit into your 1990. You will however have to wire in a new set of 9003/H4 sockets. Later assemblies, from 1995 onwards, will not fit as they are from the second generation LS400.
Ooops, I already ordered the Eagle Eyes.

Uh...yeah, oops. It's best when step one is to get your questions answered by knowledgeable people, and step two is to buy parts. Return them. If you can't return them, sell them. If you can't sell them, discard them. They aren't just "not as good", they're unsafely bad.

I couldn't see how an assembly using clear lenses and the H4 bulb couldn't be an improvement over the mottled lenses with the 9004.

You guessed/assumed incorrectly. There is no such thing such as a "mottled" lens, and clear-lens headlamps with reflector optics are not necessarily better than optic-lens headlamps with smooth reflectors. Good headlamps are good, bad headlamps are bad -- no matter how they're made. And again, the Eagle Eye lights are Chinese headlight-shaped toys with zero optical engineering in them. No, I am not exaggerating. No, they are not worth putting on just to see how they do. Yes, you really need to not use them.

You seem to be saying headlight assemblies from other Toyota products might fit the LS400?

No, not "other Toyota products". '93-'94 LS400 headlamps are better than the '90-'92 units, and swap directly in.
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You seem to be in pretty good hands here. Scheinwerfermann especially seems to be very knowledgeable about automotive bulbs. (not that others aren't)
It is too bad that, as he suggests the Philips X-treme power bulbs aren't available.

One thing that I didn't see addressed (or perhaps I missed it) it to make sure your electrical system is in good working order. Oft recomended is to upgrade your headlight wiring. Usually via a simple automotive relay and a heavy gauge wire straight to the battery, perhaps a 12 gauge. Pardon me since I don't know how knowledgeable you are, but a simple google search will help you do this.

Of course faded and scuffed headlight lenses will have an affect as well.

Not that this will help you in city traffic but in suburban areas consider a decent auxiliary light as well.

Well I see in this post you got pretty much the exact same recomendation. Oh well :)
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