
Newly Enlightened
Jul 2, 2007
I received a 2d maglite for christmas was wondering what are some cheap and easy ways to upgrade it thanks
You could buy some of Kaidomain's 6AA to 2D adapters, and run a 6D maglite bulb in it. Or you could put a 6V rated buld in it, you can find them at Radio Shack. You still need the adapters to run the 6V bulb.
The ROP could get kinda expensive though thats why I went cheap.

Yeh but always gotta open the guys options

Even so you can get real cheap reflactors (kaidomain i think thier $15 and then glass $5 ) and thats it $20 more expensive than what you recommended

Sorry if it seemed like im having a go at you i really dont mean to (i almost failed english @ school :p)
Yeh but always gotta open the guys options

Even so you can get real cheap reflactors (kaidomain i think thier $15 and then glass $5 ) and thats it $20 more expensive than what you recommended

Sorry if it seemed like im having a go at you i really dont mean to (i almost failed english @ school :p)

No problem, I understand what your saying.:thumbsup:
Wait a couple of weeks and Gene Malkoff should have some of his drop-ins available. Just pull the old light bulb out, put his new thing in and stand back and admire a wonderful upgrade (without any hassle) to the maglite.

If you don't want to wait, look around in the Homemade and Custom Flashlights forum and there are a couple of tutorials on how to easily mod your mag with a heatsink, resistor (control board or micropuck too), emitter...some quick soldering and you will have a nice mod done by yourself!!

I have done both and I need a couple more mod experiences to even match what Gene has done. His drop-in may be considered expensive, but you are getting close to the price with all the stuff you need to buy to do the mod. In less you like having fun making stuff, the malkoff drop-in is a very easy (and foolproof) way to go!!

Bob E.
I received a 2d maglite for christmas was wondering what are some cheap and easy ways to upgrade it thanks

Look for the :LITEmania thread in the CPFMP titled "SSC P4 Emitter, Star [USW0I] & M*g C/D Heatsink "
- P4 Emitter [USX0H] : 8$ each
- Heatsink C or D : 12$ each ( same price C/D )
Shipping Handling :
- 5$ per an order

Modify your stock reflector by carefully removing the cam with shears and a razor blade. Use the stock poly window from the Mag.

Pick up a 500mA MicroPuck #2009A-SHO ... $14.99 (shipped) or an inexpensive driver from DX and you have a build for $32 - $40. This will result in a well regulated light that can run on regular alkaline cells with respectable brightness.

Of course, you will need some thermal adhesive and heat conducting grease...
What he said ^^^^^^^^^:twothumbs
For more details click on the link in my sig line .......

you could use my idea where you try to use an LED instead of a bulb (the white ones)because they last longer and you can get the super bright ones which are brighter than normal mag light bulbs.