3,000 lumen offroad/utility light prototype pics 11-07 update


Newly Enlightened
Mar 31, 2009
Grand Rapids, MI
I have posted a few pics of my Bridgelux-powered light, but this is actually a proper setting. I am driving one c2000 Bridgelux LED at 2.5 amps and 17.5 volts for around 3,000 lumens. This LED is quite inexpensive ($40) for the amount of light it puts out, but it is hard to capture all of the output due to the large emitting area. Here we go....

Control (running lights still on) hence the orange glow.

2000 Grand Cherokee low beams

High beams

LED and 50mm DX P7 OP reflector

Reflector and DX 50mm aspheric. LED is 45 degrees BTW. That's what the diamond shape is from.

Reflector and DX euro beam aspheric

Reflector and 100mm condenser lens directly on the reflector

Reflector and 100mm condenser lens slightly too close for focus

Overall, I'm very happy with this light. I know it doesn't throw 3 miles or anything, but that's not what it's intended to do. They are intended to be auxilary/offroad lights for vehicles and ATV's. Compared to high beams it gives much better visibility, and that's with just one....so I'm pretty happy about it. I'm going to design something and have it turned on a cnc lathe pretty soon, but I can't decide which beam I like the most. What are your thoughs?
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Re: 3,000 lumen driving light prototype pics

Correct me if I am wrong, but the WJ used 9006/9005 low/highs.
You can use HIR2/HIR bulb upgrades, and wiring upgrades [chrysler is cheap]

Was that just the high beam, or high+lows?

"Reflector and DX euro beam aspheric" looks the best, but isn't much of a driving light.
Re: 3,000 lumen driving light prototype pics

Correct me if I am wrong, but the WJ used 9006/9005 low/highs.
You can use HIR2/HIR bulb upgrades, and wiring upgrades [chrysler is cheap]

Was that just the high beam, or high+lows?

"Reflector and DX euro beam aspheric" looks the best, but isn't much of a driving light.

Those are just high beams. I don't plan on using these as driving lights, just as offroad/utility lights where you just want a large area to be very well lit, so they would usually be used in conjunction with the regular headlights. This particular one is actually going to be used on a boat though. He just wants it when he gets near the dock. I would like to see how an SST-90 compares to some similar headlights though.
Re: 3,000 lumen offroad/utility light prototype pics

Added some throw shots. I haven't paced this off yet, but this thing CAN actually throw with a big enough lens.

100mm condenser

100mm condenser and a 38mm condenser right on the LED.
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Clint, how's this light coming along? Can this LED be driven at a lower power level, such as 2 amps at 12-13V? I need something for an off-road trail bike. Thanks, Alpo
If you're looking to do that, I have some lights that are a smaller package and operate at 2A. I'll have pics up sometime soon and I have 2 prototypes at my house that I'm going to sell. It's 1,100 lumens, but not so floody.
LED and 50mm DX P7 OP reflector

...They are intended to be auxilary/offroad lights for vehicles and ATV's.
What are your thoughs?
I like this spread the best, as a fellow offroader.
When I crawl at night, it's usually between 2 and 15 mph; it's important to see a wide area, close to the rig.

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