Ok, understand what people are saying, and now i've come up with this:
power supply (battery, 2/3D's if i go parallel, or 10 v. high capacity AA's for series) to driver (haven't decided on this... something to give me variable output (350,700,1000 type thing)), to LED's, to battery again, possibly throw in a resistor if it's needed.
Does this sound alright? Also, opinions on parallel vs. series would be good; parallel seems easier, but i'm confused by drivers. If I go parallel, would I buy a (say) 2100ma driver to get 700ma to each LED, one 700ma driver to get 700ma to each LED, or 3 700 ma drivers wired in series with the LED's?
At the moment i'm leaning towards parallel, because I can dim and turn off the LED's without wasting energy, but if I need to buy lots of drivers, this would take away the advantage, as drivers are fairly expensive.
I'm planning on making this a bike light, which doubles as a powerful flashlight that I can take if I know that i'll be going outside in the dark, hence the 3 rebels. Also, 3 seems a nice number as a compromise between silly amounts of light and decent burn times (as long as the batteries are as stated, I should get 3 hours on 700ma to each LED- 2700 mah AA's gives me a fair bit of leeway)
Anyone know how much heatsinking i'll need? The same website that does the rebels and the lenses also does heatsinks, though they're a bit small-
link and i'm not sure if that will be sufficient, having done no LED projects before. Most the time they will be run at 700ma, in cold conditions and with air going past, though it'd be nice to know that I could run them at 350ma, at warmer ambient temperatures, with no ventilation and have no problems with heat buildup.
edit: been checking the instructables (thanks!) and it seems none of them use drivers... what's the advantage of a driver?
The problem with that triple star, is that the three Rebels are too close together to use the little clip-on optics you posted the link to at led-tech.de (or the separate reflectors I suggested), and at the same time way too far apart to use a single reflector or lens without getting an almost useless triple beam pattern.
Without a reflector, even three rebels will be marginal as a bike light, and with a reflector, in order to smooth out the beam you are going to have to either use a diffuser or throw the thing way way way out of focus.
If you can find an old halogen light with a very highly dimpled "orange peel" reflector, that will help combine and smooth out the beam.
How you do the heatsinking is dependant on how you are going to put the light togeather mechanically. The little heatsinks you showed will only do the job if they are outside in free air, not inside some kind of enclosure.
Most custom flashlight builders take a different approach and start with an off the shelf metal shell light, like a D or C cell Maglight.
The Maglights outer shell is very heat conductive aluminum, and makes a great heatsink all by itself, so with a Maglight you just use a slab of aluminum or copper to mount the LED's and couple the heat into the body of the flashight.
Some folks have cut the 2 D-Cell maglight down and shortened it by removing a section that extends from just behind the threads (keeping all the threads plus about another 1/8 inch, on back to the point after the switch (loosing the switch and a few inches of the 2 D-Cell battery tube).
Then the two sections are rejoined with a large cylindrical plug of aluminum and the seam is hidden under the area where the head is threaded back on. Since the threads on the head still work, focusing is still potentially possible, and the missing pushbutton is replaced by some kind of 'twisty' activated switch inside the head.
A cut down 'shorty' 2 D-Cell Mag light running on 4 NiMH AA's driving 3 Rebels would make an extremely cool bike light, and a standard 'flashlight clamp' can be used to mount it on your bike.
The discharge curve of the NiMH batteries is pretty flat, so you can just use a separate resistor for each LED.
3 ohms with 4.8 volts = approx 500ma.
2 ohms with 4.8 volts = approx 750ma.
Personally, if you are planning to run all three LED's on a star, I would stay with the 3 ohm resistor, and see how that works out first.
The resistor can dissipate about a watt so I would either use a 2 watt power resistor to be on the safe side or plan on running several 1/2 watt resistors in series or parallel to get the correct value.
An easy way to stack up the current without worrying about a lot of complicated power calculations is to just get a handful of 10 ohm 1/2 watt or 10 ohm 1 watt power resistors at Radio Shack.
With 4.8 volts (4 x 1.2 volt NiMH battery) each 10 ohm resistor you parallel in the series bundle feeding the LED will increase the current by 150mA.
1 x 10 ohm = 150 mA.
2 x 10 ohm (in parallel) = 300mA.
3 x 10 ohm (in parallel) = 450mA.
4 x 10 ohm (in parallel) = 600mA.
5 x 10 ohm (in parallel) = 750mA.
The note above 'in parallel' obviously only means that the resistors are all placed in parallel with each other then the parallel bundle is placed in SERIES with ONE Rebel LED.
Each of the other 2 Rebels in the star are wired to their own separate parallel bundle of resistors.
So to wire up all three Rebel LED's and drive them at 600mA for example, we would need a total of 12 resistors (4 x 10 ohm resistors in parallel, then the one of these 4 resistor parallel bundles placed in series with each of the 3 Rebel LEDs)
I know that sounds like a lot of resistors, but 1/2 watt or 1 watt resistors (either will work fine), are pretty cheap.
Just to avoid any confusion about the parallel and series arrangement needed to stack simple 1/2 watt 10 ohm resistors, here's what it would look like set up for a full 5 x 10 ohm (5 x 150mA = 750mA).
PLEASE NOTE:The 750 mA arrangement is only shown for TEST purposes (because you mentioned wanting to use that drive level in your post), but this drive level is probably only ok for SEPARATELY mounted Rebels. If you still insist on using the one piece star arrangement you showed earlier, there is probably no way you will be able to drive them safely at that high of current level due to the bad heat concentration problems inherent in that design. I would try to hold the current down to about 450mA per emitter when mounting them in this arrangement (450mA. would only use 3 of the 5 parallel 10 ohm 1/2 watt resistors in each string).