31200 lux from DBS


Newly Enlightened
Dec 24, 2007
my extech meter is reading 31,200 lux from a DBS in a 2x18650, SMO, XR-E configuration. :twothumbs
Very nice! Now, do this mod and report back! Please. :twothumbs


I saw that! an SST in a Dereelight! that is fantastic. the DBS with 2x18650 and an MC-E cranks out 9000 (wide area) Lux for 2 hours on AW2600s in Hi mode. I did that runtime test earlier today. Not too impressive compared to the same setup but with an XR-E, but you know.....MC-E. I don't need to go on about that. you get it.
The SST-50 is said to throw twice as far as the ME-E in the DBS!
Yep, it's still one awesome thrower.

And the MC-E throws ~1/5 as far as the XR-E :ironic:

9,000 lux vs 32,000 lux? I think the XR-E is almost 2x as far as the MC-E.

I think from the numbers the SST 50 and the XRE would have similiar throw with the SST50 putting out about 2X the total light right?
I had a sneaking suspicion that the R2 still out throws the R5 even though Deree claims the R5 throws as far as the R2. Not sure if we can compare numbers since we used different lux meter, but the R5 doesn't throw as far.

On the other hand, the Solarforce Pro-1 does out throw the DBS by a lot.


I have both DBS R2 and R5. Measured at 1 m I get about 29000 lux for the R2 and about 22000 lux for the XPG R5. I will also measure at 5 m to get numbers more representative for the throw, but also my impression so far is that the R2 throws better than R5.
Do you think Dereelight will put the DBS R2 modules back into production? They need to.
Do you think Dereelight will put the DBS R2 modules back into production? They need to.

I'm just speculating, but my guess is they will not. They will probably keep the reflector of the R5, and wait for the next bin of XP-E's to come out since the XP-E out throws the XP-G's.

The XP-E's should fit nicely into the XP-G reflectors.