8AA -> ROP


Aug 18, 2007
I've been playing with 8AA->2D (sandwich shoppe) configurations.

8AA lithiums (14v) blows the ROP low.
7AA lithiums + 1AWdummy (12.5) blows the ROP low.
6AA lithiums + 2AWdummy's (11v) does not blow the ROP low.

But. 6AA lithiums (11v) is not nearly as bright as 8 AA eneloops (9-10v) running the same bulb.

Voltage alone does not brightness make
Eneloops kick ***
8 of them are spectacular at driving Pelican bulbs
6 -> 2D adaptors (and here comes the question) are passe'?
My brightest ROP was 7AA NiMH in a Modamag 8aa-2D holder with a dummy cell driving the ROP high bulb. I haven't blown a bulb yet.
Don't use Primary Lithium AA cells with high current draw bulbs like the ROP, it's been a while but I think the ROP high pulls around 4 or 5 amps. Lithium AA's are like a plus AA Alkaline cell and work the best when held to 1A or less. Yep they will blow a bulb ROP bulb right off but they will not drive it for a useful amount of time either.

Use six good high current NiMH AA's or 2 Li-Ion cells to get the best from the ROP Mod.

Hope this helps :)

The L91 Energizer has a continuous 2A draw rating with a 2 second 3A burst rating, as shown here: http://data.energizer.com/PDFs/l91.pdf

They are great, and outlast alkalines in single AA light applications like my Lumapower LM301, but can't handle the 4.2A drain of the Pelican 3854 HOLA. You might get away with using them on the Pelican 3854 LOLA, at 1.87A.

As stated above, get some good quality NiMH batteries. A lot of people use the 2000mAH Eneloops, as they have very low shelf discharge and will hold their charge for a long time. I like to use the Elite 1700mAH battery.

Alkalines and Lithium primaries have their place, but NOT in high current drain applications.