45 minutes with the cops and my flashlights


Newly Enlightened
Aug 13, 2010
the local cops were doing a roadside check and I had my box of lights with me after a visit with a friend , so when they asked me if i was drinking I asked what light they had...

after they saw my intentions were not to get out od a dui they has me pull aside and we talked about lights.

the guys all pulled out what they had (insert gay joke here..) and almost all of them had a light that could be held in ones hand, no maglights with 6 d's or even 2, some had no names but looked very well built , smith and wesson was one of them and they all were impressed with my 5 led dx module in my mag host but all said too big.

the one guy had a 3aaa loaded light and I saw a maglight xl100 !!

they all said they have tried cheaper lights but order $100 light sfrom a place called gulls??

seems that it is some sort of cop shop??

in the end I went home with a good feeling that i had the cops on my side if I get pulled over .
The site you are thinking of is "Galls" and they have an extensive catalog. They pretty much sell *everything* that cops might want or use.
we talked about this site and they did say they would check it out.

talk about a bunch of guys that are all about a light that Just works and in no way value.

I guess when you have a situation that requires light and your "deal" cuts out you rethink what you buy for a light..
Most of us in Law Enforcement are gear freaks. That's partly why I am on this forum. Trying to learn more about the lights.
Quartermaster is another one. Every ambulance svc I've ever worked at has a Galls floating around somewhere.

Most LEO's around my neck of the woods have either the Magcharger or a Stinger.
Most of us in Law Enforcement are gear freaks. That's partly why I am on this forum. Trying to learn more about the lights.

Yep, can't have a enough cop stuff to write off my taxes at the end of the year! As a matter of fact, i was just given a metal key holder/clip for my duty rig. Always just snapped my keys in my keepers. Now i've got this key clip and i think it's great. Never thought much about it really, now wouldn't go without it. Umm...also just purchased a vltor collapsible for my AK and and magup stock for my AR. Just gotta keep buying cop stuff, lol.

I usually carry 3 to 5 flashlights at work. Just cause i want too. Always have the sl20x in the unit charger, but never use it. Too big. Never had a mag-lite when i started. Always had streamlights; they were the new kid on the block when i started in 94.
lol....I had a similar encounter- patrol officer walked by and I asked him what type of LED was in his modded Maglite on his duty belt- it was daytime- I could just tell by looking at a OP reflector that it wasn't stock incan. He looked at me and said "how did you know" - he peoceded to pull out his Milky Mod Surefire- unscrewed the head when I
added "nice- an AW IMR" ....then he admited that he was a CPF junkie too.:wave:
Most of us in Law Enforcement are gear freaks. That's partly why I am on this forum. Trying to learn more about the lights.


I've been bad though.


The batteries in my 3D Maglite swelled and burst. I just finished mortal combat getting them out. Currently inoperable.

The larger 3 cell Inova is strobing, which means it needs batteries.

The incandescent Stinger has never impressed me, it's like the beam is coming through a bottle of aged tequila.

I've been getting by with the baby Inova for too long. Working only day shift, it's the only one I carry (aside from weapon lights).

I've gotten flashlight complacent. Only recently did I realize that the work supplied batteries are not only weak, but ruin anything they touch.

The days are getting short now. So I'm going to the local electronics store today to pick up a new Maglite, repair the old Maglite, and get new batteries for everything.
lol....I had a similar encounter- patrol officer walked by and I asked him what type of LED was in his modded Maglite on his duty belt- it was daytime- I could just tell by looking at a OP reflector that it wasn't stock incan. He looked at me and said "how did you know" - he peoceded to pull out his Milky Mod Surefire- unscrewed the head when I
added "nice- an AW IMR" ....then he admited that he was a CPF junkie too.:wave:

That is a pretty awesome encounter!

The incandescent Stinger has never impressed me, it's like the beam is coming through a bottle of aged tequila.


My second recommendation in five minutes:

I've been pleased with the Terralux STE-LE LED conversion for the Stinger. Brightness is good but the beam is just OK.
No gay references, please.

As requested: Link removed. CPF is a family forum, guys.

On a related note, I gave my dad (long-time volunteer firefighter) an Inova T2. He often gets compliments from LEO's.
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lol....I had a similar encounter- patrol officer walked by and I asked him what type of LED was in his modded Maglite on his duty belt- it was daytime- I could just tell by looking at a OP reflector that it wasn't stock incan. He looked at me and said "how did you know" - he peoceded to pull out his Milky Mod Surefire- unscrewed the head when I
added "nice- an AW IMR" ....then he admited that he was a CPF junkie too.:wave:

You get a username? What a coincidence, LOL.
I was talking to a cop about problems surrounding my house and the multiple calls they've had in the past half year when he said "Hey, I've got a Quark MiNi too. Nice light!"

After that we went back to talking about the house and getting all the present tenants out of there, but it was the first time I had someone recognize one of my lights.

Not so much related to this thread, but about a month ago a guy is showing me his flashlight and upon seeing my Ti Clicky, mentions that obviously I'm not serious about my lights.
Galls(.com). Major duty gear supplier.

emphasis on "Major"

They specialize in gear for EMT's, Cops, Firefighters

Bought plenty of gear from them mostly medical related, trama bags, dressing, bandages, stethoscopes, flashlights and some security items over a 7-8 year period
I was talking to a cop about problems surrounding my house and the multiple calls they've had in the past half year when he said "Hey, I've got a Quark MiNi too. Nice light!"

After that we went back to talking about the house and getting all the present tenants out of there, but it was the first time I had someone recognize one of my lights.

Not so much related to this thread, but about a month ago a guy is showing me his flashlight and upon seeing my Ti Clicky, mentions that obviously I'm not serious about my lights.

Lol, I imagine the MiNi is getting some increased sales after getting to home depot. Maybe this guy is the result of that?

As for the other guy, WTF? Was he being sarcastic? :ohgeez:

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