
Newly Enlightened
Apr 15, 2007
Lakeland, Florida
The summer will be here in ~ a week a I need something to do. I have a Fenix P1D-CE for an EDC and love the light just want a big ol' ROP in a MAG 2D. I don't know anything about ROP other that they are bright and power hungry. Well I have a limited budget, lets say $75, what can I do for that? Tell me what I need
Thanks :grin2:
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FenglerF1 said:
The summer will be here in ~ a week a I need something to do. I have a Fenix P1D-CE for an EDC and love the light just want a big ol' ROP in a MAG 2D. I don't know anything about ROP other that they are bright and power hungry. Well I have a limited budget, lets say $75, what can I do for that? Tell me what I need
Thanks :grin2:
Hmmm, I have a mint 2D copper host, with a Fivemega Heavy stipple reflector, a Modamag 6aa to 2d battery holder, a nice Borofloat lens and a supply of ROP high and low bulbs. It sure is a nice light. It has a beautiful Surefire like beam.

To round up the components would require a little more than you have at this point. Personally, I preferr the beam quality that you get with the OP or HS reflectors. No artifacts in the beam to speak of. I have found that a Mag 5 cell bulb will fill in nicely when you don't have any Pelican bulbs on hand. It lasts about 6 to 8 battery cycles and they are cheap and actually whiter than the pelicans. Not as bright though.
Dawg said:
Hmmm, I have a mint 2D copper host, with a Fivemega Heavy stipple reflector, a Modamag 6aa to 2d battery holder, a nice Borofloat lens and a supply of ROP high and low bulbs. It sure is a nice light. It has a beautiful Surefire like beam.

To round up the components would require a little more than you have at this point. Personally, I preferr the beam quality that you get with the OP or HS reflectors. No artifacts in the beam to speak of. I have found that a Mag 5 cell bulb will fill in nicely when you don't have any Pelican bulbs on hand. It lasts about 6 to 8 battery cycles and they are cheap and actually whiter than the pelicans. Not as bright though.

SF like beam? really? dang... my HS reflector must have been really heavy stippled. When i stuck a HS reflector into an ROP it made the beam into a huge huge flood light. A giant wall of light. It was an even distributed light everywhere around the beam. No hotspot or anything.

2 18650 $20
Reflector $25
1 ROP bulbs $14
Mag 2C $16

Assuming you have a charger for the li-ion, or add an additional $15

Alin10123 said:
SF like beam? really? dang... my HS reflector must have been really heavy stippled. When i stuck a HS reflector into an ROP it made the beam into a huge huge flood light. A giant wall of light. It was an even distributed light everywhere around the beam. No hotspot or anything.
Dang, sounds just like some of my Surefire incans.
You can run an ROP in a 2D with either 6AA NiMhs in an 6AA-2D adapter or 2 of Aw's C-LiIons wrapped in a tube slit lengthwise (you will need to stretch the spring a bit or do like I did and just add a second spring on top of the first). I didn't like the quick self-discharge of the NiMhs and prefer the LiIons.

Aside from the cells (and a charger), you just need a metal reflector, a glass lens and the bulb, of course.
The ROP was also meant to be a low budget light. Originally it was possible to do on $75 as per my calculations but the prices of some stuff seems to have gone up over the months. More demand, I guess.

The Original ROP 4D used a MOP - orange peel, we didn't have stippled back then. Very Surefire-ish beam without going over too much into the 'wide flood' kind of beam. The MOP was used to shoot against Surefires with MN16 lamps in a variety of Turboheads. The SRTH and KT1/KT2 still have slightly longer reach than the MOP reflector with ROP bulb, but the ROP stomps all over them in terms of light.
You made the 2D part clear, so that suggests you have one or prefer the 2D to other forms. So the easy and safe way is to stay with AA NiMH. Those batts, however, may add to your costs IF you have buy a light because, as has been suggested, 2, 18650 in a C light can be cheap and avoids the cost of the AA adapter (that can be homemade but is a nuisance project without a decent shop). And lithiums hold a charge a lot longer when not in use, something that may or may not be relevant to your intended use

Right now it seems hard to get 6AA to 2D adapters but it is possible to locate ModaMags 8AA to 2D from the Shoppe and elsewhere. I run a ROP HI in a 2D with this adapter and it works very well.

The other critical component is a reflector. FiveMegas are currently available and I prefer his MOP camless to his others as well as a few other reflectors I've tried.

With the MOP, a ROP HI will easily outreach even the longest reach single SSC led lights in Mag format like the Malkoff (I have one so can readily compare)and even (all of??) the exotic multi-led lights because it has a large and efficient reflector pointing lumens created by 4A of current. Its incan color temp allows better color and depth perception by the human eye, also. It will reach further with a smoothie or VLOP (I have those also) but the pattern out to 200 ft and further is greatly improved with the MOP compared to smoother reflectors. So unless you cruise beanfields for beasts or are trying to spotlight a neighboring building at 400' or more, I'd stick with the MOP.

