I'm thinking of running 5x Cree off of 4x Li-Ion, and would like recommendations for the battery arrangement.
Each LED will have it's own buck circuit with an Vin range of 3.7-9V. Because I have an odd number and want to be able to turn them off and on individually, I'm pretty sure I'll have to run them in parallel.
However, the battery arrangement could be 2S2P or 4P. I was thinking the higher voltage would be better because the stock switch probably can't handle 4+ amps at 3.7V. On the other hand, it would be nice to be able to run an odd number of cells if needed. Would the regulators be significantly more efficient at 3.7V than 7.4?
Any input would be appreciated, thanks.
Each LED will have it's own buck circuit with an Vin range of 3.7-9V. Because I have an odd number and want to be able to turn them off and on individually, I'm pretty sure I'll have to run them in parallel.
However, the battery arrangement could be 2S2P or 4P. I was thinking the higher voltage would be better because the stock switch probably can't handle 4+ amps at 3.7V. On the other hand, it would be nice to be able to run an odd number of cells if needed. Would the regulators be significantly more efficient at 3.7V than 7.4?
Any input would be appreciated, thanks.