December 21, 2012 - winter solstice and the day when the Mayan calendar ends.What on Earth could this Global Cataclysm be?
December 21, 2012 - winter solstice and the day when the Mayan calendar ends.
Purported to be the day the SHTF.
December 21, 2012 - winter solstice and the day when the Mayan calendar ends.
Purported to be the day the SHTF.
we may never get to see LEDs beat HIDs!![]()
They told you in the movie 2010 among others such as Deep Impact which had a black president.
I thought that, too except that the sky is too normal looking. An asteroid impact would make the sky look real ugly before the wave hit. That's why I thought maybe a tidal surge from a large mass passing close to Earth...:shrug:.Hmmm... The setting looks to be the himalayas, I wonder what could make a wave big enough to go over them, I would think of an Asteroid impact.