2000+ Lumens, Adjustable Beam, USB Charge


Newly Enlightened
Dec 14, 2019
Does this exist? I do building inspections and an adjustable beam is really nice due to the ever changing things I'm trying to look at an photograph. At least 2000 Lumens is what I'm after, otherwise I'll just stick with cheapie Costco Duracell flashlights. And micro-usb charging is a must so I'm not cycling through piles of batteries.

Searching through Amazon and Ebay I've been unable to locate something to check all the boxes. I did buy an Acebeam gen II which was a nice light (no adjustment on the beam) and probably would have kept it but it just kept overheating and shutting off. Are Acebeam lights quality and was this an outlier? For what they cost I was surprised of the problems. I actually tried to get a replacement and they just refunded my money.

I'd sure love something to check all the boxes. Size and cost are really not a factor within some reason. Just want adjustable beam, usb charging and a certain threshold of brightness.
Does this exist? .... I'd sure love something to check all the boxes. Size and cost are really not a factor within some reason. Just want adjustable beam, usb charging and a certain threshold of brightness.

So, there's a couple of issues.

When you say "cost really not a factor within some reason" can you list a specific budget, you'd like to stay within for us ? A simple dollar value range would be very helpful. Is a $100 in the ballpark?

Two thousand (real) lumens is a lot of light. Which matters more to you, flood (light up a warehouse) or throw (narrow pencil-beam into the far off tree line) ?

Two factors you list work pretty strongly against reliability, adjustable beam and USB charging. How important are those, really ?

Those answers will help us to help you. There is a more detailed questionnaire you could complete, but the above will get a good headstart on things for advising you.

Welcome, and cheers :)
Which Acebeam model gen II did you buy?
Fenix FD41 is a focusable light, but only has 1000 lumens.
Depending on how the reflector & LED are set-up determines the focus of the beam. You can have 4000 lumens, and it may not throw a light beam as far as a light with 1000 lumens.
To be honest I'd avoid a focusable light, more to go wrong.
i'd get two lights, one to throw and one to flood, that way you have the bases coveredm and if one fails you still have the other.
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