2AA Maglite help.


Newly Enlightened
Jul 7, 2007
First off, I know this is going to be a really newbie question.

But, recently my local army surplus had a sale on a bunch of torches and Mag-lites. So I picked up a couple of 2AA's and a few of the D-cell ones.
I also got a few of the Nite-ize LED upgrades.

But when I changed the incan bulb on the 2AA I inadvertently pulled out the little plastic disc with the two small holes for the bulb. The one that I found out after said - "DO NOT REMOVE" So I plugged it back in but now when I put in the bulb (both incan and Nite-Ize LED) nothing happens.

Am I missing something? Did I lose a piece?

I'm no whiz with electronics, so al my troubleshooting got me to do was check the batteries, clean the threads and put the bulb pins in the other holes.

You probably lost one of the little contact that provides connection to the bulb.

For the other Maglites that still work, look here for drop-ins and mods.
Take that piece back off and make sure that there are two metal pieces. One faces upwards and the other faces downward and allows both positive and negative contact.

The one you will best see should be making contact with the mag body below the flanged area at the top. The other will go down and make contact with the positive + side of your batteries.
Make sure to try flipping the module around, leds don't work with the juice going in the wrong direction. (edit) NVM, I see you tried that.
If you did loose one of the contacts (sounds about right), good luck. Those suckers are tiny and can be very hard to find. They are also somewhat fragile.:sigh:
Still it's not useless without the contacts. It would still have good modding potential. A resistor and a 5mm Led can be a nice long running setup, and easy enough for most anyone to build.
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