The UCL lens in mine works fine but then I don't walk around in the rain with it- that might call for a borofloat to stand a better chance of surviving a water hit on hot glass. But even "pyrex" type glasses shatter under rapid temp changes IF their physical expansion/contraction is constrained as it might be in a Mag head.

For AA batteries, stick with "made in Japan" stuff that is correct size. That means Rayovacs, Eneloops and other Sanyo's etc. I've tried the Energizer, match up the positions so it fits drill, and it is NOT a reliable method even when done with the assistance of a digital caliper to confirm measurments and mark cells. It works sometimes but for practical purposes I consider Energizers unusable in a ModaMag 8AA - 2D adapter for a 2D mag, except in a bored tube and you really don't want to waste time on such silliness if you don't have a machine shop. You'll get old fast trying to bore a mag with a brake hone, a device not intended to remove large amounts of metal in a hurry. I use 7 NiMH AAs in mine and made a dummy batt from 1/2" aluminum rod (only because I didn't have any copper rod in my garage -just cut a hunk to length and trimmed one end down to make the equivalent of a + batt terminal, taped the outide, and popped it in the holder in place of the eighth cell.

Haven't bothered with any spring mods or switch fixes, yet, and nothing's melted, yet. But I will probably do both as precautionary improvements. I should note the 2D Mag I'm using has the spring seating at the upper part of the cap on a surface that appears unanodized from the factory.

I've only tried the 3 ROP HI and LO bulb sets I have, but have not encountered any bad bulbs or instaflashes yet out of these 6. Some folks seem to run into these and you might also. I've seen lots of poorly made xenon bulbs offered for sale - for automotive uses poorly made "xenons" out of Asia are ubiquitous, so much so that I source automotive bulbs only from identifiable trusted makers. I've lost count of the number of poor halogens/xenons I've grenaded in vehicles.

So total cost is
Batts $15 approx? depending on source and type
Reflector $25 plus shipping
Batt holder $30 plus shipping
Lens $5 plus shipping
ROP bulbs $10 approx plus shipping

Maybe $90 total if you have the light and buy from as few sources as possible? The wild card for cost is whether you own chargers for anything or need to buy one.

The 2D ROP (any ROP) is an amazing light for the $. If your other stuff is all led's or normal mags using regular or mag-matched xenons, you will probably be surprised by the ROP. But get used to charging cells. Either wiring to charge in the holder or a good 8 AA charger is a help because run times are not huge with this amount of current draw. But charging outside the holder does allow one to inspect cells regularly, not a bad idea when sucking 4A from them. And a very useful safety precaution if you use unprotected 18650s, IMO. And remember the ROP needs open space to cool and don't put it where it can get turned on accidentally. (Another reason why mine is RED)

BTW, my EDC is also a P1D-CE, with the "Nereus Mod" (THANKS, Nereus!) of an SSC with cutdown McR 20S reflector. Much more useful beam and better color balance, though some throw is lost. It makes a better "under the vehicle" inspection light. I've made a few for gifts, also. Not too hard to do if you have careful hands and decent soldering tools but can destroy the light when opening the head if you are clumsy or incautious.

Disclaimer: I'm no flashlight guru as the sig notes. I can do led and bulb swaps, simple electrical calcs, fit parts, assemble boards into lights, etc and that's about it. A lot of my experience with lights comes from upgrading built in or add on driving lights for use on vehicles at speed. So keep that in mind when evaluating the above comments.

Enjoy your ROP

I ordered the boroflaot lens and ROP bulb from light hound but the Sandwich Shoppe is down so I Can't order the 6AA to 2D holder and reflector yet. I am thinking about the HS for the Wall Of Light
Thanks again

Edit: The Sandwich Shoppe is back up but out of stock on the 6AA to 2D and Reflector
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FenglerF1 said:
I ordered the boroflaot lens and ROP bulb from light hound but the Sandwich Shoppe is down so I Can't order the 6AA to 2D holder and reflector yet. I am thinking about the HS for the Wall Of Light
Thanks again

Edit: The Sandwich Shoppe is back up but out of stock on the 6AA to 2D and Reflector


Fivemega just put his 6AA to 2D holders back up for sale in the Custom/Modified B/S/T section.


He also offers a very nice reflector. No HS, only VLOP (very light orange peel) and MOP (medium orange peel), though. I have the dual-function reflector in MOP in my ROP LE and like it a lot. It does have a noticeable hot spot, so it's not a "wall of light." But it's an option if you want to get rolling, and you can save a few bucks by combining your orders.

Thanks for the link, a little bit more expensive but looks to be worth it.
I will post some beamshots when I get it all together. :rock:

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