90.5mW OPTICAL POWER what is this???


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 30, 2003
SW Michigan
I went to Target last night just to see if there was ANY dorcy stuff there, yeah right, NOTHING. In the camping isle, however, I saw this that cought my eye. I believe it is an eddie bower light, It has a 1Watt LED and a OPI (optical power index???) is this all smoke and mirrors? or does it really mean something. Sorry about the pics, my watch-camera dosent take the best pics, but it was cheap.


That's the actual power that the light is putting out.

The interesting thing about an output power rating for a visible-light device is that it's a straight-up measure of efficiency.

Usually, output power specifications are seen for radio components or IR components. Lumens are a more useful unit for visible light.
Lumileds rates Royal Blue Luxeons in terms of radiometric (equal to optical?) power - if it's a royal blue LED in there, I could see them using that as a fancy/obscure marketing ploy.
They rate royal/dental blue in radiometric power because expoxy/adhesive curing is the target market for those products, so a lumens figure mean nothing.
Yes, it's meaningful, but unfortunately there's no way to convert radiometric flux measurements (watts) into luminous flux (lumens) without knowing the spectra of the emitter.

If the LED emitted pure green light at 555nm, 90mW radiometric flux would work out to around 62 lumens. Since this is not a monochromatic source, however, this estimate could be wrong by a huge margin.
You can glance at Lumileds' spec sheets for the spectrum put pit by their white products and maybe improve your estimate using that as a guide... Integrate it using the power as a coefficient or something (forgive me - it's been a long time since I took calculus).
attowatt, it is a Casio WQV-1, the first revision that Casio came out with (120x120x4bit). I got it off ebay a while ago for 37.00 . I needed a watch for timing stuff at work. I was going to get a nice watch at walmart for about the same price, but this one displayed the time larger and therefore was easier to see, and it took pictures. It displays 80x80 in greyscale, and can hold 99 pics. I just downloaded with the IR link and posted to image shack. It is a handy tool to have when scouting new stuff, ie quick pics to remember stuff, specs, or prices. And it makes a nead conversation piece. Even tho is it old (by tech standards) not too many people have them.