2010 Shot Show Thread!

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2004
Ok...who else besides me, is going to the Shot Show (Las Vegas) in January?


When this gets a little more organized, this thread can be merged with a more formal one, containing hotel info, people planning to attend, where we can meet up, party info, whatever else.

I'll start the list. Feel free to add your name to it as you see fit. :)

1. dizzy
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Let us know if SureFire shows any new products

from their 2006 Catalog. :whistle:

I was just informed by my company, that they will be having a booth at the shot show. If you guys are interested, our company name is SWISS AUTOMATION. We have about 90 Swiss Citizen Machines and one Eurotech Elite. The machines we have is the same machines that the GATlight company are using to make their light except our is Citizen and their is Star. We mainly focus on Hydraulic parts, medical and some firearms. We would also like to get into Flashlights assembly. Mr. Paul Kim of Surefire, we would appreciate it if you can swing by our booth.

here's our website


thanks!!! hope to see u there flashaholics!!
It is a bit early to start thinking about it.

Well, actually now is the perfect time to start thinking about it, but I think most of us just aren't :p

I've gone for the past 5 or 6 years. Not sure if I'll be able to justify the trip this time.
Has anyone given this any more thought? I need someone to convince me it's worth going again this year...
Has anyone given this any more thought? I need someone to convince me it's worth going again this year...

If it helps at all, I believe myself (Mike) and Data (Dave) are going to go. We need to start getting plane tickets and hotel information together sometime soon.

What part of the country are you coming from? PM me if it's a huge secret. I promice not to tell. :eek:
I'm coming from Iowa. Allegiant offers direct flights from here for about $300 round trip, which isn't too bad I suppose.
Has anyone given this any more thought? I need someone to convince me it's worth going again this year...

Rothrandir, Like Mike said, I am planning to go. It would be good to see you again. We will Rock the town!!! :eek:

Dad, Griff, RPM, 4sevens, cmacclel, ErikMack, Goatee, KingSmono, milkyspit, MrMom, PK, MSaxatilus, PoliceScannerMan, BuOutGear_USA, Chronos, Gene43, TOOCOOL, tvodrd, TB, Mr_Ted_Bear, Greta, qarawol, karlthev, radio, all the surefire gang,


I'll be there. Funny thing is my new home to be in Hawthorne, NV is farther from Vegas than Costa Mesa.

I've gone to the last two Vegas shows, and still have not committed for 2010 yet. Get togethers? Is pk planning anything?

Bill, I saw you post in another thread and was wondering if you were going to make it again this year.

Come on guys, we need more people to commit so those of us on the fence have an easier time deciding :p
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