2012 Movie...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 19, 2007
The 11th Dimension
Saw the trailer & WOW.:eek:

What on Earth could this Global Cataclysm be?


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2012 ? ? ?

Guess it's a movie about the next Mag Instrument upgrade.

Its a Rolland Emerich Film (Id4, Day after Tomorrow)

So expect huge scientific inaccuracy, but thats what I love in a film.:laughing:
Maybe a black hole makes a close pass to the Earth and creates a huge tide that drags the oceans over the Earth's surface all the way around....
I hope the special effects don't disappoint. If they pull through, it will surely be worth the price of admission.
alot of people are talking about 2012 as THE day. I think its to do with that mayan thing?

my yoga teacher in school said that too...:sweat:

we may never get to see LEDs beat HIDs! :(

i love how the trailer brings out the conspiricy theorist in all of us.."they wouldnt"

and is anyone else thinking that God might have broke his promise is that happens?

but, would you survive if you happened to be on a boat?

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"Never before has a date in history been so significant to so many cultures, so many religions, scientists, and governments."

Yeah, right. Ever heard of Y2K?

Runners up include 1984 and 6-6-06.

Never mind January 19, 2038.
we may never get to see LEDs beat HIDs! :(

Forget HIDs, single LED's aren't even close to Incan single bulb lumen output!

If 2012 is the latest end of the world, I'm glad I'll be alive to see the end. Personally, as a Sci-Fi fan, I would have wished for aliens to deliver the human deathblow.
Hmmm... The setting looks to be the himalayas, I wonder what could make a wave big enough to go over them, I would think of an Asteroid impact.
Saw the trailer & WOW.:eek:

What on Earth could this Global Cataclysm be?


They told you in the movie 2010 among others such as Deep Impact which had a black president.

For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
Matthew 24:21
Favorite responses and sayings to anything involving 2012:

  • You mean we won't have to put up with all this (spread hands to engulf your whatever mess with which you are dealing)?
  • Great. That means you won't be disappointed if I take you off my 2012 Christmas shopping list.
  • Forget the economy. In a few years we will be teaching our kids to kill pigs with sticks.
  • Y2K cancelled out the 2012 effect.
  • I have this big bridge in San Francisco that I would like to sell you.
If I recall, the History Channel has run two shows on the subject. One with proponents of Something Bad Happening. And the other debunking it. The whole subject smells of marketing.
Hmmm... The setting looks to be the himalayas, I wonder what could make a wave big enough to go over them, I would think of an Asteroid impact.
I thought that, too except that the sky is too normal looking. An asteroid impact would make the sky look real ugly before the wave hit. That's why I thought maybe a tidal surge from a large mass passing close to Earth...:shrug:.

Shouldn't be applying actual science to the movie, of course, after having seen Armageddon...:green:
Is there a Kevin costner water world joke here?
And does this prove time travel is possible? Cuz how else would the myans know when to end there calender?