9 Watt Cree High-Efficiency Light


Dec 6, 2002
Dallas, TX
It may be ugly....., but it is very efficient.

9 Watts on my wattmeter. Three Cree Q2's running @ 700 ma.

95% efficient switching power supply.


Easily outperforms Compact Fl. of twice the wattage in down-throw applications.

Color still in the 6000° K range.

Now back to design on my 7 Cree Q5 AC light.

Larry Cobb
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The switching power supply is one of about 20 I tested for efficiency at at 8.5 watts output power.

It was a 12 watt max design.

Ledite, where are you found this power supply ? Thanks
It is unusually ugly, yet, somehow... it's beautiful too. Any idea how many lumens you get out of those nine watts? Is that radiator big enough? Do you know how hot it runs?

/trudges back to plain old stock CFL's...
The power supply is a Chinese plug-in supply by Leader Electronics.

It tested as the most efficient @ 11 volts and 700ma.

I would estimate lumens @ 500. After 1 watt for PS, overall efficiency of 56 lumen/watt.

Temperature stabilizes at 175° F (80°C).

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Im doing some maths, and something dont match. Each Cree at 700mA consume about 2,5w, three leds sum 7,5w. Up to 9w, rest 1,5w. 1,5/7.5=20% losses at the driver. Far from 95% efficiency.

The temperature cited, its of the heatsink?

Anyway, good work

The 95% efficiency was for the electronic switching power supply only.

The Cree's actually are running over 700 ma. I figured ~ 8 watts for the LED's.

The temperature was measured at the top surface of the LED's.

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