445nm diodes


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 29, 2009
Amazed you folks haven't heard or mentioned anything about these. Used to be you could get a nichia 50mW blue for like, $1,500. You can also get 473nm dpss blue at low powers. Then someone found a 500mW blue LD, manufacturer quoted about $2000 for a sample unit. Just a few days ago, a source of these 500mW laser diodes was verified, and the diodes are being tested by various hobbyists. Someone's even testing it at 1W optical output levels.

You know, just spreading the word. Coherent light is still light, and aren't we all light nerds?
Amazed you folks haven't heard or mentioned anything about these. Used to be you could get a nichia 50mW blue for like, $1,500. You can also get 473nm dpss blue at low powers. Then someone found a 500mW blue LD, manufacturer quoted about $2000 for a sample unit. Just a few days ago, a source of these 500mW laser diodes was verified, and the diodes are being tested by various hobbyists. Someone's even testing it at 1W optical output levels.

You know, just spreading the word. Coherent light is still light, and aren't we all light nerds?
just wanted to say that you can get 24x 0.5~1W 445nm diodes from the Casio XJ-A130 2000 ANSI Lumen Video Projector . And if you look at the price it comes out that projector is not that expensive becuase you will get a 24x 1W blue diodes :lolsign:. If i calculated it right then we come to price of 885,61$ (£629.53)in england. It is 36,90$ per Diode !!:caution::caution:
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Yeah, plus whatever the extractor is charging for his time and shipping. Checked back and now there are a few more posts about the 445's. Phew, glad to see that CPF is still talking about light.... I thought you all had moved on to something else... like how to make candles or something.
Are there any descriptions/how-to articles, etc., on salvaging/testing the diodes from those projectors - that is, without destroying them in the process? And are the diodes driven by separate circuit elements that might be salvaged as well? Is there an online voltage/current in vs. output chart for these diodes?

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