4x 1300mAh CR123/CR123A/ Rechargeable

It's imposible

If there came a day where it was posbible for such capacities, do you think you could buy 4 for 10 bucks shipped?
SPiderfire ?


So these are bogus as well ?
16340 is the size. 16mm diameter, 34mm tall, 0= cylindrical
This is the size of normal non rechargable primary cells but rechargables use the same designation even though many brands make them slightly larger to squeeze in more capacity. In general, you can totally ignore the capacity printed on the lable of any rechargable 16340 cell. The 3.6 volt versions never have more than 650mAh and the 3.0-3.2 volt versions have even less.
16340 is the size. 16mm diameter, 34mm tall, 0= cylindrical
This is the size of normal non rechargable primary cells but rechargables use the same designation even though many brands make them slightly larger to squeeze in more capacity. In general, you can totally ignore the capacity printed on the lable of any rechargable 16340 cell. The 3.6 volt versions never have more than 650mAh and the 3.0-3.2 volt versions have even less.

Wow , I see quotes up to 1550mah for the 3V CR123A [ Non rechargeable ]

I have enough rechargeable's for now :tinfoil:
You can generally trust the capacity claims of non rechargables. They have much more capacity and range from 1400-1550

Got 2 of these in Bangkok now almost 2 years ago (the SONY's), have been recharged and abused thoroughly over this time!
And one of them failed now in Christmas, so have only one left (which is still working fine!).
They are clearly not SONY.
But they have shown to work and have better capacity than the Ultrafire cell's pictured next to it!
So who knows?
I am ordering a couple of these cells to try, if the seller will ship to Norway!

These are definitively not 1300 mAh capacity cells!
I have compared them with standard 16340 cells purchased from DX, and they do not perform better than these.
The charger you can buy from the same seller is also completely useless.
So stay away from these, and the seller too!
If you can use 18 mm diameter cells, like 18650 cells, KaiDomain have cells that outperforms the 16340 cells capacity considerably:


2 of these in a 18650 tube, and you have a long running 7.2 Volts performance with many bulbs available!

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