1st CPF knife


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 28, 2006
Lees Summit, MO
Is anyone interested in collaborating on a knife project? I think it would nice to see the 1st CPF blade.
Yes, I am speaking to you makers out there.
And Yes, I am speaking to all other CPF members that are interested.

I believe that flashlight people are quite a bit like knife people, and quite a few flashaholics are probably knifaholics as well.
My idea here is to desigh a EDC type knife that will appeal to a wide range of flashaholics, although it might not have much to do with flashlights (at least directly).
Here are a few things that I would like to see in the knife:

6-7" OAL
Plain edge
$100 base price (possible to add to base with different handle materials, sheath materials, etc..)

I don't know if the $100 cost is attainable, or reasonable, but i'd like to try to get there if we can.

The best part of a CPF knife, in my mind, is incorporating the communities ideas and allowing as many as are interested to participate.

I believe, if we keep the blank design simple, we can make something that is attainable.

There are factors that I do not understand, such as cost differences between a knife that requires a 3" wide blank of steel as opposed to a knife that needs a 1.5" blank of steel, and I am hoping that the knife makers here can assist us with understanding these things.

These are JUST my ideas, and if people have other ones do not hesitate to post them. We will probably end up having a few polls or something to figure out which direction we need to go.

We had a lot of ideas in a previous thread, and I grabbed a few of those images that I especially liked:

I was pointed out to me before that the straight handles are not very ergonomic. What I would REALLY like to see if a cross of the second picture here with the handle from the last picture (designed by tensizteen). Click on the thumbnails to enlarge.





I haven't had time to figure out how to make that cool curved handle fit the blade shape I prefer and keep the choil, so if anyone has any good ideas for that please post them! Please feel free to use or modify my designs here in any way that may assist you.

So there you have it. A CPF knife by the members, for the members.

Anyone interested?

Lets hear, and SEE your ideas!

Excellent! Glad to see this revived. I'm on a short break, but a couple of ideas:

- Keep the blade length to 3" or 3.5" max (legalities for edc)
- Framelock or linerlock? I prefer framelock, but linerlock would give us two handles to work with (can we afford G10 at the prices discussed?)
- Try to incorporate the CPF colors in the handle(s)
- I love the idea of keeping the cost down... available to more CPFers :)
- Best blade steel that we can afford
- Keep a choil, and add a lanyard loop
- Create a textured thumb ramp on the upper edge of the blade
- I'd suggest a spearpoint or "spanto" blade, plain edge, for all around usefulness

I'm sure that titanium frame, CPM154, D2 are probably out at this pricepoint, but I think we could get a decent quality stainless for the frame and blade.

I'd suggest obtaining a list of "wants" and get some feedback from knife makers on what works/doesn't work with our basic requirements for cost and size. Then fully define the actual requirements and have someone create a few designs to pick from. Do a vote to select the final candidate, and watch the magic happen. :):twothumbs
I'd suggest obtaining a list of "wants" and get some feedback from knife makers on what works/doesn't work with our basic requirements for cost and size. Then fully define the actual requirements and have someone create a few designs to pick from. Do a vote to select the final candidate, and watch the magic happen. :):twothumbs

I really agree with this suggestion. It will simplify the process and allow the knife maker to establish their personal "style" into the design.

And since you brought this up, i'd like to address the topic of folder versus fixed blade.

We have mentioned a price of around $100. For a custom designed and built knife such as this, is it possible to make a folder for this price? I would LOVE to make this project be a folding knife, it would make the utility for me double at least, but I don't know if it is possible given our SUGGESTED price constraints.

To the custom builders reading this, what is a reasonable price range for a folding knife?

Keep in mind that you've got to expect weird ides from a guy that builds a Mag6D into a rifle, but.......

What about building in a recess in the handle or a clip along the spine that would allow attaching a small but functional light like a Fenix L0D. I find that I tend to pair up a light and a knife of similar sizes for my different levels of every day carry. It would be nice to have a single piece that incorporated both into a single unit I could carry in the pocket opposite my keychain.

I'll try to work up a photo of what I'm seeing in my mind and post it later.
A fixed blade would come much closer to that $100 figure than would a folder. I just don't see it happening with a folder. Not a custom folder, anyway. JMO. :)

I think a hundred bucks is unrealistic.

Do you know how many hours a maker puts into 1 knife ?

What about a sheath ? time and materials ?

I have a friend that does customs and he put average of 11 hours into each knife.

