600 Lumen Tigerlight LED upgrade

Joe Talmadge

Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 30, 2000
Silicon Valley, CA
Did a search but didn't see any discussion on it ... anyone get to handle this yet? http://www.tigerlight.net/CPF.html I'm thinking about it, but it's occurred to me that my TL is my best thrower by far, and seems to be the only light I own that penetrates fog well. Trying to decide if I want to give that up to get a lumens monster, and wondering about the beam characteristics.
I will let you know what I think as soon as mine come in the mail this week.
I thought this light would draw more interest. From what I can tell, this light is not regulated. The claim is that it gets "more than 2 hours of run time," but the asterisk says the claim is based on "reasonably useable light remaining at 2 hours." Who knows what that means. I suppose the "more than 2 hours run time" must include less than reasonalby useable light.
There's new info posted at the original link and a time lapse runtime video.

You will see it maintain very high level intensity for over 95 minutes and maintain a very usable light at two hours or more.

So it stays in regulation for 95 minutes or so.

You may not want to sit through the entire video as the first couple hours on the timer are really key, especially the first 90 minutes, after which we would recommend putting the light back on the charger, except in emergency situations.

No kidding, that pack they tested with is probably toast, running it down to 3 volts or less, but good to know the module still makes light if you need it that bad and doesn't just blink off.
It looks like the Terralux upgrade for the 4 to 6 D Maglight.
If it is, it makes an incredible flashlight. Throw and flood.
I would buy it from Battery Junction though.


Michael Teig saw this posting and sent an email to Terralux asking them about the stock TLE-300 and they responded back with the following:

the heat sink is different and would likely self regulate to a lower output level, but not overheat itself.

So, if you have a TL, you definitely want to get the module with the heatsink designed for the TL, and not one designed for a maglite.

Also, as posted above, the module is fully regulated. The statement after the asterix is maybe misleading that way. Obviously, the fully regulated non-dimming runtime is something under 2 hours, but the "reasonably useable" runtime extends to 2 hours. I don't know how much fully regulated runtime there is, as I myself have not played with one of these modules yet.
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Michael Teig saw this posting and sent an email to Terralux asking them about the stock TLE-300 and they responded back with the following:

So, if you have a TL, you definitely want to get the module with the heatsink designed for the TL, and not one designed for a maglite.

Also, as posted above, the module is regulated. The statement is misleading, though, and I told Michael that he should ammend it to note the fact that the module is fully regulated, and that the statement only means that it will continue to put out useable light even after it falls out of regulation, but apparently he hasn't gotten around to changing it.

I myself have not played with one of these modules yet, nor am I likely to do so unless TL decides to send one my way for free for me to examine/review.

I was sad to realize that I will not be getting mine as soon as I hoped. I can't wait.

600 lumens of rechargeable runtime bulb life goodness

Where did you get the idea it requires 12 volts? It is for 4-6 cells, approx 6-9 volts. It does mention 12 watts, perhaps that is what you read.

Oh, it does say 12 volt, as well as 12 watt. Well, ignore that it can't possibly be correct.

As far as how many rcr123, don't. 2 - 3.6 lion's would have the proper voltage, but current draw is way too high for rcr123. It would even be pushing it for 2x18650 at 12 watts power. C or D lion or 5 or 6 nimh cells would be best.
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I am running a TLE-300M in a Mag 2 D with 2 x 18650 cells. It has been sitting in my carrying case for a few weeks now, and only turned on briefly lately for testing against other lights. I found that when I did have it with me for duty carry, it lasted not quite 2 shifts of 18:00 - 04:00 of intermittent vehicle checks. It is STUNNINGLY bright, and deceptive, given its familar, yet short, look.

Given my experience above, I would recommend this up-grade to anyone's TL.
Just wanted to mention that I edited my post above to reflect the fact that TL did indeed add a sentence indicating that the module is fully regulated and temperature protected. The bit about "reasonably useable light" out to 2 hours just means that after the module falls out of regulation (something under 2 hours, obviously) it continues to provide useable light until the 2 hour mark.
TS, I actually have the Maglight and bought the upgrade for it. It works just fine.
The claim is that it gets "more than 2 hours of run time," but the asterisk says the claim is based on "reasonably useable light remaining at 2 hours." Who knows what that means. I suppose the "more than 2 hours run time" must include less than reasonalby useable light.

Yeah, they are using the new SureFire standard of measuring runtime.:sigh:
is it legal for Canadian to buy this tiger light (pepper spray) ?

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