3C M@G mods


Nov 4, 2007
Ok boys, right now im staring at my dads 3c m@g (pretty boring, actually, just waiting for letterman to come on)

so gimme suggetsions as to make it the highest powered, longest thrower i can

NO BUDGET :faint::duh2: (hehe right now)

please if you can, post links to whatever, i you can

the only thing is, we cant get the last battery out, so gotta deal with that first.


p.s. have fun

ohhhhhh i just had an idea to paint the body
i might do a colored splash (anyone know swissbianco?)
that might be cool
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First off, how much are you willing to spend?

And Mod or drop-in?

as of right now, dont care how much something cost, but asa i decide and read about different things, that might change

mod or drop-in? hmmmmmmm which ever will get me what i want
i know, i know, that just complicates it, but i havent decided yet how much time/effort i want to put into this project.
I can't help with the modding, but for the 'paint', you can splatter the body with Ez-Off oven cleaner which will burn the anodize off where you splash it. (wash it afterward, if that wasn't clear)

Then you clear it and you are done!

You can come up with other designs as well I'm sure but oven cleaner is how we remove anodize from bicycle parts...
the only thing is, we cant get the last battery out, so gotta deal with that first.

Sorry to hear that. I got a 6D and it too had a jambed battery.
Guess what, the last battery had exploded in the light and wouldn't come out.
I took out the switch from the top and couldn't knock it free.
I hit it with a chisel and hammer and just punched a hole in the battery.
It was still stick to the sides. Wanna know what I did.
I made this out of a 6D
Do your self a favor and throw it in the trash and buy a HID for big throw.