We were driving down a city street today, around 30mph, when I sudenly saw a deer running across the road. He was about 50 feet in front of me and he easily crossed the road without getting hit. But while I was looking at him as he bounded across the grass, there was a sudden BONK!! Looking in my rear-view mirror, I saw another deer that had tried to leap over our van as he crossed the road. He made it mostly, but one or both of his rear hooves just clipped the top of the luggage rack as he crossed.
He looked a little rattled but he wasn't seriously hurt, as he kept racing across the grass in pursuit of his friend (probably a sibling).
We pulled over and looked over the van, and there was no damage to speak of. So everyone came out of the event ok, except for being a little shaken.
This was the first time this has ever happened to me, and I hope it's the last. And I'm so glad that the animal wasn't seriously injured. I would've been crished if I'd hurt it.
Which leads to a question: how to avoid deer collisions? I've read that those bumper mounted whistles don't work. Can deer see either infrared or UV? Would it be possible to mount a bright, strobing IR lamp to the front of a vehicle to warn them?
He looked a little rattled but he wasn't seriously hurt, as he kept racing across the grass in pursuit of his friend (probably a sibling).
We pulled over and looked over the van, and there was no damage to speak of. So everyone came out of the event ok, except for being a little shaken.
This was the first time this has ever happened to me, and I hope it's the last. And I'm so glad that the animal wasn't seriously injured. I would've been crished if I'd hurt it.
Which leads to a question: how to avoid deer collisions? I've read that those bumper mounted whistles don't work. Can deer see either infrared or UV? Would it be possible to mount a bright, strobing IR lamp to the front of a vehicle to warn them?