Knife steel
belts for grinder
handle material
rivets or fasteners for handle
sheath material
drill bits
shop rent
etching or engraving

What kind of finish would you like ?
hand satin
tumble (stonewashed)
Hi Tech coating....DLC ect.......

How unique would this knife be ?

Not much that hasnt been done.

Maybe you should find a production knife that is mass produced and have your logo added.

These are just a few of my thoughts and opinion's....NO harm intended !!
How about a Mini-Griptillion ordered from Benchmade with CPF color and logo?
It would be legal in most places and not cost a lot of money.
George Tichbourne stated in a previous thread that $100 was a reasonable range for a similar fixed blade knife with basic options, and that folders are typically more expensive because of the mechanical assembly involved. What price range would we be in for a basic folder?

I'd like to see a knife maker's opinion on folder pricing before we completely rule it out, and maybe the answer to that is a good first poll to have. $100 fixed versus $?? folder.

I think a fixed blade is going to give us the most options in a reasonable price range, but will wait for an expert opinion.

There have been several mentions of "CPF colors" and "CPF Logo". What are these exactly? I know the site is typically blue and yellow, and there is that pill shaped box the site name is usually in, but are these "Official" CPF items?

Any discussion of production knives needs to be in a separate sub-forum. Discussions in the "Custom Forge" are for Custom knives only.

I'd like to see a folder. Something with a Spyderco 'spiderweb' style handle. By that I mean something that can have wording or an image as the web style. I'd like to see a pic of a flashlight on one side and CPF on the other. I'll post a pic soon.
Hmmm, I like the idea, I think a 8" fixed blade with a 4" blade and a 4" handle, would work for most people, Busse Combat Blades has a great simple design that gets rave reviews that could be the baseline for "our" knife. You might also consider contacting spyderco be it by e-mail to them or through Bladeforums.com about a limited run of folders with certain colors and materials to get a neutral and functional knife.

Just some input.
Cabellas offers a full size Griptillian with D2 blade retailing at $90. I'm guessing they have it made for them as I haven't seen the D2 version anywhere else. Regardless, if they use a standard markup, their cost should be about $45 to $50 per when purchased in quantity. I would think a $100 custom CPF Grip should be very do-able.
How about a Mini-Griptillion ordered from Benchmade with CPF color and logo?
It would be legal in most places and not cost a lot of money.
Dunno about special handle colors, etc. but I'd be in for a mini-grip with laser-engraved "CPF" on it.
I'm liking what I'm reading here! I'd have to go back to the old thread to extract any further input from myself...HOWEVER... :D

While I'd like some nice (but affordable) scales customized in some way for CPF (hmmm, I like what do you call it - epoxy impregnated canvas/micarta, carbon fibre, or?) ...one way to keep the cost down may be to go with a handle similar to design #4 (with the holes). Keeps the weight down, & would allow "CPF colors" parachord wrap (or any other color the owners would like to use for "personalization". Adds a bit more utility as well, at least as far as having a bit of parachord on hand for "whatever"...(BTW is it paracord, para cord, parachord, or para chord?).

Oh BTW, I still vote for a drop point & a kydex sheath if we can work that out?

(Hmmm, maybe the custom BM is worthy of consideration as well? Maybe we could do both? It would be nice to see this particular blade become reality though.)
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PLEASE keep references to production knives out of this thread. This is the CUSTOM forge, for discussion on custom knives.

Having said that, is there an official CPF logo?

At the $100 price for a handmade fixed blade sub 8":

1. Sandblast or tumbled finish.
2. Kydex sheath though there could be option for leather.
3. G-10 handle scales and I would probably go screw on opposed to glued/epoxied one. (This simply reduces fitting time.)

If the maker has a pantograph, each could be serial numbered. Otherwise, hand written with a rotary/engraver.

Folder, I don't see that happening unless the maker has a benchmade line already in the line-up. (Benchmade=CNC parts with minimal handfitting. Screw em together, sharpen and out they go.)
Folder, I don't see that happening unless the maker has a benchmade line already in the line-up. (Benchmade=CNC parts with minimal handfitting. Screw em together, sharpen and out they go.)

George Tichbourne appears to have something along these lines, according to his web site he is making folders that are ready for customization. I am guessing they are still much more along the lines of hand made. I am looking for some pricing info on this, and to see if it is feasible.

I seriously wont mind doubling the current budget for a nice custom CPF blade.

I ll vote for a drop point blade in either CPM154 or S30V.

For the handle to be blue and yellow I ll guess G10 is our best option.
Hollow handle for ARC AAA to fit snug or for a plug so it could be used for storage of whatever. A mini survival type knife.

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