4Sevens Quark MiNi CR2 Ti Review (vs. Aeon) w/ Beamshots


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 22, 2007
Much to my excitement today when I got home from work I found my new Ti MiNi had arrived. It came in very nice packaging with an instruction booklet. Included was a nice lanyard, two CR2 4Sevens branded batteries, and a small bottle of red Deoxit lube.



The finish is pretty much flawless, and the knurling is incredible. It feels as good as it looks. It is so highly polished it almost looks like chrome rather than Titanium. I'm actually wondering how this like would look after a good bead blasting..



The threads looked very clean and nicely cut, but were a little stiff and gritty feeling out of the box. They appear to be just very lightly lubed (maybe with deoxit?) from the factory. I wasn't worried because I have Krytox on the way to get them moving smoothly. However, I was very happy to find that after using the light a little to do this review, and fully taking it apart/putting it back together a few times, the threads became very smooth. I didn't have to clean or lube them for this to happen. Just using the light seemed to work in the light weight lube that was on it from the factory and work out the stiffness. I'll still use Krytox when I get it to keep these threads buttery smooth for the long term.


I tried to get a good shot of the knurling - just perfect...it is nice and deep, and grippy enough without being sharp or uncomfortable.


I was very curious how this light compared in size, low/high output, and beam pattern to my beloved Aeon, which is running a CREE R2. So, I took a few pics and beamshots. Beamshots were taken in manual mode with WB set to Daylight, 1 sec exposure, ISO 100.





This pic helps to show how similar the two lights are in diameter. Maybe only 0.5mm difference?

Aeon - Low

MiNi CR2 - Low

Aeon - High

Mini CR2 - High

Aeon Low vs. MiNi Low (Ani-Gif)

Aeon High vs. MiNi High (Ani-Gif)

Aeon Left / MiNi CR2 - Right

Aeon Left / MiNi CR2 - Right (Further Underexposed)

Aeon Left / MiNi CR2 - Right (Furthest Underexposed)

You can see from the shots that although the Aeon holds its own in the hotspot/throw department, the MiNi is putting out a lot more light. For one, the hotspot on the MiNi is as intense as the Aeon. This really surprised me, especially since the Aeon uses an XR-E as opposed to the XP-G. However, the MiNi produces a much larger spill area than the Aeon and the hotspot is also larger. You can also see that the beam pattern on the MiNi is much smoother without all the rings, as is expected from an XP-G.

In regards to heat - the MiNi gets hot pretty quickly on high. After about 3 minutes the MiNi is very warm to the touch, whereas the Aeon is only slightly warm. This is most likely due to the large brass head of the Aeon.

Early conclusions: The 4Sevens CR2 MiNi is a beautifully designed and highly functional CR2 EDC light, with about as small a form factor as can be had in a light with this power source. A beautiful beam pattern, a low-low, and a surprising max output (for a tiny light) make this a very versatile light. For those like me that want the pocket rocket output of the CR123 MiNi, but need something smaller to be comfortable to carry in the pocket everyday, this light is it.

For those of you considering this light, I hope you find this quick review helpful.

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Re: Quark MiNi CR2 Ti - Mini Review (vs. Aeon) w/ beamshots

Love the MiNi CR2 Ti, don't own it, but I think I'm going to buy it...
Re: Quark MiNi CR2 Ti - Mini Review (vs. Aeon) w/ beamshots


So do you think the Mini is going to knock out your Aeon as your EDC? Or is it still too early to tell? Also, is build quality comparable? Sounds like it probably is...

Thanks for your review! :twothumbs
Re: Quark MiNi CR2 Ti - Mini Review (vs. Aeon) w/ beamshots

Great review and shots. I'm just waiting for mine to arrive. I'm about 200 miles from the warehouse so I get them fast. I ordered 10 cr2 from the battery station so I shouldn't want for batteries,considering my P1D takes about 5 months to kill a 123. I am curious to see just how bad the threads are from reports, might have to use some metal polish as a lube to smooth the threads if they are "gritty" This will be my 1st titanium light so it will be a learning experience.
Re: Quark MiNi CR2 Ti - Mini Review (vs. Aeon) w/ beamshots

Great review! Thanks for your observations and beam shots. Very helpful!
Re: Quark MiNi CR2 Ti - Mini Review (vs. Aeon) w/ beamshots

This is a good review.

Even tho he didn't request it ......

Could it please be moved to the reviews ?

