4sevens Preon Clicky Problem


Newly Enlightened
Feb 2, 2010
Hi everyone,

I just received my new 4sevens Preon 2 this afternoon. I also purchased the smaller body (1aaa) and a flat cap in order to convert it to a Preon 1.

Here's the issue. When I convert it to the single aaa (Preon 1 style) version with the clicky, the button's operation is intermittent. If I tighten the clicky end all the way down so it is properly tightened, the button will not function and it won't turn on. In order for it to work I have to loosen the clicky about 2 turns.

Isn't the clicky supposed to work on the Preon 1 without an issue?

By the way, I'm brand new to the forum and have learned a lot already about flashlights. I always thought my standard Mag-Lite was great. Little did I know that these little LED lights were far superior.

Thanks in advance for your help. On Monday I plan to call 4sevens and possibly get a replacement clicky end. Just thought I'd see if anyone else has this issue in the meantime.

I think I've read all the preon threads, and I don't recall seeing anyone else with that problem, but there's a ton of content here so who really knows :)

just a few questions that might help with the diagnosis..

can you describe the not functioning part more? does it feel the same, still move and click, but no light? or is it too tight to click at all or something like that?

also, do you have the keyring or clip attachment in there?

Does the flat end work perfectly on the preon1 and the clicky on the preon2?

when you look into the two bodies, do they look the same? about, oh, 1/8" of smooth anodized black then non-anodized (silver) threads start up?
Hi guys,

It seems that the clicky switch is the problem. It works perfectly when I have it attached to the longer 2xAAA body. It just seems like when it is tightened up on the smaller 1xAAA body it doesn't work properly.

I am using the keyring as a spacer on the 1xAAA body but it didn't make a difference. I am using the batteries that came with the light, and I did take the plastic off of them.

The flat end that I ordered works great on either one of the two bodies. As for the feel of the clicky, it does seem to be a bit harder to push when on the 1xAAA body, but not significantly. Both of the bodies look the same diameter.

By the way, love the light. I bought it after my brother showed me his last weekend. Totally impressed by it and it is highly recommended, despite the little issue I am experiencing. I had no idea that flashlights could be so small and bright. Thanks for the feedback!
I'm using the lanyard loop. I still have to loosen at least one full turn to make it work correctly.
Try it with both the lanyard loop and the pocket clip together, and don't forget to put the rubber ring in the right slot or the threads will eat it. Ask me how I know. :mecry:
Hi all,

I talked with 4Sevens customer service today and got the issue resolved. Hats off to the CS rep that helped me (I can't remember his name). They went above and beyond to help me out. Great service. The clicky is defective and is being replaced.

Thanks all for your comments and suggestions. I appreciate it!

my preon2 had that problem. i took the switch out and bent the housing contacts out a bit, and that fixed the problem.