2015 Impala upgrade


Newly Enlightened
Oct 8, 2017

I have a 2015 Impala 2LT while nicely equipped has the halogen headlights. Some Impalas were manufactured with 9005 although most sources list 9012 bulbs.

I just ordered a pair of old school Toshiba 9011s off the net. However if this doesn't improve things enough, I am thinking of upgrading to HIDs like the LTZ have.

i realize I will have to swap out the housings to the LTZ ones, but what else would be needed?

It took me a while to get it (slow learner, but I've been fiddling with lights for about 47 years), but the light source (halogen, HID, LED, etc.) is far less important than what your lamps do with that light. Let's wait to hear what the experts here have to say about that car's lights. Factory lights in new condition, properly and professionally aimed, equipped with premium bulbs, is the best starting point. If a car has 9005 high and 9006 low, I'll go with the best 9011 high and 9012 low I can get (as long as the low has adequate bulb shielding, otherwise stick with premium 9006 low).

Checking voltage at the bulbs under full load will tell you if a heavy duty relayed harness is in order.

After the above has been done, I think about auxiliary lights.
leigh1962, you're on the right track, pretty much start to finish: try the good HIR1s (with headlamps in perfect condition, correctly aimed) and if that doesn't put them at an adequate performance level for you, put in the factory HID headlamp assemblies. HID bulbs drop in output with age (and at the same time they throw more load on the ballast/igniter) so put in new bulbs. The best ones are these. Of course, the correct-aim caveat applies to these lamps, too.

Late-model vehicles tend to not react well to attempts at reconfiguring the headlamp wiring (as in putting in relays like we used to do on older cars), and voltage starvation is not likely to be an issue with that car anyway.

The NOS Toshiba bulbs should be delivered in a few days so we will see what they can do. The driver's side housing is pristine but the passenger side will need replacement due to lens degradation. I will order one tonight with hope for next weekend delivery.

As you said, if this doesn't work then onward to the GM parts bin.

The Toshiba bulbs are delivered and installed.

Its a nice upgrade over the 9005s. I will now have to decide if the need of a HID upgrade using HID Housings and a "kit" are even needed now.
"kit" means HID housings for a LTZ and and their bulbs and means to trigger the ballasts.

these hir bulbs are a stopgap at best. if i cant retro a LTZ system into this car then unfortunately i will have to trade it for a LTZ.

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