Thanks ..... TMG
Re: Quark MiNi CR2 Ti - Mini Review (vs. Aeon) w/ beamshots

The spill of the MiNi CR2 appears to be more even and bigger. The Aeon still appears to have a halo effect, ie there is a darker circle between the hotspot and the corona.
The hotspot on the Aeon appears to be stronger, the pot plant appears to light up brighter using the Aeon
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Re: Quark MiNi CR2 Ti - Mini Review (vs. Aeon) w/ beamshots

Great review, mine should arrive today or tomorrow :D
Re: Quark MiNi CR2 Ti - Mini Review (vs. Aeon) w/ beamshots

Very Nice!!! Thanks for the GIF comparisons! I always find those most helpful.
Re: Quark MiNi CR2 Ti - Mini Review (vs. Aeon) w/ beamshots

Thanks for the nice comments. :)

I updated the OP with some additional pics of packaging, etc. as well as close-ups of the knurling and threads. I also updated my observations on the threads, because after using the light for a little bit for this review - taking it apart a couple of times, switching modes, etc., the threads became very smooth. I didn't clean or lube them or anything, but I guess I just worked in the lube that came with the light. In any case, I'm very happy to report that the twist action is very nice now once I got it worked in. Of course I'll still be using the Krytox I have coming to keep it nice.


So do you think the Mini is going to knock out your Aeon as your EDC? Or is it still too early to tell? Also, is build quality comparable? Sounds like it probably is...

Thanks for your review! :twothumbs

It is probably too early to tell if it will fully replace my Aeon as my long-term EDC. I'm very hooked on the Aeon for it's extremely simple UI - slight twist the head and it's on in the mode I need 99% of the time... can't get easier than that. The MiNi UI is nice too, but I'll use the medium mode 99% of the time, and it takes a couple of twists to get to it (am I lazy?....) However, the MiNi is much more versatile with it's low-low for those that will use it frequently in the dead of night.

Yes - I would say that the build quality (as I far as I can tell from having the light 1 day) is comparable to the Aeon. Very nicely finished, no machining marks or sharp edges, etc. Threads are very nicely done too, but don't seem quite as robust as the Aeon threads. But to be fair, it's hard to beat brass on aluminum threads..

I am curious to see just how bad the threads are from reports, might have to use some metal polish as a lube to smooth the threads if they are "gritty" This will be my 1st titanium light so it will be a learning experience.

As I mentioned above - good news on the threads, they are nice and smooth once you start using the light. I still recommend using Krytox for the ongoing maintenance of this light since it's Ti..
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Re: Updated: 4Sevens Quark MiNi CR2 Ti Review (vs. Aeon) w/ Beamshots

Why havent i heard anything about a warm tint run? Does anyone know if there will ever be a run of ww's?
Re: Updated: 4Sevens Quark MiNi CR2 Ti Review (vs. Aeon) w/ Beamshots

Great review. Notified yesterday that mine is on the way. Can't wait.
Re: Quark MiNi CR2 Ti - Mini Review (vs. Aeon) w/ beamshots

The spill of the MiNi CR2 appears to be more even and bigger. The Aeon still appears to have a halo effect, ie there is a darker circle between the hotspot and the corona.
The hotspot on the Aeon appears to be stronger, the pot plant appears to light up brighter using the Aeon

Yep - the MiNi has a much larger spill than the Aeon. At first, I also thought the Aeon had a more intense hotspot, but I think that it is only a perception due to the distinct transition from the hotspot - to dark ring - to spill, as well as the smaller hotspot. In the plant pic, the strongest part of the Aeon's hotspot is aimed lower than the hotest part of the MiNi's hotspot, which makes the Aeon's look more intense. I think that the extreme under-exposed white-wall (off-white actually) side-by-side beamshot shows that the intensity of both hotspots are virtually identical, even though the MiNi's is much larger.
Re: Quark MiNi CR2 Ti - Mini Review (vs. Aeon) w/ beamshots

Nice laymans review and the beamshots are great! Something else I've been wondering about is that it appears in pics I've seen so far that the knurling appears to have a different treatment than they got in the AA/CR123 MiNi's. Looks like they're likely smoother and more nicely finished.
Re: Updated: 4Sevens Quark MiNi CR2 Ti Review (vs. Aeon) w/ Beamshots

Thanks Rich for the review. Your review really puts the mini at the top of its game!
Re: Quark MiNi CR2 Ti - Mini Review (vs. Aeon) w/ beamshots

Great review!

Yes - I would say that the build quality (as I far as I can tell from having the light 1 day) is comparable to the Aeon. Very nicely finished, no machining marks or sharp edges, etc. Threads are very nicely done too, but don't seem quite as robust as the Aeon threads. But to be fair, it's hard to beat brass on aluminum threads..

The output and beam are very nice, but the threads on mine are VERY girtty. Even after several rounds of cleaning and deoxit they are still a little gritty.

There is some "slop" in the threads too. Compared to my Ti Aeon, the beam is brighter and nicer and I appreciate that it is lighter, but I would have to disagree with you on the build quality. Comparing my two lights, the CR2 mini is not in the same league, especially with regard to the threading.

Also style-wise the Mini CR2 looks a lot like my Fenix Ti PD10 R5, although it's clearly not identical (reflector is shallower, knurling slightly different, different UI of course). The threading on the Ti PD10 is also much smoother with no grittiness.
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