40 cents cheaper than the cheapest gas


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 30, 2001
I noticed today, that diesel fuel is 40 cents/gallon cheaper than the cheapest gasoline.

Ever since Katrina and the switchover to Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD), diesel has been higher than gasoline. Always before that, diesel was cheaper in the summer and more expensive in the winter (when it is also used for heating fuel).

So... has anyone else noticed this price difference?
Is diesel fuel cheaper than gasoline where you are?
Just recently unleaded has passed diesel in price. I believe the cheapest unleaded we have is $3.05 gallon, while diesel is now $2.99 gallon. Prior to this, diesel was 40 cents on average more expensive than gasoline.
Now that you mention it, on my way to work last Thursday I noticed unleaded for $2.99 and diesel for $2.99. Had to be the first time in a couple of years that they were the same. Diesel is usually $0.10 or more higher. :thinking: Although it was always the opposite before... before the war atleast, maybe even before the "reason"...
ikendu said:
I noticed today, that diesel fuel is 40 cents/gallon cheaper than the cheapest gasoline.

Ever since Katrina and the switchover to Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD), diesel has been higher than gasoline. Always before that, diesel was cheaper in the summer and more expensive in the winter (when it is also used for heating fuel).

So... has anyone else noticed this price difference?
Is diesel fuel cheaper than gasoline where you are?
Diesel is rather cheaper here in Italy.
Gasoline costs 1.2 t 1.3 € per litre, while diesel costs 1.05 to 1.15 (according to the phase of the moon).
The big deal is, of course, that diesel cars run for much longer on a litre of diesel than gas cars on a litre of gasoline...

We don't have the winter/summer price difference here, though, or at least not that I've seen.
Diesel has been higher than gasoline here for quite some time.

Doesn't really bug me though as I get farther on diesel than almost any gasser (particularly if talking 2500 at 4 tons!).

I'll attempt to get up to date pricing today.
pricing in tulsa for diesel is $2.59 vs $3.19 for gas
I noticed that also. It's crazy that Diesel is ever more than gas as it is much much less refined and way less expensive to make. I suspect that if diesel was now as much higher than gas as it was that you'd be seeing Trucker strikes and the price of virtually everything would be skyrocketing. I'd guess somebody knows this and an effort has been made to keep it from going up or at least going up too fast. It could literally cripple this country as many truckers - Owner operators - pay for their own fuel from last weeks check. If the price jumps too fast they won't even be able to afford to run. Fuel takes around 2/3rds of their net income IIRC.
B99 is $3.25/gal and regular gasoline is $3.31. One thing I've really noticed is that while the cost of gasoline has been jumping up and down on a pogo stick, the cost of biodiesel has stayed within 15 cents of it's original price for the entire time I've been using it, nearly 2 years.

you guys all live on easy street !!
..........here in uk, diesel and gas are on average the same price
...... = to just over $7 per us gallon :thumbsdow
IIRC the only reason that Diesel is ever more expensive in the USA is because it is generally taxed more heavily than Gasoline. Diesel makes more sense to use as a fuel though (IMHO) as a gallon of diesel contains significantly more energy than gasoline, and it's easier to refine.
In my area (northwest Idaho) diesel fuel had always cost more than gasoline until about 2 months ago. Suddenly it is cheaper by about 25 cents/gal. You can save another 5 cents/gal by getting B5 biodiesel. But the price of everything has been moving up from $2.50 to near $3.30 in that time...

Fortunately I've been able to predict when stations here receive their fuel supply (and then see the corresponding price increases), and can determine when and where I can save as much as 15 cents/gal before I have to fill up. It only saves $4 per fillup, but that's enough to get a half-rack of Jones Soda for the week...mmmmmm...

Just across the border in Washington fuel prices are another 10 cents/gal higher. It looks like gasoline might be $3.40-$3.50 around here by the end of the week.
I traveled across Washington State from Eastern Central Washington to Southwest Washington over the last week and saw Diesel as much as 75 cents a gallon less than unleaded gas.

Most places it was at least 60 cents/gallon cheaper.

If anyone is ever interested, in Belgium the current price is (converted from liters to gallons and from euro to dollars) :
Regular gas (unleaded) : 8.13 USD/gallon
Diesel : 5.49 USD/gallon

As far as I remember diesel has always been cheaper than regular over here.
PlayboyJoeShmoe said:
Gas around here at Shell or Valero is from 2.99 low to 3.09 high.

Diesel at the same stations is from 2.77 to 2.79.

So finally diesel is cheaper again!

Ah... the natural order of life is restored! :)

So... not only do diesels get great mileage, but the fuel is cheaper too!

And... they can burn renewable biodiesel produced right here in the good 'ole U S of A! (with no modifications what-so-ever)

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