3D cell maglite conversion to LED


Newly Enlightened
Dec 17, 2009
Dear friends, I am new to this forum and am probably asking a question that has been asked a million times. I have a 3 Dcell maglite and I would like to convert it to a LED. Question: Is it worth doing? Second: Should I just go out and buy a new one. Third: where can I get the parts (lamp) to convert, without paying an arm and a leg ?
Use the search function.....there are a couple good threads on the subject....that is what I did.
Terralux TLE-6EXB
malkoffdevices.com Only you can decide if its worth it. Malkoff can run full power without stress unlike a replacement MagLed. If you don't like it, easily sold on B/S/T as well.
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all of the malkoff maglite drop-ins are sold out ... does any one know when he'll be producing more?

I have been checking the malkoff web site for quite a while and the drop ins are always sold out....kind of a joke if you ask me....advertise something then its never in stock.....so I said the heck with it and ordered the Terralux TLE-6EXB off of MattK.
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I was checking the Malkoff Devices website for the drop-in bulb for my 4 D cell Maglite and I lost patience after about two months and about three weeks ago I bought one from Terralux instead. (The one that I bought, the TLE-300M-EX, will not work with a 3 D cell Maglite.)

The reviews of the Malkoff Devices drop-ins are positively glowing, but you have to be *VERY* patient if you want one. I don't have that kind of patience, but I did sign up for the email notification for when they would be back in stock. That was a long time ago and still no email has come.
I got a Malkoff P7 drop-in for Maglite D-cell body and dropped it into a 5D Mag with standard alkalines. It is VERY bright, although Gene Malkoff says it is even brighter with high amperage cells like NiMH.

It also worked great with 3 CR123A cells in a 2D mag, so I ended up getting the battery adapter for 2x18650 in a 2D mag and leaving the P7 in there. It is way brighter than my DX 1x18650 light. I believe Malkoff's P7 really is 700 lumens out the front. The beam is a little ugly, because the reflector is not optimized for a 4-die emitter, but it does throw pretty well. I'll have to get some beamshots. It definitely has more throw than an M60 or even the Wildcat.

Has anyone ever modded an LED maglite with the Malkoff module? I bought 2D and 3D MagLEDs on black friday for $15 each. The reflector is much deeper than the incandescent maglites. But the light module is modified too. Current draw is about 1.6 amps on the 2D, which is too much for the low light output. A more neutral-white emitter would be appealing as well.

I rarely use my maglites, not even the P7 - I prefer the SF 6P, Malkoff MD2, or MD3 for actual carry, because the D-cell maglite is too big (fat and long). So I usually have a warm-white MD3 Wildcat in a holster, an MD2 with an M30W in another holster (or back pocket), and a Valiant with an M60W in my front pocket. The Maglites are nice to have around for when something goes bump in the night.

I'm waiting for the neutral/warm XPGs to come out before I buy more emitters.
Dear friends, I am new to this forum and am probably asking a question that has been asked a million times. I have a 3 Dcell maglite and I would like to convert it to a LED. Question: Is it worth doing? Second: Should I just go out and buy a new one. Third: where can I get the parts (lamp) to convert, without paying an arm and a leg ?

-Welcome to CPF.
-Yes the question has been answered a million times and the search
function really can help you. You will find several mods from simple drop-ins to more elaborate 'gut and rebuild'- your choice.
-Is it worth doing; only you can tell. For myself I have 2D mag (new) which I converted to a 3 led with each led in its own reflector mounted on a heatsink. All are DD (series) from 3C cells (rechargeable). Along the the way I rebuilt the switch with a few simple changes (also on search). Parts cost me enough to buy several mags but not one (even all together) will come even close to the output; I'm happy.
-parts; available on search but part of your 'arm and leg' will go if you want something that's to be worthwhile.

Like all others, this is not a cheap hobby if you are serious in creating your "own".

Merry Christmas
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I was checking the Malkoff Devices website for the drop-in bulb for my 4 D cell Maglite and I lost patience after about two months and about three weeks ago I bought one from Terralux instead. (The one that I bought, the TLE-300M-EX, will not work with a 3 D cell Maglite.)

The reviews of the Malkoff Devices drop-ins are positively glowing, but you have to be *VERY* patient if you want one. I don't have that kind of patience, but I did sign up for the email notification for when they would be back in stock. That was a long time ago and still no email has come.

It will work in a 3d.You need to figure a way to use either 4 cr123 or 2 1b650's. Easy mod.YOU CAN DO IT!