2D+ Maglite system the best blend of "beating" and light output?

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Jan 15, 2007
Reedley, Ca
As some of you know, I currently only own a Mag 2d and so I took it for its first real life test earlier. I took my dog for a night walk and I liked the upgraded 3w bulbs output but as I was walking, I realized I need more light. lol. Here is the key though, I know I can get better "light" but I NEED the beating ability of the Mag. So I thought either get 3D or 4D Led Mags... They wouldn't be to bulky to carry around in one hand to beat while the other holds the dog leash. Btw, I just like to make sure that me and my mutt have extra beating and lighting capabilities if anyone tried to get crazy on in a darked alley or street.

What do you guys think? Is there another light I should consider where beating and light output unite? School me guys. :grin2:
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If I had to have a good blend of light output and walloping, I'd be fixin' up to look at some of the Mag Mods available out here. CPF members milkyspit, Icarus and cmacclel do some wicked Mag-Lite modifying (for a price, of course).

I personally find the 3D Mag about right for the (unlikely) event that I'd have to give someone a good ding along the earhole, and that could be retrofitted into a LED lumen machine of no mean caliber - using three, four, or sometimes even five emitters (Luxeon III or, increasingly popular, Cree XR-E parts), you can start reaching up into the 600 lumen catagory without a whole lot of trouble. Using multiple emitters tends to give you more of a "wall of light," as I understand; a desireable trait when you walk the dog. I do not believe you will have the focusing ability of a stock Mag, but you will have lots of light for a long time and the ability to whack someone good if you really need to.

Sable said:
If I had to have a good blend of light output and walloping, I'd be fixin' up to look at some of the Mag Mods available out here. CPF members milkyspit, Icarus and cmacclel do some wicked Mag-Lite modifying (for a price, of course).

I personally find the 3D Mag about right for the (unlikely) event that I'd have to give someone a good ding along the earhole, and that could be retrofitted into a LED lumen machine of no mean caliber - using three, four, or sometimes even five emitters (Luxeon III or, increasingly popular, Cree XR-E parts), you can start reaching up into the 600 lumen catagory without a whole lot of trouble. Using multiple emitters tends to give you more of a "wall of light," as I understand; a desireable trait when you walk the dog. I do not believe you will have the focusing ability of a stock Mag, but you will have lots of light for a long time and the ability to whack someone good if you really need to.


Thank you for the detailed information. Exactly the kind of stuff that can help me and the mutt. lol. I will look into it further. :drool:
Have a look to the TIGERLIGHT with pepperspray, seems to be very bright and the ability to use the spray is easier than trying to beat your "enemy" aka Hulk with a Flashlight



for the "beating" purpose,
stay with Your 2D and mod it to a "Hotwire" powered by 8 AAs, there surely are several good descriptions here at CPF.
I think a smaller impact area has more concentrated force. Couple that with a longer striking area for greater reach and you'll want at least a 4C mag to reach out and thump someone. Drop in a MagLED module or one from dorcy (coming soon) and you've got reach out and illuminate or reach out and smackdown capabilities in one handy unit.
A 3D MAG with a Terralux Led drop in is what I use when I walk my dogs,
its better than the original bulb
For most people without much self defense training, a 3D mag setup will give the feeling of security. Note the way I phrased that. It depends on from what you want to protect yourself since critters and evil people require different responses. Knowledge, practice, and awareness are the best defense, then followed by a give-me-a-big-stick approach. What do you expect to have to deal with on your dog walks?
I have one of these which might fit your need: Nuwai - Triple 3 Watt LED Flashlight ( 3X 3 Watt Luxeon LED 240 lumens) N2FX-TM801X_3 available at www.amondotech.com for $75. Switch cycles through 1,2,3,off. This a VERY solidly built light with a lot of heft to it. If you want to make it a little brighter there is a adpter kit available to allow running it on 4c NIMH cells.
Mr_Light said:
I have one of these which might fit your need: Nuwai - Triple 3 Watt LED Flashlight ( 3X 3 Watt Luxeon LED 240 lumens) N2FX-TM801X_3 available at www.amondotech.com for $75.
"Wow," I thought when I saw this, "A wall-o-light for only $75?" After reading the thread on Elektolumen's new blaster, I've kinda got a hankerin' for something like that. Then I searched CPF for reviews/comments on th TM801X-3.

The Nuwai TM810X-3 doesn't get 240 lumens with 3 D-cells. Not even close. In fact, from what I read, it seems it's not all that much brighter than the 3 x 1 watt TM801X-1? At a clearance price of only $45 for the latter light, ISTM it's the better deal? The -1 has double the run time, too.

Mr_Light said:
If you want to make it a little brighter...
IOW: Get it closer to its claimed 240 lumens?

Mr_Light said:
... there is a adpter kit available to allow running it on 4c NIMH cells.
At the expense of reduced run-time, no?
I dont have a small hand, in fact I wear a large glove, but I find the D cell Mags a bit too big to use comfortably in this role. I can hold and manipulate the C cell much better, it is more the size of a normal baton. I carry a 5 C cell maglight in each vehicle, have for years, I like the diamter and length which is why I dont replace it , they dont make them anymore at least in the MagLed series.

I carry an Inova X0 in each vehicle to back up the incandescent mag.
chmsam said:
For most people without much self defense training, a 3D mag setup will give the feeling of security. Note the way I phrased that. It depends on from what you want to protect yourself since critters and evil people require different responses. Knowledge, practice, and awareness are the best defense, then followed by a give-me-a-big-stick approach. What do you expect to have to deal with on your dog walks?

Well, I live in a rural 20k town in CA so there are darkened alleys and many residential streets where light is not exactly plentiful. I mostly expect to run into stay animals and lets say one is extremely big, my dog (65lbs)may be hurt, so I have to be able to beat the critter away. As far as humans go, well I think going out for walks at night just gives those sick people of the world an opportunity for trying something sneaky and well, with Mag I might be able to fend them off from the chest up. Below that, my mutt is plenty good. Hehe.

Anyhoo, thanks for all the DETAILED descriptions. It helps when they are that way. Btw, look what I got today. LOL.


A 3D to match my 2D. Not the greatest lights but with one in each hand I dare someone to step to me on a dark night. lol. JP. The Mag lite LED upgrade is a major improvement over stock but are there any better drop in LED for these things on the market? ROFL.
I sure wouldn't want to be in a dark back alley trying to fend off some drug fiend with a stubby 2D maglite. A 3D isn't much better. That's the stuff of nightmares. Do yourself a favor and avoid such darkened alley ways at night eh? But if you insist, try to get a 4C Maglite, it might be better as a club. (do they still sell the 4C? I just read they stopped making the 5 and 6C…)

I can imagine the short paragraph article now, buried on page 23 in the local newspaper… "local man who was accosted by an unknown assailant in a back alley while walking his dog Tuesday night, succumbed to his injuries yesterday. He desperately tried to fend off the attacker with a flashlight he was carrying, but was unsuccessful in his attempt…"
I would also recommend the longer 3D maglight with a hotwire mod. What kind of runtime will you need? You could also get a Magcharger which puts out a good amount of free lumens. The Magcharger is also easily hotwired if you feel the need to kick it up a notch.
seems like maglite is the winner when we talk about flashlight for beating.... and is also pretty cheap to break it.... dont other company wanna go after mag by introducing new LED flashlight ment for this beating application? Once a MAG always a MAG?
Get a 6C maglite (quite hard to get tough, they aren't making them anymore) and fill it up with 6 NiMh C-cells, aluminium reflector and a ROP bulb :)

Great club, and great light :D
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